01 March 2014 @ 12:26 am
FIC: Late Night  
Title: Late Night
Rating :NC-17
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100 x 6
Challenge: [info]snarry100 #411: Prize / #412: Cheek to Cheek
Warnings: *Off-screen violence, Implied Mpreg*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Severus brings together law enforcement officers from many agencies to form a task force designed to handle high-profile crimes, quietly. The SIU specializes in speedy apprehensions and resolutions. The SIU Series.
A/N: For [info]alisanne with a prompt of 'late night'. ♥

Read Late Night at IJ or at DW.

Current Mood: bouncy
01 March 2014 @ 01:30 pm
Fic: Arse Over Tit  
Title: Arse Over Tit
Author: [info]emynn
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,005
Summary: Severus' relationship with Harry is so close to being perfect -- he's won Harry's heart, practices potions with Al, and has tea parties with Lily. And then there's James...
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: HP and Co. sadly do not belong to me. If they did, I wouldn't need to write this fic.
A/N: Written for MysticParadox at AO3, who asked for a fic where Severus and James have some struggles after Severus and Harry enter a relationship. Not beta read.

Arse Over Tit
Current Mood: rushed
01 March 2014 @ 08:54 pm
SS/HP Prophet for February 23 - March 1  
The latest edition of the SS/HP Prophet has been posted and can be found here:

SS/HP Prophet for February 23 - March 1

If we missed an entry, please comment on the latest newsletter and it will be added to the next edition.