24 September 2012 @ 08:08 am
Snape_Potter Membership Reminder  
With just three weeks to go before the Severus/Harry Big Bang we thought we'd take a moment to remind our readers about what is required for membership (and therefore full access) to [info]snape_potter.

We've had a flurry membership requests recently (Thank you!!) but unfortunately we've had to turn many down because they do not have the required age statement. We also attempt to send PMs to the journal users that are rejected but if one hasn't validated his/her email address the PM will not go through. This has effected quite a few potential members at our DW site especially.

Here is what is required for membership:

•You need to have an Age Statement (stating you're over 18) or the YEAR of your birth displayed in your profile before your application to join the Snape-Potter community can be accepted.

•If you have a YEAR of Birth listed, please check to see that it's viewable by everyone.

Simple as that! If you've only been watching the comm, we encourage you to join today so you will be able to access all the wonderful fic and art we have planned for this fest as well as our Secret Snarry Swap coming in December.
24 September 2012 @ 08:16 am
Update: Fic and Art added to the Snarry Reader for September, 2012  
Update: Fic and art added to the Snarry Reader for September, 2012.

WARNING: Many of the stories and pictures we link to are rated NC-17 for adult content and so are inappropriate for minors. We make every effort to link to entries that include author/artist warnings, but please be aware that each author/artist warns according to their own discretion.

On the Art Master List only we will try our best to warn for common triggers, such as non-con, graphic violence, and, of course, chan. But BE WARNED: Many or most of these links lead directly to images that are NOT WORK OR CHILD SAFE. They might have adult content and they might be chan. Please exercise caution when clicking on any links.

Snarry Reader Update Below the Cut )