24 May 2012 @ 12:51 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: Eliminate the Negative  
Title: Eliminate the Negative
Author: [info]bk7brokemybrain
Rating: Hard R
Word count: 10,200
Warning(s): None
Prompts used in part: #258 - Teenage/adult Harry finds an old Muggle porn magazine/video. Severus is in it; #5 - Professor Potter confiscates an old Muggle porn magazine. Headmaster Snape is in it; #74 - After a Hogwarts staff game of "Never Have I Ever" in which Snape admits to doing nothing mentioned, Professor Potter decides Snape hasn't experienced enough in life.
Summary: Young Professor Potter confiscates an old porn magazine and finds Headmaster Snape in it. When seeing Snape as a vulnerable and sexual person triggers Harry's latent attraction, what will come if it?
A/N: Originally begun for the "Back to Hogwarts Fest" at [info]snape_potter in 2010. Beta'd by [info]asnowyowl. Thank you!

Eliminate the Negative )