26 January 2012 @ 12:56 pm
SNARRY SWAP: ART & FIC: A Bit of Holiday Cheer  
Title: A Bit of Holiday Cheer
Artist/Author: [info]swtalmnd
Gift Recipient: [info]deirdre_aithne
Rating: G for art, PG for fic
Media: Pen & Ink, Copic Markers
Word Count: 1,397
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *AU*
Summary: Snape the barista brings a favourite customer a bit of holiday cheer.
A/N: Thanks to the girls for helping encourage me to get this finished & betaing, you-know-who for making me write the whole ficlet, and the lovely mods for all their help.
Mod Note: Please click on the art to make it bigger.

a bit of holiday cheer thumb

A Bit of Holiday Cheer )
26 January 2012 @ 09:17 pm
Fic: Resonant Dissonance  
Title: Resonant Dissonance
Author: [info]wordsconsumeher
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,048
Warnings: Nothing. Your standard NC-17 stuff
Summary: When a mysterious musical score lands in Severus' postbox, he finds himself lured to a northern Canadian town to perform its evocative solo... and finds more than he bargained for. NC-17 SS/HP AU

A/N: I make no profit from this story and everything from the Harry Potter Universe is property of JK Rowling and a bunch of publishers and production companies.

Thank you to my beautiful, sweet, amazing beta [info]lovetoseverus for once again working her magic, and for loving the story as much as I do (and for forgiving me for not making Sev a pianist or violinist).

Resonant Dissonance )