14 January 2011 @ 11:45 am
Snarry Swap 2011 Public Service Announcement...  

To those of you who cannot see the locked Snarry Swap fic and art entries, it is because you have chosen to 'watch' this community only.

You must JOIN [info]snape_potter to see any locked posts. To join the community you must be 18 or older and have an age statement posted in your user info page. Examples of a clear age statement include ANY of the following: an actual date of birth indicating you are at least 18 years old (1/1/85), a year of birth indicating you are at least 18 years old (1985), a statement of your actual age over 18 (I am 22 years old) or a general statement such as "I am over the age of 18."

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment here or contact a [info]snape_potter mod.
14 January 2011 @ 03:51 pm
Pimping Do_Me_Veela Valentine's Veela Fest and asking help for art prompts  
Hello fellow Snarry fans,

Just wondering if anyone interesting in participating Valentine's Veela Fest at [info]do_me_veela  at LiveJournal?

Right now they are accepting prompts until Jan.15 (Err, which is end tomorrow, sorry I should post it much earlier, but I just remember until now.)

Other info here

Prompts submission

And a rather selfish note: There are some Snarry fic prompts, but not much of art prompts, if you are not able to participate the fest, would you mind to share some art prompts? I don't mind the other pairing, but I really love to have the chance to make some Veela! Snarry fanarts,Thank you! ;)

And a thank you pic for reading this post! )