joanwilder  aka RaeWhit
24 October 2010 @ 12:05 am
Ten years of Snarry  
Slipping this in just under the wire.

Dear Harry and Professor Snape, )
24 October 2010 @ 12:07 am
Two for the Price of One (Snarry fic reposts)  
So I was originally planning to have some art done for their anniversary. *looks at clock* Uh-huh. So I'll repost a couple fics instead. I mean, hey, it's still the 23rd SOMEWHERE West of here, right? :P

First, this fic is probably one of my earliest Snarries, if not my very first one. Surprisingly, it suffers from very few issues, IMO. (Other than being a demonstration of my need to go back and tweak my headers to match current stuff. :P)

Title: Bittersweet
Author: [info]inoru_no_hoshi
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1,544
Warnings: Angst/flangst, AU, probably some OOC.
Summary: Never bothered making one. *facepalm* "The war's over, and necessity has come knocking once again. No one ever mentioned necessity broke hearts, though." Maybe? :P
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholsatic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., et al. No monetary gain is being made from this work of FANfiction.
Notes: Please ignore the original header. Srsly. Also, this was originally intended as the first of a series that I, obviously, have never gotten around to continuing. So, for the sake of argument, please consider it a one-shot. :D


Second, this fic encompassed both my highest point - longest fic EVER - and my lowest point - completely unecessary and much regretted rudeness - in Harry Potter fandom. The anniversary of Snarry has given me the kick I need to finally repost it to my journal, as I have previously been too lazy to bother finding a good separation point. xD

Title: Worth It
Author: [info]inoru_no_hoshi
Beta(s): [info]eeyore9990 and [info]snapessecret
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~17,700 over all.
Warnings: Forced bonding, sadistic!bastard!Snape, crossdressing, BDSM|M/s (slavefic), violence, chan, AU post 5th, briefly referenced Sirius/Remus, mpreg, rape of not-even-canon people
Summary: Sentenced to slavery and taken in hand by Severus Snape, Harry slowly discovers that it's worth it.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, Scholsatic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., et al. No monetary gain is being made from this work of FANfiction.
Notes: Originally giftfic for [info]eriador117 during [info]snarry_swap 2008. I'm still very pleased with it, and still ashamed of the depths I plumbed with my behaviour while writing it/having it beta'd. :( Still owe such a huge amount of thanks and apologies to the two who beta'd this for me.

Part One and Part Two.

Please enjoy!! :D
Current Mood: busy
24 October 2010 @ 06:22 pm
Art In Celebration of 10 Years of Snarry  
Hey all,

I know I totally late to the party but yesterday was a hectic day for me so better late than never? So here is my offering for this special day. This is something I've been holding onto for a long time in the hopes that I'll have time to color it but alas that never happened.

Happy Anniversary! )
Current Mood: busy
24 October 2010 @ 11:03 pm
Happy (belated) Snarry Day!  
So, in typical fashion, I had grand plans of stories to write to celebrate this fantastic occasion...and then Real Life decided that was unacceptable. But I DID manage to get two short pieces out a day's just making the fun last longer, right? *g* Links go to my IJ -- hope you enjoy!

Title: A Perfect Ten
Author: [info]emynn
Beta: [info]fifercat19
Rating: PG-13ish
Word Count: ~3,300
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, and some more fluff. Complete disregard for HP7. Implied sexual activities between two very willing men.
Summary: Nothing about this was expected.
Disclaimer: The magical world of Harry Potter belongs to JKR...that is not me.

Title: I'd Be Sad If You Died
Author: [info]emynn
Beta: [info]fifercat19
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100x3
Warnings: fluff?
Disclaimer: I am not JKR. Therefore, Harry Potter and all his friends and enemies do not belong to me.
Current Mood: bouncy