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May. 26th, 2012


Who: Green Arrow I (Oliver Queen) & Black Widow II (Natasha Romanov)
NPCs: Eddie Fyers, The Royal Flush Gang
When: Backdated, Thursday May 24 2012
Where: Offiice building in South Bronx, New York
What: Green Arrow gets recruited to the Avengers in the midst of trying to stop the Royal Flush Gang from getting their hands on information they're looking to sell.
Rating: Mature. Language, for sure, and probably a lot of controversial stuff. It's GA, and you want him to work for spies.

Ollie counted to 30. He liked to be generous, and give them a bit of a head start. Robin Hood was charitable, after all. )

May. 25th, 2012


Who: Bruce Wayne and Dinah Lance
Where: Gotham Towers Apartments
When: May 25th, 2012
What: Bruce comes to see Dinah about the Avengers
Rating: PG-13 for Language

He was probably the last person who should be recruiting anybody... )

May. 17th, 2012


She Walks, Looks, And Drives Like an Ace Now.

Who: Dinah Lance, Clint Barton
What: In the words of the fabulous Beach Boys, "A lot of guys try to catch her but she leads them on a wild goose chase now."
Where: Streets of Gotham
When: May 17, 10:43 p.m. After this
Rating: PG-13, maybe R for language. I'm looking at you, Clint.

She makes the Indy 500 look like a Roman chariot race now )

May. 15th, 2012


Who: Roy Harper & Black Canary & Batman Cameo!
Where: Gotman City
When: Early Evening - May 15th, 2012
What: Roy is on the verge of a heart attack because omg he's nervous about this conversation hanging out in Gotham, and hoping to catch Dinah before she heads out for the night.
Rating: G

He figured after all this he had to be owed some vacation time. )


Who: Arthur Curry and Agent Coulson
When: May 15th
Where: Amnesty Bay
What: Coulson recruiting Arthur
Rating: PG-13
An Atlantean Out of Water )

May. 13th, 2012


Who: Superman & Director Nick Fury
NPCs: None
When: Sunday, May 2012
Where: New Troy, Metropolis, USA
What: Recruitment
Rating: Safe for Adults

The red and blue blur )

May. 11th, 2012


A Night At the Met

Who: Natasha Romanova, Tony Stark
When: May 7th
Where: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Met Gala
What: Natasha is sent to recruit Tony
Rating: PG-13

I'm gonna make him an offer he won't refuse.... )

May. 9th, 2012


Who: Roy and Ollie
Where: Y.E.S. Stars Recreational Center, New York City
When: May 9th, 2012. Afternoon.
What: Roy (grudgingly) goes to talk to Ollie about The Avengers.
Rating: G - but probably awkward as hell

Belatedly, he hoped Ollie didn't think this was some sort of emergency. It wasn't exactly typical for Roy to show up at the Rec Center in the middle of the day. )

May. 8th, 2012


Who: Bea da Costa, Tora Olafsdotter and Dinah Lance
When: May 8th 2012, night
Where: Somewhere over Gotham.
What: Bea and Tora recruit Dinah for the Avengers Initiative.
Rating: Low

I hate Gotham. )

May. 6th, 2012


Who: Maria and Carol
Where: Ferris Airfield
When: Monday, 5/7
What: Maria recruits Carol for the Avengers...but is mostly touching base with a friend.
Rating: Safe for work. Might be swearing.
Comparatively easier )

May. 2nd, 2012


Who: Maria, Commissioner Gordon, later Batman
Where: GCPD, inside and roof
When: 5/2 (night)
What: Maria needs to commandeer the Batsignal to recruit Batman to the Avengers. This goes great.
Rating: PG-13
Standing on the steps of the GCPD )

Apr. 25th, 2012


Who: Hal Jordan and Nick Fury
NPCs: Bartender
When: April 24th, 2012
Where: New York City, Bar
What: Nick and Hal bond over some liquor and he pitches the idea to Hal about the Avenger's Initiative.
Rating: PG-13

Smoke hung thick in the air )