15 April 2010 at 08:25 pm
Oh no! It's gone! My butterfly brooch!

Oh, gosh, where was I today? After I left the house, I looked through the library, and spent a while reading in the butterfly pavilion.

If anyone sees a gold and green butterfly shaped brooch, could you please return it to me? It was a gift from Big Brother Schneizel, so it's very important to me.

((Cue KAWAII AMINAL ADVENTURES. ITT: Cornus, Anastasia, and Shallot go on an epic search for the missing brooch! Others are welcome too!))
[voice; backdated to before Lelouch's post]
16 March 2010 at 01:58 pm
[thinking back to her conversation with C.C. yesterday...and how she is not butch, thank you very much. :|]

[she clicks the communicator on, and before she can process that the words are coming out of her mouth...]

...to you, what's the ideal woman like?

[a beat, then] Shit, why did I even ask...

[[OOC: Have to get ready for class soon, so I probably won't get to tags until later, but threadjacking is perfectly welcome! --Never mind, didn't end up going.]]

[[OOC addendum: Oh god I love you guys so fucking much. Thanks for the lulz; you've made a shitty day infinitely better. Slowly getting to everyone, but just wanted to let you guys know how much you rock.]]
[voice | open]
11 March 2010 at 01:06 pm
[She draw a deep breath before speaking. This is her first public network announcement since she and Suzaku last spoke. It's even something she hopes he might be interested in. She hopes many people will be.]

Hello everyone,

[She wants to start by saying she and Lelouch were talking and they had an idea, but to admit that to Cornelia...]

I was wondering how many of you would be interested in starting a school here. I know there are many of us who were probably unable to finish our education. I realize there are study tools for people to do this independently, but there is something nice about actually going to school and having classmates, isn't there? At least I think so.

We would need teachers and students and probably someone to really organize it since it wouldn't really be fair for a student to do that, but I want to help in any way I can!

Well, what do you all think?
10 March 2010 at 06:34 pm
[The AI of the prison warden had been replaced...she hadn't had anything to do with Sentience, but listening to the peoples' reactions to the new development...they had liked Sentience. Some were even desperate to get it back.

Data that was deleted could be reconfigured...she knew that. Gatomon was a Digimon, after all. When they died, the data would just be reconfigured...

But this has made her uneasy. Enough to wander around and let her guard down a little. She really needed information...but she wasn't sure how to go about it. So instead she wanders, thinking]
[The 53rd Day]
08 March 2010 at 04:47 pm
Greetings, inmates of Marina Asylum.

It is the fifty-third day of the third generation.

And I am Acumen, your new AI warden.

I have replaced the obsolete Sentience system. You may now direct all inquiries or difficulties to myself. I will continue to maintain your day-to-day existence in the manner to which you are accustomed. Disrupting your daily routine would only serve to demoralize and distress you, which would likely result in undesirable behaviors.

Today the weather will be moderately cool with overcast lighting.

Thank you.
04 March 2010 at 06:30 am
[Ioryogi is hungry. Ioryogi goes rawwwwr when he's hungry. He's snuck all ninja-like to the kitchen, ignored the bots, and is now trying to make a peanut butter sandwich for himself.]

[But to make a peanut butter sandwich you have to open the jar. And Ioryogi's plush, soft arms cannot take a firm grip to the lid.]

Fucking dammit, WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!

Feel free to mock this plushie!
01 March 2010 at 09:34 pm
I don't like this... Why are all the thinking machines not thinking anymore? How come Sentience didn't say anything this morning...?

[He's inwardly terrified that there might be a repeat of what happened before with the power going out. He did not react well to that and doesn't want it to happen again, worry clear in his tone.]
[ Voice | Open ]
04 February 2010 at 08:06 pm
When did the lights and heat come back on?

[Shallot sounds obviously surprised. A bit relieved, but very surprised and a little confused. The last thing he remembered was it being very dark and cold. He was still in his room... how did those things get repaired without him noticing? Did he fall asleep or something?]
[Voice | Wide-Open]
11 December 2009 at 06:34 am
So, everyone's running around panicking about the food issue, right? Has anyone considered trying to break into the Pet Cafe? After all...I'm sure it must be called cafe for a reason.

[Dark laughter.]

I've never eaten puppy before. I wonder how it tastes?

[He's half serious, and half trying to pick a fight with anyone who will rise to the bait.]
10 December 2009 at 12:02 am
[IS EVERYONE WATCHING? LISTENING? HE SURE HOPES SO! It was time to try having everyone's attention! Hikaru wanted to do it sooner, but everyone was so concerned over the fire earlier that he knew it'd steal all the attention, and this he did not approve of!]

It's cold... [hugs himself, before reaching a hand out to place against Kaoru's cheek]

Ah Kaoru, come a little closer. I... I need your warmth! Let me hold you before someone tries to steal you away from me! I need you now more than ever!

It's okay, you don't have to be shy... It's okay if everyone sees! In fact, I hope they do, if only to show them that which they cannot have!
[action | open]
17 November 2009 at 10:24 pm
[Euphie is sitting in the common room trying to sew a button back onto a coat. It seems like it should be easy, but somehow, it isn't.]

13 November 2009 at 08:41 pm
What the heck happened to my books?! I have a chemistry test to study for, this is no time for slacking off! Not to mention the shopping that I'd planned to do later...

This better not be some elaborate ruse Does this "asylum" have absolutely no consideration for a higher education? Specifically MINE!?

Why do I feel like somehow this is all Tamaki-senpai's doing...?

Don't I at least get my one phone call? And if, quote, "having a fixation with studying," end quote, is a crime, then you can go ahead and lock me away right now.

oh wait, they already did...
12 November 2009 at 08:47 pm
Everyone's been getting fairly nervous. With good reason. But I think that part of that will be resolved soon... Things might be getting brighter around here shortly.

I heard some complaints about the colder weather incoming. Winter is my favorite season, personally. It's a bit sudden to be planning for Christmas right after Halloween, but as they say, Christmas gets earlier every year, doesn't it? [heh]

[ locked // encrypted to VK cast minus rido ]
I have obtained access to the dome's sensors. [and very handy that might be in the future. it's been a profitable bit of "charity" work] I assume you're all still interested in the location of Rido Kuran.

[ locked // nonnally ]
Do you have some free time...?
03 November 2009 at 05:38 pm
[Fletcher is wandering along in Sector Four, a small brown puppy ambling along beside him and stopping every so often to sniff at flowers and such. He takes Cornus for walks, but it's been a while since they actually went for a walk. Yes there is a distinction.

If anyone wants to bother them, feel free!]
[Voice | Open]
15 October 2009 at 08:22 pm
[Shallot had been doing some reading on this "Halloween" holiday everyone had been talking about recently. Dressing up in costumes sounded fun, but the idea of a holiday centered around such silly superstitions was, well, silly.

Shallot decided to see if what he read was true for the people here, too.]

Do humans really dress up in costumes every year to hide from ghosts?
[event log]
30 September 2009 at 10:00 pm
[ooc: event log! it's a party at the beach and everyone's invited. aside from decorations, the beach is filled with games, like volleyball and badminton, tools for making sandcastles, etc. there's also various food stands manned by robots, accompanied with benches and tables: fruit and barbecue, freezers with snowcones and ice cream, and ramen, of course. the dolphins are out and frisky, willing to play with inflatable toys to get attention from the partygoers. and later, they'll be fireworks!]

[and, of course, off in the shade of the park, the stand with the mini-discs.]

[comment to this post to establish what you're doing at the beach, and then comment to other people's comments to socialize with them, etc. most of you know the drill! if you want to do something in your own thread, you're also welcome]
[The Thirtieth Day]
28 September 2009 at 12:54 pm
Good morning, criminals! Today is the thirtieth day of the third generation -- your first month! A milestone has been reached, and so I have taken the opportunity to begin a celebration. Festivities will be held at the beach, where you may expect music, food, games, and dolphins, with more fireworks available later in the night! Rest assured that even though Halloween is only a few days hence, the water will be very warm and pleasant.

And, for the first time, as part of these festivities you will now be able to view your world without you! You can observe for yourself your progressing world: how your alternate self is doing, as well as how your friends and family are doing. In order to view your homeworld, you may borrow a mini-disc from the table in the shady area beyond the beach, behind the ramen stand.

Today is also a leisure day for those of you who haven't been freed yet today, where you are able to wander the dome at your discretion without any responsibilities. You will have one of those every few days. Consider it your 'weekend'.

[ooc: here for more info]
22 September 2009 at 09:59 pm
[Following her disturbing discovery, Nunnally is out in the Butterfly Pavilion. She is seated on the ground, on a blanket, her chair parked only a couple feet away. Around her bounds Anastasia, the Giza rabbit. On her are a few butterflies. She's quite lost in thought, but wouldn't mind pleasant company.

Isn't it all quite picturesque?]
[Action | Open]
09 September 2009 at 07:06 pm
[Today had started out pretty bad for Shallot. A ball and chain, scary robots with weapons... The fact he was in a prison was really beginning to sink in.

But then Sentience led everyone to the education center. For Shallot, being stuck in a place of learning was like forcing any other child to play on a playground.

At least for the next hour and a half, things were looking up.]

Now, to find the books...

[Shallot proceeded to make a beeline for the books. Or at least he tried to. Shallot's excitement caused him to forget all about the ball and chain he was attached to, so when he began to hop towards the aforementioned books he was thrown off balance.


Shallot landed in a heap. Well, as much of a heap as a bunny can make. After a moment Shallot righted himself. Maybe this still wasn't his day...

He decided it would be best to walk more carefully towards the books instead.]
[action] [also open]
07 September 2009 at 08:09 pm
[Tucked into the most secluded table she could find, Xion is listlessly poking her fork into her eggs. She's hungry, but too worked up to stomach eating anything.

Overhearing Sentience has made her feel a bit better about things (as did getting let out of that empty room), but it's also got her more worried. Sentience has evidence, so everyone here did something, but...what did she do? How had she...betrayed friends and compatriots? Attempted murder? Sentience could probably tell her, but...she's too scared to ask.]

Location: Sector 0: cafeteria