Jan. 1st, 2009


Writer Search!

Original poster: shazamy

I don't even know if this is allowed to be posted but..

I am looking for someone to write a Fic with. I have all these ideas in my head for an AWESOME story to follow the New Years episode. I have a full outline. I however am not a writer so I was wondering if there were any writers out there that would be turning my outline into a Fic to be posted?

Dec. 15th, 2008


a question?

Original poster: bluechic84

hello, first  time poster, long-time reader. i kind of have a question fo everyone and anyone: does anyone know or can anyone write a fic featuring angry! sex? like here's the scenario: luke and noah or jake and van are having a fight, then it gets so heated they make out then it escalates?

Oct. 9th, 2008


Random happiness =)

Original poster: divainpink15

So, some days when I'm bored [read: should be working on homework...], I pull out The Sims and have some fun. I made Luke and Noah...It was almost bedtime and they were already in their pajamas, and all of a sudden, Luke picks up the phone, calls a cab, and they head off on a Hot Date...I looked away from the computer for just a minute, and the next thing I know, our boys are necking on their picnic blanket!
Something tells me there's a wonderful fanfic prompt somewhere in there... =)

Sep. 17th, 2008


Plot Bunny Search

Original poster: readthisshit

Mods, feel free to delete this post if it's too off-topic.

Ladies and gents,

After a month, I'm finally settled in London and finally have time to write. And yet, my mind is a total blank. Nothing but white noise is coming my way. So: I'm actively searching for fic commissions.

Is there a fic you've been itching to read but nobody's written yet? Does Noah in Rome have you down? Intrigued by next month's casting news? What was the deal with that mushroom hunt cockblock, anyway?

Leave me a comment with any and all plot bunnies you've got, and I'll try my hand at as many as I can.

Thanks in advance for all your help.


Sep. 14th, 2008


A plot bunny is born...and up for adoption

Original poster: fizzerbass

[info]superherofan really needs to stop posting these screen caps.


I'm thinking "Blind Luke memorizing what Love feels like."  Any takers?

Aug. 25th, 2008


Is it just me?

Original poster: fizzerbass

Or is this one hell of a plot-bunny?

(quote by frances_veritas hi-jacked from previous thread regarding upcoming storylines - or lack thereof)

Insiders have said that this is due to scheduling and an upcoming vacation.

Ha! Yeah, right. I bet the boys did go on vacation but that's not the reason why they aren't being featured in September. 

Ah, but what if the boys went on vacation together and something totally embarrassing happened that caused them to not be able to be on the show.  Like matching cold sores, or a broken tail-bone from boinking each other too hard, or...I don't know.  You come up with it.

Aug. 6th, 2008


Bunnies for adoption

Original poster: morgan_d

I've got four plot bunnies hopping madly inside my head and I also have the certainty that I'm not going to write any of them. Some other time, under different circumstances, I might have given at least one of them a try, but... you know... Real Life sucks and not in the good way. So I thought I could display them here, in case some of the very talented writers here might be interested in taking them home.

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop! )

I'm not tagging this as fic request because that's not what this is. If you'd like to adopt any of these bunnies, feel free to modify them as much as you want. But I'm tagging this also as fic search: if any of you know of already written fics with similar plots, I'd love to have a chance to read them. Thank you.

May. 27th, 2008


RPF, anyone?

Original poster: frances_veritas

So I just realized there is not enough RPF in this community. I've seen all the ones posted and I've read them all, and they've all been great, which is why there needs to be more. I checked the rules and they are allowed, right? :D

And with all the recent pictures of Jake and Van at the Soapfest this year, and all the videos featuring Luke and Noah in the Couples Corner at the official As the World Turns site where Jake and Van are practically acting like a married couple (hee!), it's just begging to be written.

Well, I'm begging at least. Haha.

So to all the talented fic writers out there, here be some prompts:

Jake and Van go to a state fair or an amusement park. Cotton candy and corn dogs are involved.


Jake and Van find some alone time on the boat at the Soapfest cruise.

You can make them as dirty or as innocent as you'd like. :-P

Okay. GO!

Mar. 10th, 2008


Fic Request / Challenge

Original poster: ithilien22

With all the talk of the impending Nomeera nuptials, it's got me thinking about what a real Luke/Noah wedding would be like.

So, what do you say? Does this fic already exsist? Or, is someone going to write it? Maybe just the wedding night?

I will settle for any kind of wedding!fic - one of the boys' vows, the wedding announcement, the proposal, anything. I will even settle for tiny comment!fic.

Pretty please? *Offers sexual favors cookies*

Jan. 6th, 2008


storyline/fic idea

Original poster: cowboyangel

I was thinking about Luke and Noah  and the upcoming February sweeps and I had a storyline idea.  I could imagine Colonel Mayer coming back, maybe as part of the Dusty storyline.  What if instead of going after Luke, he kidnaps Noah and Luke believes Noah has left him.  I can imagine Noah going willingly with his dad and leaving a "Dear Luke" letter to protect Luke.  Luke would quickly figure out that Noah wouldn't leave him.  Then he and Holden would team up and go save Noah from the Colonel who is of course trying to force Noah to forget Luke.   I can imagine the Colonel holding Noah in a cabin in the woods and maybe there's a blizzard.

I think this would be a great way to develop Noah's character and show how much he loves Luke and what Luke will do to get him home safe.   Who knows what the writers have planned though.

If any of you wonderful fiction writers want to take this idea and run with it PLEASE do :-)

Dec. 21st, 2007


I may have to write my own story for this, too.

Original poster: meadowlion

This is vaguely spoilery for today's episode. )

Oct. 24th, 2007


Plot Bunny

Original poster: ithilien22

Hey, I am seriously new to this fandom, but I recently caught up with the storyline and I am completely hooked! I've been reading a lot of the fanfiction that's out there, but there's one story I'm dying to read for some reason, and that's Noah meeting Kevin. I don't care in what context. If someone writes this fic or points me in the direction of where it is already written I will be extremely happy! Thanks in advance. :)

PS. Didn't see where this wasn't allowed, but if it's not feel free to delete.

May 2009




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