Sep. 14th, 2008


Drowning Chapter 4

Original poster: rebop13

Characters:Noah, Ameera Original characters
Rating: Dark themes, self harm.
Notes: Noah tries to cope, but is unexpectedly hit hard. Goes to make a long delayed visit, and starts something he really shouldn't.

(" Hi. Long time no see.")

Sep. 13th, 2008


Drowning, Chapter Three

Original poster: rebop13

Title: Drowning
Author: Rebop13
Characters: Noah, Ameera, Original Characters
Rating: Strong Language
Notes: Noah works on a finals project, and makes a new friend in an unexpected way.

(When I got to Griffith hall that morning, the only other soul in the editing room was Frodo.)

Sep. 9th, 2008


Drowning, Chapter Two

Original poster: rebop13

Title: Drowning Chapter 2 
Author: Rebop13
Characters: Noah, Ameera, Original characters
Notes: After breaking up with Luke, Noah attempts to keep from sinking into despair by throwing himself into school work. This plan has very mixed results. 

(read here)

Sep. 6th, 2008


Drowning, Chapter One

Original poster: rebop13

Title: Drowning-Chapter One 
Author: Rebop13
Characters: Noah, Ameera, Original Characters
Rating: PG13, language, dark themes
Notes: My Noah angst opus...wanted to really explore his character and get into his head. This takes place when Noah is still married and Luke has had ENOUGH. They break up, and it puts Noah on a slow tailspin, as the boy has massive issues that also start to come to the surface. It gets pretty dark, so be warned. I wrote this out of frustration with the show, as Noah is a perfect Soap Opera character with drama galore. 

(Read here)

Sep. 1st, 2008


Horse Sense

Original poster: rebop13

Title: Horse Sense
Author: Rebop13
Characters: Noah, Holden
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not associated with As The World Turns, P&G, Jake Silbermann or Van Hansis
Notes: A little one shot written out of this overwhelming desire to see more Noah/Holden scenes, which sadly, don't happen. Because if anyone needs a positive father figure, it's Noah Mayer.

(read here.)

Aug. 30th, 2008


Fic: Small Town Boy

Original poster: rebop13

 Title: Small Town Boy
Author: Rebop13
Pairing: Luke, Noah
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not associated with As the World Turns, Proctor and Gamble, CBS, Jake Silbermann or Van Hansis.

Notes: Written for the Alternate First Kiss challenge on the Luke and Noah wiki. Luke decides to leave the safety of Oakdale and go to a gay club in the big city. Totally inspired by Jake Silbermann's lack of dancing skills, bless him.

(read here)

May 2009




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