Jan. 14th, 2008


New Year's Eve

Original poster: racchelle

Title: New Year's Eve
Author: [info]racchelle
Rating: R or N-17 (I'm never sure where the line is)
Characters/Pairing: Luke/Noah
Spoilers/Warnings: m/m sexual relations and some swearing. also, dubious humor.
Summary: On New Year's Eve, Luke and Noah went to the grand opening of Metro, the new club in Oakdale. After sharing a dance, they decided to go someplace more "private". Where? Well, we don't know because As the World Turns thinks that no one cares where they went or what they did. The nerve! :)
Written from Noah's point of view.
Challenge: Written for the Luke/Noah New Year Porn-a-thon at [info]luke_noah
Prompt: private party, snow/cold

New Year's Eve

Nov. 20th, 2007


Fic: First Date

Original poster: racchelle

Pairing: Luke/Noah (brief appearances by Holden, Luke's dad and Faith, his sister)
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler/Summary: From Luke's point of view this time. It takes place after last week's episode. Kind of a what could have happened while we're all waiting for Luke and Noah to be on As the World Turns . . .if they got to go on a date
Word count: 2771
Feedback: Always appreciated
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters--they're property of CBS and As the World Turns

First Date

Nov. 2nd, 2007


Fanfic: Untitled

Original poster: racchelle

Author: racchelle
Pairing: Luke/Noah (brief appearances by Lily, Luke's mom and Faith, his sister)
Rating: R
Word count: 2219
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters--they're property of CBS and As the World Turns.
Spoiler/Summary: A oneshot from Noah's point of view. My first fanfic for ATWT. I felt compelled to write this after the 10/31/07 episode. If they were on more often, I probably wouldn't have done it, but I couldn't get this out of my mind, so here it is. (There's some background info at the top of the linked page--just skip down past the author/pairing/etc. info.

What might have happened on 11/1/07 if Luke & Noah had been on.

May 2009




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