Aug. 8th, 2008


Fic: Scenes From a Countdown

Original poster: mightyten

Title: Scenes From a Countdown
Author: [info]mightyten aka marcella
Characters: Luke and Noah, with special guest stars Emma and Brad Snyder.
Rating: NC-17, eventually
Word Count: 17,000+
Spoilers: Through 8/7/08 episode
Disclaimer: Alas, these characters are owned and operated by PGP. I just play with them for fun, not profit.
Warnings: An excessive, obscene amout of romantic sap. I am not kidding, people. 100% canon. Except for the last part, which we all hope will be canon very soon.

Summary: Boy meets boy. Boys fall in love. Boys spend eight months enduring every cockblock imaginable. Then they decide to make a plan. That's where this story begins.

Notes: Praise and eternal gratitude, as always, to the lovely and talented [info]nouveau_monday, without whom none of this would have been possible. She held my hand, endured my bitching and crying and unbreakable obsession with gerunds, and is just an all-around fabulous person. All while writing about six different stories of her own. Thank you, doll.

This story is dedicated to the good folks at .

Here is my (not so) little love letter to everyone out there still keeping the faith. This one's for you, Richard.

Scenes From a Countdown, Part One
Scenes From a Countdown, Part Two

May. 31st, 2008


Fic: The Luckiest Guys on the Lower East Side

Original poster: mightyten

Title: The Luckiest Guys on the Lower East Side
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Author: mightyten
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Up to and including the May 21st episode.
Warnings: Almost entirely angst-free!
Summary: Luke and Noah’s first night in New York City. Alone. They decide to take advantage of the opportunity.
Author’s notes: I really have no idea where this came from. It started as a drabble and then it just grew. Thanks, as always, to nouveau_monday for a super quick and fabulous beta, for controlling my newly discovered addiction to gerunds and for helping me to figure out just what it is exactly about Noah on his knees, fumbling with Luke’s belt buckle, that is panties-meltingly hot. Tough one, I know.

In my tradition of titles stolen from pretentious queer songwriters, this one is brought to you by the Magnetic Fields.

For the record, this story is a one-off (literally) and has nothing to do with Chain You Up Without Shame or Tower of Learning.


Oh, Noah. Right now? All I want is to be alone with you. In a room with a door and a lock. Where no one can find us. Doesn’t that sound good?

May. 25th, 2008


Fic: Tower of Learning, Part 1/?

Original poster: mightyten

Title: Tower of Learning, Part 1/? (a sequel to Chain You Up Without Shame)
Author: [info]mightyten 
Luke/Noah, natch
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:
just shy of 4,000
Spoilers/Warnings: Ameera is long gone.

Summary: Luke and Noah race to the pond, stripping as they run, tripping over shoes, throwing off pants and yanking shirts overhead. Noah is naked by the time they get to the pier and he doesn't even pause before he leaps into the water with abandon, his long, lean body a bright shadow against the late afternoon sun. Luke stands on the pier, tugs his last sock off and watches Noah splash around in the water, looking like the kid he was probably never allowed to be.

Author’s notes: This started out as a little coda to help Luke process what happened in Chain You Up, but it turned into a sprawling, multi-part sequel. I present to you Part 1. She hates it when I gush, so I will lie and say that [info]nouveau_monday had absolutely nothing to do with this story and provided no help whatsoever. She certainly did not take a few paragraphs that I wept over and wrestled with and magically turn them into something beautiful. Gracias, darling.

It is a bright summer day at the Snyder farm and Noah is helping Luke clear dead brush down by the pond, making room for the lush new growth underneath to reach the sun.

May. 15th, 2008


Fanfic: Chain You Up Without Shame

Original poster: mightyten

Title: Chain You Up Without Shame
PWP, with a side of Noah angst
Word Count:
Luke ties Noah up. There is rimming. What could be better?

Noah has had vague fantasies about giving up control, letting someone else—letting Luke—take over his body, but he has never given them voice, never allowed them to move into conscious thought. Noah was too scared to ask for the truth, terrified of what he wanted to do.   But now he needs to plan.

None, really. Set sometime in the near future, post-Ameera.

Author’s note: Twenty-four hours ago,

[info]mightyten and [info]nouveau_monday started exchanging filthy RPS prompts, and somehow this little Luke and Noah story was born. I blame Noah. He just would not shut up.  Many thanks, as always, to the amazing and talented [info]nouveau_monday for a super-fast beta and so very much else.  There really are no words.  Thank you for your brilliance and for using the hayloft to bully me into this. Thanks also to [info]uberaeryn who got me excited about writing when she made Noah blow Luke in the wine cellar. I have proofread this to hell and back but I am tired and really want to post, so please do not hesitate to point out typos. 


Oh, and this is my first fic.  Feedback is love.  Title courtesy of Rufus Wainwright.

Noah cannot get enough of these lazy evenings, Luke lying between his legs, sprawled on the couch, exchanging slow, unhurried kisses like they have all the time in the world.  Because they do now. Finally. 

May 2009




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