Dec. 31st, 2008


Fic: Jealousy, and Other Things That Happened to Noah

Original poster: glitterfey

Title: Jealousy, and Other Things That Happened to Noah
Author: Glitterfey
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Noah
Rating/Word Count: NC17/~1,000
Spoilers/Warnings: You'd need to be up to date on the whole Brian thing, but other than that, not too much. Oh, and sex. Yay!
Summary: Noah gets jealous.
Disclaimer: If I owned Luke and Noah, they'd be naked a lot more.
Notes: Hello! This story is for [info]indigo_5 for [info]thehayloft's 2008 Holiday Gift Exchange. She wanted NC17 jealous Noah confronts Brian. I wrote this story about a week ago and have been on vacation away from internet and television. I went ahead and posted for the exchange this morning, and I kid you not, about 20 minutes later found out virtually the same thing happened on ATWT. Figures this would be the week that they'd move the Luke/Brian/Noah triangle forward! Anyway, I guess that makes this an AU now, so here's my version of the whole ordeal.

Jealousy, and Other Things That Happened to Noah )

Nov. 26th, 2008


Fic: F**K

Original poster: glitterfey

Title: F**K
Author: Glitterfey
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Noah
Rating/Word Count: NC17/~500
Spoilers/Warnings: Bad words, bad words, bad words! Oh, and sex. And anger. And schmoop, but just a little.
Summary: Variations on a word...
Disclaimer: If I owned Luke and Noah, they'd be naked a lot more.
Notes: Hello! Somewhere between baking the sweet potatoes and making the stuffing, the fanfic bug came over me. I wasn't sure how the community felt about curse words on the front page, so I used some strategically placed stars. Rest assured the stars are nowhere to be found after the cut. Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy! )

May 2009




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