Aug. 13th, 2008


Remix Challenge @ The Hayloft, Part 1

Original poster: nouveau_monday

Mods, if it isn't okay to post this, I apologize. If it is okay, thank you so much.

Remix Challenge, Part 1

Hey guys!

[info]thehayloft is going to be hosting a remix challenge over the next couple of weeks! For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a remix is when you take another author's story (with their permission) and rewrite it in your own style, just making sure to keep the same basic plotline and setting. Basically, it's taking the same central idea or theme of a story but writing it in your own unique way.

In order to promote more writing in this community, Ithilien and I have decided that anyone who would like to participate in the challenge will need to write a NEW story that they are willing to have remixed. And so, to facilitate that process, we are asking for prompts!

More info under the cut )

Note: You do NOT have to have posting access to [info]thehayloft to participate in this challenge. You can simply post your story on your personal LJ or on another comm and then PM the mods with a link. As a special incentive to new members, we will consider any story written for this challenge as an "audition" for posting access to the comm.

Jul. 5th, 2008


Original poster: vertigo66

The little message board that could--formerly known as simply ZOMGWTF--now has a new, easier to remember URL:

(The old URL still works, too.)

Hope to see you there! :)

Jun. 6th, 2008


Fandom survives fire, message board back up and running*

Original poster: mightyten


After taking several days to deal with technical issues (which have been resolved) and fandom drama (which is addressed), our new little message board is back and open for business.  Come and play! 

*I'm not kidding.  The invision servers actually caught fire.   The powers of fandom cannot be denied. 

May. 18th, 2008


New Site Announcement -

Original poster: superherofan

Hi everyone, I just setup a new Luke & Noah Fan site at The main part is the gallery section, and unlike my main site, it is a collaborative effort. Nicole, Shirphie, Dalia, and forlove from VanHansis.Net have all agreed to help out by posting pictures (you have to check out Nicole's great pics in the Appearances & Events gallery). But also every registered user can post up to 10MB of their pictures to the gallery with an Admin's approval. If you want to "upgrade" for any non-newbies, let me know, and I will upgrade your profile to a 30MB with no approval (or an Admin if you want to be a regular).

To upload photos, register at the gallery. Then, upload files to any existing albums, or first, create your own album in your own section, such as for icons, artwork, and the like.

I just really want this to be a group thing, so anyone who would post magazine scans, candids from events where you get to see them (you lucky bastards), and icons/wallpaper/artwork would be very much appreciated. I will be posting all my screen captures here.

Please, update your links, if you were linking to my Nuke section in my main site, as I will be getting rid of it and copying only the shirtless and kissing scene caps to a Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann albums, just like the rest of the actors there.

As far as the rules go for posting pics, only on-topic pics will be allowed, no X-rated manips, and no exclusive pictures that shouldn't be posted elsewhere (you know which ones I'm talking about).

Let me know if I'm missing any links on the main page, and I'll add it. I will be posting some downloadable videos sometime soon, once I figure out which format/file sharer I should choose. I may also want to do some funny caption posts (like a Nuke version of LOLCatz) if anyone's interested in helping with that.

Anyone, hope you like, and if you have any questions or comments or offers to help contribute, please let me know.

May 2009




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