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Feb. 5th, 2009


Jake and Van are EPIC. The end.

Original poster: frances_veritas

New interview with Jake and Van.

[info]altrus01 posted this earlier, but I wanted to re-post to make sure everyone sees it and the site gets the hits. :)

All Things 'Nuke'

Minor spoilers for future and upcoming storylines, but so worth the read. Van and Jake are complete love.


Jake, when you found out Van was going to be your love interest on the show, what were your thoughts?
Silbermann: The first time I met Van was at the GLAAD awards a few years ago. I had just gotten the part a week prior, and now I am walking down the red carpet. It was lucky we had these "out of studio" chances to get to know each other, like the GLAAD awards, where I was such a deer in headlights. I was dazed with all the paparazzi. I grabbed onto Van’s coattails!

Van, your thoughts on working with Jake?
Hansis: It’s an honor to have someone I trust fully and completely. In a scene with Jake, I know that anything I do won’t be judged, and I feel a freedom with him. I think Jake made an amazing point. If you are working with someone you don’t like, or do not feel a connection to outside of work, just as friends, it makes it a lot harder. Going to work is then a blast, because I know I am going to be there with one of my best friends having a good time.

♥ ♥ ♥

If you have the time, please leave a comment on the article. Thanks. :)

Dec. 20th, 2008


Jake Silbermann: One of DC's Most Improved of 2008!

Original poster: freakykat



Daytime Confidential's Top 10 Most Improved of '08 )

I'm just so FRIGGIN' happy for him and totally proud! \O/!!!!!

Entire list here.

The whole lot of the list was cool. :)

Thanks to for posting!


Nov. 8th, 2008


Original poster: frances_veritas

I know [info]1miracle already posted the spoilers but Lilly over at gave me permission to link this over here.

If you haven't seen them yet, MORE SPOILERS.

If you have trouble reading the scans, try saving them and opening them in a new window. But, please, don't repost them anywhere else. Thanks. :)

Let the drama, angst, drama, and MORE ANGST begin. :D

Also, how awesome was Jake in that interview? Seems like he knows more about Luke and Noah's relationship than the writers do. :P

Oct. 17th, 2008


New article

Original poster: fitzwilliamlogo

I hope I am allowed to post on here. :)

I found an interview... Will Luke and Noah Ever Go All The Way?
Interview with the head writer on ATWT... cut b/c of possible spoiler )

Aug. 28th, 2008


Original poster: frances_veritas

In which Van reveals how the show is going to explain the boys' absence in the month of September, particularly Noah's.

And some spoilers for upcoming episodes.

Jul. 21st, 2008


Soap Opera Weekly's "Crazy Rumors of the Week" (7/29/08)

Original poster: kingsuperman

Jul. 1st, 2008


A New Article about Pride Day in Oakdale!

Original poster: freakykat

I didn't see anyone post this. I really love this article. Oh, boys!! *draws hearts around them*

And I seriously love Cyndy!

After Elton: Set Visit to ATWT.

Jun. 20th, 2008


Van in Perez Hilton again

Original poster: closetcase_99

Cut for image & brief blurb )
X-posted to [info]nuke_stillness and [info]van_daily

Jun. 12th, 2008


Jake Silbermann: Soap Opera Groundbreaker

Original poster: laminy

I opened up my new PEOPLE Magazine and saw this short article/interview. And I didn't see it already posted. Obviously, if it already has been and I really missed it...

As Noah Mayer on As the World Turns, the 25-year-old actor (who's straight) recently exchanged daytime TV's first gay kiss with costar Van Hansis, boosting ratings and sparking debate.

What's been the reaction? )

Jun. 2nd, 2008


AfterElton Top 100

Original poster: onefortythree

Hey guys, AfterElton has put out the Top 100 for 2008.

And of course Jake and Van are featured! :]

Read more... )

May. 28th, 2008


Cyndi Lauper celebrates Gay Pride. In Oakdale.

Original poster: mightyten

 Yeah.  You heard me. reports that Cyndi Lauper has taped an episode of As the World Turns.  Plus, will have a new interview with Van and Jake coming out soon:

Yes, we're thrilled to be delivering the scoop that the pop legend will be making an appearance on the soap in connection with Luke and Noah. While I'm sworn to secrecy on the details, I can say that Lauper will be performing a few songs at Yo's, the Oakdale dive bar that for this particular occasion has been gussied up for a little celebration known as "Gay Pride." 

May. 8th, 2008


Brief Van Hansis Q & A in this week's SOW

Original poster: closetcase_99

Cut because ZOMG Real Life Post!!! )

x-posted to [info]van_daily and [info]world_turns

Apr. 30th, 2008


Article About Daytime Emmy Nominations

Original poster: dreamer_98

TV Guide Canada online has an article about the Daytime Emmy nominations.  Van was quoted in the article.  Here's the excerpt (put under the cut just in case):


Say what you want about Perez Hilton...

Original poster: that0neguy

but we want him on our side where NUKE is concerned. Here's an update from his site:

The American Family Association (AFA) is 'taking action' AGAINST the committed gay couple, Luke and Noah, on CBS soap As The World Turns.

They don't want anymore of what they call 'repulsive' kissing between the two.

Yeah, well, we want MORE!

We must stand together to show our support for Luke and Noah and SHUT DOWN the AFA's campaign.

According to their site, the AFA "represents and stands for traditional family values" and believes "in holding accountable the companies which sponsor programs attacking traditional family values."

Here's an excerpt of the bigoted 'action alert' the AFA sent to members after Luke and Noah's latest kiss aired on the soap.

Procter & Gamble has resumed using explicit, open-mouth homosexual kissing in their soap opera, "As the World Turns." P&G decided to include this type of content as a commitment to "diversity." P&G stopped showing such scenes some months ago, but has now decided to again help promote the homosexual agenda which includes homosexual marriage.

Gay activists are hopeful that the P&G effort will desensitize viewers to the homosexual lifestyle and help make the unhealthy and immoral lifestyle more acceptable to society, especially to children and youth.

View a scene from the April 23, 2008 episode by P&G. WARNING – content is repulsive!

"As the World Turns" is owned and controlled completely by P&G. No network made this decision. P&G alone made the decision to support the homosexual agenda.

P&G needs to hear from you today. We have provided a sample letter for you to send to Chairman Lafley, but strongly encourage you to add a personal message.

The AFA are a bunch of bigoted hate mongers!

Isn't infidelity totally against family values? Why no campaigns against infidelity in the numerous shows that glorify such 'sin'?

Luke and Noah are a committed couple–people in love kiss. Gay people are normal. We're you're brothers, sisters, mothers, father.

The AFA needs to stop drinking Intolerade!

P&G, who produce the show, have set up a line in response to the AFA's push.

Call P&G to register your support of Luke and Noah: 1-800-331-3774.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

P.S. We can't believe P&G actually set up a freakin' phone number in response to this. But, that's why it's even more important for you to call and show your support!

Apr. 8th, 2008


"Eyes, Lips, Eyes" *DIES*

Original poster: mightyten

Van and Jake did a feature interview with Soap Opera Digest for the magazine's - and I am not kidding - "Man Issue." So it turns out the soap rags actually do have a sense of humor.

The issue will be on newstands April 15th. In the meantime, they have posted some "outtakes" on their website, where the boys argue about movies and comic books and defy anyone to believe they are not completely, totally and madly in love with one another.    

Soap Digest: Did you have a natural rapport or did you have to work on your chemistry?
Hansis: We don't sit down like, "So, Jake, let's work on our chemistry. I'm going to glare longingly into your eyes."
Silbermann: Eyes, lips, eyes.
Hansis: That is a trick, I think. You look eyes, lips, eyes.
Digest: Who taught you that?
Hansis: I made it up [laughs]. But it works! It reads on camera very well. 

Um, yeah.

Thanks to Richard [info]rmn21879 for the link!

Mar. 19th, 2008


ATWT Forbade Actors to Kiss at the GLAAD Awards

Original poster: raincrystal14

"The show began its blatant discrimination near year's end, not letting them kiss during the notorious mistletoe scene. This issue began during the 2007 award eligibility period, remember.

ATWT even forbade the actors to kiss at the GLAAD Awards, by the way! I will write up our report on the details of that later, after I speak today with GLAAD prez Neil G.

Gold Derby will publish a full report later today, adding the input of more sources who I've been speaking to over the past 24 hours."

-- by Tom O'Neill

Edit to Add: from Nelson Branco (of TV Guide Canada): Check out SUDS REPORT on Friday for what really happened on the red carpet! It's suspect!

Source is Here (Scroll down to see the comment/news)

Mar. 14th, 2008


Biggest WTF moment EVER

Original poster: emmileexo

So who wants to come with be to AFA headquarters, yank their conservative heads out of their butts, and hit them with a frying pan?

This is old, but I'm not sure if its been posted here. If it has been, I'm sorry.

Mar. 4th, 2008


OUT Magazine: The ATWT Media Blitz continues. . .

Original poster: mightyten

The NUKE Files: An exclusive peek behind the scenes of the As the World Turns controversy

My favorite part: It's possible the protests of the past week may still spark a positive outcome. A veteran actor on the show tells Out, “Producers are rethinking their decision. To say they are panicking is an understatement.”

Dear producers:  Here's how to fix your problem.  Pick up a pencil.  Take the script in hand.  The part where it says "Luke and Noah almost kiss?"  Scratch out the "almost."    Problem solved.  

What do you want to bet they are actually having committee meetings about this?   I am, however, pleased to hear that they are paying attention. 


Today on NPR: Luke and Noah hit the bigtime

Original poster: mightyten

I know my fellow geeks will want to share my glee over the fact that NPR has joined the Nuke Media Blitz.  How awesome is that?  Roger Newcomb, the guy who runs, was interviewed this morning, and did a great job.  He is on around the 30-minute mark.


More UK press coverage.

Original poster: fatherbananas

Hello, I'm a viewer from the UK.

It's my pleasure to inform you that news of Luke and Noah's "kiss ban" has now reached influential UK Media site DigitalSpy.

The article is very similar to that on the BBC website, but it's already got a few UK viewers questioning the state of American soap, what with the success of gay storylines on British soaps such as Hollyoaks and Coronation Street.

Here's a link to the article.

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May 2009




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