Mar. 4th, 2008


Nuke mention on

Original poster: dreamer_98 mentioned the Nuke controversy in their weekly gay gossip article.  Here's the link:

Love this quote:

"A CBS spokesperson further suggested that if the relationship naturally progresses to something physical, they’d show it.

Um, no offense, but since when have soap characters shown discretion when hopping into bed with someone?"


OUT Magazine: The ATWT Media Blitz continues. . .

Original poster: mightyten

The NUKE Files: An exclusive peek behind the scenes of the As the World Turns controversy

My favorite part: It's possible the protests of the past week may still spark a positive outcome. A veteran actor on the show tells Out, “Producers are rethinking their decision. To say they are panicking is an understatement.”

Dear producers:  Here's how to fix your problem.  Pick up a pencil.  Take the script in hand.  The part where it says "Luke and Noah almost kiss?"  Scratch out the "almost."    Problem solved.  

What do you want to bet they are actually having committee meetings about this?   I am, however, pleased to hear that they are paying attention. 


Today on NPR: Luke and Noah hit the bigtime

Original poster: mightyten

I know my fellow geeks will want to share my glee over the fact that NPR has joined the Nuke Media Blitz.  How awesome is that?  Roger Newcomb, the guy who runs, was interviewed this morning, and did a great job.  He is on around the 30-minute mark.

Mar. 3rd, 2008


More coverage ...

Original poster: phantomsgyrl

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post. While I was taking an afternoon stroll this afternoon on my break from my job. I came across one of our local newspapers and guess who was on the front page.

Front Page  )

Article )


The Daily Buzz

Original poster: erikssiren

So, I'm in vacation in Virginia and my roommate (another Nuke fan) and I were having breakfast around 7:30 and what comes on The Daily Buzz but a segment about Luke and Noah's non-kissing! We were the only two in the dining room and we kind of freaked out. I know someone else posted the poll they mentioned at the end of the segment, but they basically said that the fans are upset because they haven't kissed, showed a clip of their first kiss, and stated the whole V-Day fiasco and I think the bit about having only two kisses. And another anchor said that if people don't like it, they shouldn't watch the show, and I agree.

It was the perfect start to a lovely day and I thought I would share with you all!


Nuke's lack of kissing reaches the UK

Original poster: tigtigbear

Hi, I've never posted before but I thought you guys might like to see this. I'm from the UK and while on the BBC news website I found this:

To anyone who emailed, you've done a great job!!


Online poll: How do you feel about gays kissing on TV?

Original poster: mightyten

You know what to do.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to vote in support of Luke and Noah and the rest of our few gay brethren on TV.  This site is one of very many that have been covering the "no-kiss controversy."

Mar. 2nd, 2008


MSN article

Original poster: dannylover934

I opened up Internet Explorer and there on my homepage was an article about our boys. I cannot believe how much publicity this has gotten. Its insane and so awesome.


AP Newswire story on "Kiss controversy"

Original poster: mightyten

This is huge, guys.  The AP did an excellent piece on the fan campaign to call out Procter and Gamble on their unequal treatment of Luke and Noah, as evidenced by the kissing ban.  It is being picked up all over the place, including Newsday, the Washington Post, Yahoo! News and a bunch of other places.  Kudos to the fans on who organized the media blitz.  It actually worked!  And P&G look more and more foolish with each subsequent article that gets published.  Rock on, fandom.

The Associate Press: Unexpected Protest at a Soap

Mar. 1st, 2008


Boston Globe article on Nuke, 3/1/08

Original poster: closetcase_99

I posted this over at on the message boards and thought I'd post it here as well. It appeared on the front page of the "Living/Arts" section of the Boston Globe today. 
Not the best quality of scans, but its something:

 x-posted to





Feb. 21st, 2008


LA Times:Soap fans claim bias against gay characters

Original poster: mightyten

The media blitz organized by fans on Van's website that [info]qafaddictiontold us about a few days ago has already garnered some pretty interesting results.  It is gratifying that someone outside the tiny world of soaps is paying attention.  Even though PGP and CBS continue with their bullshit answers, at least they are being called out on their obvious bias.    Go fandom!

Edited to add: Apparently this woman is a legit reporter whose columns are frequently syndicated.   Keep your eyes peeled for this showing up in other papers.  Go fandom! 

Feb. 20th, 2008


Luke and Noah Media Blitz!

Original poster: qafaddiction

If you haven't already done so, please join your fellow "Nuke" fans in the week-long media blitz, where we make our voices heard regarding Luke and Noah and the handling of their storyline to date. Are the powers that be keeping their promise to treat this couple the same as the other couples on the show?

All you have to do is compose an email, and then over the next few days, send that text to various media outlets that will be announced each day at the link below. Easy, right?

We want this to be a positive undertaking, and the more who participate, the stronger the impact we can make!

Click on the image below for more info:

Feb. 19th, 2008


Tell me what you think....

Original poster: greenishmaitai

So, I am desperate at this point, so I figured maybe we could get some help from a certain celebrity.  I mean it is worth a shot, right?  What do we/I have to lose?

Please, for the love of kittens, let this cut thingy work

Well, let me know what you think about this.  I am sorry if this is a sloppy post.  It is my first, and I am nervous.  Plus I am really bad at this whole Livejournal thing.

How do I even tag this entry....  *flees in fear of technology*

edit to clarify:  this is a letter that I e-mailed to Perez Hilton at .

May 2009




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