July 31st, 2011

[info]misterpadfoot in [info]changedrpg

Who: Sirius, Regulus
When: Monday, at midnight.
Where: Hogwarts Grounds.
What: Siblings reuniting, sort of?
Rating: T.B.D., likely low.
Open/Closed: Closed

Sirius knew this was daft. )

[info]daphne_says in [info]changedrpg

WHO: Daphne Greengrass & Miles Bletchley.
WHAT: Daphne begrudgingly agrees to help Miles with his nose.
WHERE: Miles' flat in Denbigh Place.
WHEN: After this exchange.
RATING: Uh, Miles has a mouth on him. High for language.

Daphne attempted to hide her sneer of disapproval as she waited to see if her pressing the doorbell would get any sort of response. )

[info]johnsonchases in [info]changedrpg

Thread: Angelina and Roger

WHO: Angelina Johnson and Roger Davies
WHAT: After this, Angelina goes over to Roger's.
WHEN: Tonight!
WHERE: Roger's flat.
RATING: Exact rating TBD but most likely high.

She then grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and took off for Roger's place. )

[info]shop_girl in [info]changedrpg

WHO: Verity Weller & George Weasley
WHAT: talkin', gettin' ready for the party
WHERE: the basement store room of the WWW
WHEN: Sunday evening
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: None really/PG?/Ongoing!

Wiping the back of her hand across her forehead, Verity let out a breath and leaned against a stack of boxes. How had the stockroom managed to get this messy and crowded? She'd thought it would be much easier to get everything cleared out. But the party was less than a week away and she hadn't even cleaned everything out, let alone started setting up. And she still had Zoey's dinner and her normal week to get through! She'd never do it in time.

She pushed off the boxes and crossed the room, starting up the stairs. "George!" she yelled, moving up towards the store. "Help me!"

[info]bloodtraitor_aw in [info]changedrpg

Who: Gawain Robards and Arthur Weasley
When: Monday morning
Where: Cafeteria at the ministry
What: run-in at lunch
Rating: tbd, likely low
Open/Closed: closed
OOC note: ignore the July tag. I can't remove it, but it was set mon 1 Aug

Like any good government office, they were also understaffed )

[info]weasleymother in [info]changedrpg

Howler to Fred and George Weasley )

February 2012



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