World In Her Hands
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I can't remember a time when I've been more bored. I have no boyfriend, my job is actually driving me nuts, and seeing everyone I love be happy except for me makes me long for the time before I came here where I was killing or fucking someone new just about everyday.

Dean and Sam Winchester. Get your asses home for Sunday dinner. Your sister and your mother miss you and need to see your ugly mugs.

Jessica and Anita, Winchesters in all but name, your presence is required also.

I found some old home movies that Sam made with some beat-to-hell VHS recorder, and we're gonna watch them.

I missed Japan so much! Moira and I got her some cute cosplay clothes, and the little guys each got a sushi themed sleeper.

Obviously I have missed spending money. I'm sure my former self weeps at what I've become.

But spending the day with my herd of children, showing them the places I love reminds me why I changed, and that it was definitely worth it.

[Open to everyone except Dean Winchester:]

Why? Seriously, why? This is like, the second him that's not him.

I'm not a fucking happy camper right now.

I need to get out, this whole moping around shit so isn't me.

Edward | Ted Forrester | Death [userpic]

Right then. Would someone explain what just happened? I was in the middle of something important.

Dean's gone again. Well and truly gone. I asked Gigi.

I'm so tired of him not being around. I need to kill something.

It was such a beautiful day today! The sky was filled with interestingly shaped clouds, and it's so cold I can see my breath!

I actually like this weather right now. It's cold but there's no snow! Life is good.

Voice Post

*Message cuts in with... HUGE EAR-SPLITTING SHOTGUN BLAST*

...Whoa, sorry about that. RIGHT IN THE SUCK HOLE YOU GHOSTLY SON OF A BITCH! I'm kinda in the middle of something, but for some reason I had the urge to call in... AH SHIT! *sound of something breaking, scary ghost noise* Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. *Another shotgun blast* Hah, that did it. Just was... thinking of people here... and how I think maybe... ah shit, that was close. Just felt happy, ya know? Where are ya... where are ya... And wanted to share, all positive and... THERE YOU ARE! *Shotgun blast* yeah, I'm just happy today for the first time in a while, and it feels good. *Laugh, then giggle, sudden silence* And I did not just giggle.

I've been needing to branch out lately. Things in St. Louis are fine, but it's just so weird being here, and there's no way I can keep working only here. I don't have to, since I've got a Godbox and all.

If anybody has any loved ones they need raised from the dead temporarily to have one last conversation with? I'm your girl. Anita Blake, Vampire Executioner, Necromancer, and Animator at your service.

John Winchester )

Now I get all the bitching about the shows we come from.

I don't ever remember being that young or ... or innocent.

Sam and Dean, don't be giving your old man a hard time. 

I hear there's a wedding this weekend.  Time for me and Gen to see the light of day.  Maybe find something to kill in Greece.  Maybe some demon who needs her ass exorcised will find her way over there.

Gigi )

Looks like Lilith's losing her touch.

I could think of a thousand different, crucially-colorful ways to make me pay. And yet, this is seriously the only thing she could pull out of her ass?

Oh God I.....

I ate someone's dog...Mae was right we are killers

It's been a couple of days.

Came in from working on the car, could hear Gen crying.  There's no Mary.  Her clothes, her pictures.  Everything.  No Mary.

She's everything.

Dean, too.  My son.   His weapons are gone.

Wandering around the house with Gen in my arms.  Not a piece of Dean.  Teri, too.  She was my --  And AJ.  My grandson.  My grandsons.  Jack... oh God, Jack.

Why?  They were everything.

Here's a little recon report from the birth of the newest Winchester.

Mary was a trooper.  She could run a marathon now, and is feeling great.   We had a baby girl, born on the hottest day of the year, and she's beautiful.  About 7 pounds, all this dark hair, and big dark eyes.  She looks a lot like Sam did when he was born.  We're calling her Genevieve Allison Winchester.   We'll get some pictures up later.

Thanks to everyone who came by, the gifts and such.  Mary thanks you all too.

Lady God )

John Winchester, you are always were one to land on your feet.  Even when you're dead.  Sometimes it seems only the evil get rewarded.  Wish you could have brought my Bill back.

Mary Winchester, I've heard a lot about you.  Glad to hear you're alive, and expecting?  That's nice, congratulations.  You know your husband carried a torch for you for close to twenty years.  Can't blame him.  I've done the same.

Okay, so I think I know what idiot summoned the dancing demon again. It's a lot harder to find them when you're in LA than in Sunnydale. Anyway, I'm going to kick some red demon butt tonight. Anyone feel like coming along, making the singing stop?

We got a weird, weird case yesterday.

Cut for CSI 8x15 spoilers )

Also, we found a couple dead tourists down here with their throats ripped out. Now we got some activist group goin' on about vampires. Humans First or somethin'. And apparently, Vegas is supposed to have a preternatural police team, but of course we don't got one, you know? It hasn't come up until just now.

So the sheriff and undersheriff are tryin' to find the nearest vampire executioner, but there doesn't seem to be one in the state.

Happy Birthday Sam! )

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