World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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sonya blade [userpic]

Three years of being attending military school and I get stuck as a camp councilor.

It's not even a survival camp, that I could deal...but with campfire songs and arts and crafts.

I'd like my dignity back now, thanks

Um. Hello? Is this thing on?

I...need some help.

My older self has helped me get my own place. I know I'm kind of young, but I can handle myself. I'm sure the other me will keep visiting and mothering me. I suppose that's in our nature.


I'm bored. Anyone have any ideas for fun?

Current Mood: bored bored
Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]


How is your arm? Are you feeling better?

Do you wanna come over? I have video games, fun games to play, nothing scary. Do you wanna come over?

I am soooooooo exhausted from trying to keep up with Mini Me. Dad, Pop, I have NO idea how you did it.

Current Mood: exhausted exhausted
Voice post

¿Qué está pasando? ¿Donde esta mi madre?

I mean can someone tell me what is going on? Mama? Papi? Where are you guys?

Scorpius )

Person who thinks he's Regulus Black, only he can't be because he's dead )

That's it! I can't take it! Big me is driving me crazy :( Make him stoooop.

Assiah Beta [OC SHIELD] [userpic]

Hello? This is Beta.

We made more cookies today and Assiah said I had to ask if anyone wanted some.

She also says there's Irish Coffee for any stressed out biggies out there.

The coffee tastes funny

I want to go for a walk.

Big me dunt need to know.

Everywon, shhh.

Current Mood: chipper chipper
Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]

I'm the QUEEN!

Logan Echolls [userpic]
Ickle -- Voice Post


Someone wanna be a bear with me?

Between the five year old version of our son Xander and the six month old version of me, I'm afraid that my husband is going to get baby fever. Or already has it.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Current Mood: indescribable indescribable
Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Does anyone know how I got here? I'm in some offices and -- hey there's some cool stuff here!

Voice Post

*the sound of something crashing....much giggling then another crash*



[There is happy and childish humming, and the clinkle of kitchenware close by. In the background there is a ominously loud bubbling sound, which goes unnoticed until it is too late. A little shriek, a loud popping explosion, and then a shocked squeal. There is silence for a moment more before her giggling "Oooops" can be heard.]

I tink Big Sebastina is gonna be mad at me~

Hee. Crazy straws? What else will you mortals come up with?

Dadee? Dee? Dammy nungry.

Voice post

I want my mother . . .

I-I don't--- don't like this. Old!Me seems to think this will pass, but I-i-- this is too crazy.

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