World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back April 26th, 2009 Forward

I find the fact that so many people use this board as a means of luring potential sexual partners disturbing.  Have we all really nothing better to do than shag?

♫ I kissed a girl, and I liked it . . . ♫

Huh. Doesn't quite have the same impact, coming from me, does it?

Current Mood: mischievous mischievous
Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]

Okay, world. I hope you're ready for the return of Miss Kane.

Sev, babe, let's make some plans, here!

Okay, so Sev, um, uh, Mate, that whole whirly gig thing you did to the NAMBLA offices? Can you do that again or teach me to do it or something? I found one of the addresses is right here in Neptune and I really want to basically destroy this guy.

Oh and if you buy one of those bistro salads in the grocery store the spork FOLDS AWAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. It's really the coolest thing ever. You can put it rght in your pocket.


Wanna hit the beach?

Oh, and I guess I should drop the "mate" thing.

Veronica Mars [userpic]

Woohoo for movie sales.

Mick. )

Preplexing ..

This is ...

... odd.

I woke up in a bed that wasn't my bed, in a room that wasn't my room, in a flat that wasn't my flat. I don't even have a flat. But it's mine. It's got ... my things in it. My wand, my clothing, my potions.

Some books, that make absolutely no sense at all ... a story about a son I've never had ...

I'm not sure I understand what's going on ...


Gwai-gwai long duh dong!
(What the Hell!)

This ain' my bunk! Where the hell am I?

Somebody best give me some answers or'I'ma gonna be mighty upset.


All that planning and for what?

Guess if I want it done right I gotta do it myself.

How do you make thi -- Oh.  Oh, I figured it out.



Okay, last night when I said things were pretty quiet I didn't mean to invite this upon me.

What just happened, why do I not recognize anything, and what is this device?

eileen prince! [userpic]

I've made a batch of chocolate covered strawberries, I know I cannot eat all of them.

God. .darnit. Mom. Dad. I hope you're reading this from work today. I really do because you forgot that I had to work today too and I cannot baby sit all three of the little kids while Bronte's off with her new. . .

Uh. I think I. .somehow got on the wrong board.

Anyone know why the Syncratic alum board looks so. . .funky now?

Damien Thorn [userpic]

Whoa, now what's this? I know I'm in Chicago... but a few of the buildings seem different. Thank Satan God that Thorn Industries is still there. I'd hate to imagine what type of world would be without it.

But there's a problem. I tried calling Paul a few minutes ago, there's no answer. He always answers me when I call. Can't get a hold of Neff at the Pentagon, either. This is most unsettling. I have a feeling that something weird is going on. And coming from me, that's really saying something

Okay, I'm a totally calm individual. This is me... breathing.

It seems this phone is the only way left to try to figure out what happened. Am I actually talking to people? Is anyone out there?

I'm freaking out and I don't know where my dad is and I'm scared.

I've been trying to find my house and it. Isn't there any more.


bonnie deville [userpic]

I really wish I could drink. But easier breathing would be spiffy too.

Whole hell of a lot of bombshell.

Gabriel Gray [userpic]

Someone talk to me? Please?

Veronica Mars [userpic]

Note to self, don't go shopping with Lilly when she hasn't been out in awhile. She will buy the entire store.

I don't even think I have room for ALL these clothes.

So Mick, get into any trouble while I was gone?

Ashley Elizabeth Knowlton [userpic]

If I'm a fictional character, which I think is bullshit, where do I exist? I'm not in a book, or a story, or anything like that. I wasn't even mentioned in that stupid damn epilogue of the Harry Potter books (seriously? My second cousin gets a whole series of books about him?)

Hi. My name's Katrina Anne Dursley, student of Hogwarts, seventh year Slytherin.

So, anyone around? Albus, Score, ... James? Rose? I'd settle for Hugo or the Scamander boys at this point.

Will someone kindly point me in the direction of where I might be able to return to England? The Victorian era, preferably, if I am right to assume that this isn't the Young Master's time period.

It is nearly time for afternoon tea back at the mansion.

Though I will have to do something about this body before I return.

Back April 26th, 2009 Forward