World In Her Hands
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My brother is big dork.

In other news, school has been... going. At the moment I haven't declared a major -- apparently you can do that when you're still just a freshman -- but I'm leaning more and more towards Women's Lit. I'm not sure what I'll actually do with it; you know, like, what I want to be when I grow up, other than read a ton of books and talk to people about the books I read.

I'm going to attempt to make Sunday dinner. Pot roast, potatos, onions, carrots, the whole enchilada. Me and the dorkus brother have moved into our own place, which I'm still not sure how we can afford, and I'm gonna make it homey with the pot roast recipe our mother used to make.

And finish up Susan Faludi's Stiffed while I do so.

Current Mood: cranky cranky

Marty. )

Bronte, I'll be in late, but I'm bringing dinner okay? Order a movie or something. Sorry.

Got an under the table job, down at the pier. Dirty and semi-dangerous. But work none the less.

Fourth of July. I wish Dad was here to make mom laugh while he burned the food on the grill cuz he was still too busy being crazy about her to pay attention.

Bron, let's find some kickass BBQ tonight, be our first Independence day with edible BBQ.

I. .have seen some weird shit in my life. . .

What the hell is this? It doesn't look like Belgium...

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

Is it possible to kill Chuck Norris?

Is my girlfriend ever gonna talk to me again?

These are the tough questions of my generation. HOLY SHIT.

Laurie )

Bronte and Logan? I owe you both that dinner I promised you. So, give me your locale and I will come swing by accordingly. Anywhere you'd like to go for dinner?


Even the high school's completely freaking different.

Come on mom, wake me up already. Gotta be dreaming all this crap.

Okay, I'm a totally calm individual. This is me... breathing.

It seems this phone is the only way left to try to figure out what happened. Am I actually talking to people? Is anyone out there?

I'm freaking out and I don't know where my dad is and I'm scared.

I've been trying to find my house and it. Isn't there any more.


God. .darnit. Mom. Dad. I hope you're reading this from work today. I really do because you forgot that I had to work today too and I cannot baby sit all three of the little kids while Bronte's off with her new. . .

Uh. I think I. .somehow got on the wrong board.

Anyone know why the Syncratic alum board looks so. . .funky now?

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