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Jul. 25th, 2014


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine and Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
What: Dinner, and an apology, maybe.
Where: Eventually at Granny's
When: After Carol's recon, and their subsequent discussion
Rating: PG-13 for language, because Logan.
The fun times were definitely over. )

Jul. 8th, 2014


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine, Steve Rogers / Captain America(616), and Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
What: Logan and Steve go out for a drink, Logan invites Carol.
Where: George's Tavern
When: Not long after Logan's arrival.
Rating: PG-13, likely for language.
Status: In Progress
Even if being back here felt impossible, it didn't hold a candle to what he was about to do. )

May. 30th, 2014


WHO: Steve and Carol
WHAT: Catching up
WHERE: Storybooke Coffee to start
WHEN: May 29th after Steve arrives
RATING: Probably low
STATUS: Incomplete/closed

Feb. 12th, 2014


Who: Logan Howlett and Carol Danvers
What: Logan randomly shows up at her door
Where: Carol's apartment
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: High, since assume profanity is involved, and evidently, so are they.
So maybe it wasn't normal, these were hardly normal days.. )

Jan. 19th, 2014


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine and Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
What: A clandestine meeting between two friends
Where: The edge of town, near the woods
When: Just after Logan's return
Rating: PG-13, possibly R for serious language.
Logan was back, and this time he had something he needed help with. )

Dec. 20th, 2013


Who: Jewels' characters
What: Mistletoe shenanigans
Where: Around town etc
When: Whenever
Rating: TBD

Happy Holidays )

Dec. 19th, 2013


Who: Logan and Multiples
What: Walking around Storybrooke, having mistletoe Shennigans
Where: All over town
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG-13+, for snoggin and likely a lot of swearing.
Status: Open, In progress
Notes: The promised Mistletoe thread, any and all are welcome! If we had discussed a thread for them please, feel free to sub-thread here or gang up on the scruffy Canadian!

This was a strange place, and there was no mistaking it for anything else. )

Dec. 12th, 2013


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine, Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel, and OPEN
What: The promised snowball fight commences
Where: Starting outside the towers
When: Thursday December 12th, Afternoon
Rating: Medium, for snowballs and shouting?
Notes: Feel free to sub-thread here, and consider yourself invited to join them ('cause we'd personally love it!)

It was go time )

Nov. 27th, 2013


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine and Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
What: Logan decides to see this movie about himself
Where: One of their apartments
When: Tuesday November 26th, evening
Rating: TBD - Assume medium for language, likely talk of character death
Status: In progress

Logan would chalk it up to the mention of Japan, but he somehow doubted this movie night was going to be all 'fun'. )

Oct. 4th, 2013


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine and Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
What: Logan's hitting the town to look for a bike, Carol's coming along for free dinner
Where: Marine Garage, and a restaurant to be determined
When: Friday evening, late afternoon
Rating: PG-13, likely for language
Status: In progress

Even with nowhere to go, he still wanted a way to get somewhere. )

Sep. 6th, 2013


Who: Logan Howlett / Wolverine and Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
What: Carol's showed up, they go out for coffee
Where: Granny's
When: After Carol's arrival
Rating: PG-13. Logan's got a foul mouth

Another face he knew, another time he didn't. This place was getting predictable. )