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Jan. 19th, 2014


Who: Dyson and Phoebe Halliwell (open if Piper wants to pop up)
Where: Out to dinner
When: Sunday evening
What: Date
Rating/Status: TBD/ Ongoing

Dyson having taken the time to get to know Phoebe over time, had developed a fondness for her. That developed into him wondering if there could be something more between them. They were both adults, and both showed interest in the other. The next logical step was to ask her on a date.

When she had said yes he fought the urge to do a little dance. He had to admit to himself however, it had been AGES since he was on a date. So he was a little out of practice but he would manage. He found a nice place to eat, his place. He cooked her dinner, not that she knew that.

He checked the time, seeing it was time to pick her up he grabbed his jacket and made his way to her place, knocking on the door. Unsure of she'd answer or if her sister would be there.

Jan. 1st, 2014


Who: Dyson and Kenzi
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Dyson's
What: Letting Kenzi geek out over his new X-Box One.
Rating: Low, maybe swearing or whatnot.

Dyson had known the moment he mentioned the new video game system Kenzi would be in for it. She told him she was coming so he waited to even break the seal on the box. So when Kenzi did get there, sitting on the table was the shiny new box that within held the newest toy she got to play with (and most likely take). Though if she did take it, it was all good. Matter of fact Dyson expected it, and it was for her in actuality. He just liked spending time with her, so opening it at his place well it worked out really good for him.

He leaned back smirking to himself watching her, wondering how long she'd last before she just had to go and touch the box and open it. He stood, prolonging it just to tease a little. He owed her a lot of hanging out time and this was just the perfect way to do it.

"Can I get you a drink Kenz?"

Dec. 24th, 2013


Who: My boys and sorta like like 7-11 (We're not always doin' business, but we're always open.)
What: Mistletoe cracktasticness
Where: Anywhere in Storybrooke
When: Anytime really
Status/Rating: TBD but probably low outside the kissy face (least with Dimitri cause, yeah?)

Dyson, Dimitri Belikov )

Dec. 11th, 2013


Who: Dyson and Open
What: Dyson feels the need for a drink.
Where: The Rabbit Hole.
When: Wednesday, December 11 in the evening
Rating: Low for now
Status: In Progress

Dyson should stop with watching that show, but it is a hard habit to let go of. He needed in some ways to see Bo, but what he saw in the newer episodes made him feel hopeless again. She had her reunion with Lauren, while he was apparently off looking for her. And the whole dark fae thing, it was a lot for him to take in. So much that he felt like he needed a drink, or several. He told himself that was the last one he'd watch.

He walked into The Rabbit Hole and sidled up to the bar. He ordered a whiskey, neat and once delivered he downed it quick before he ordered another. He drank this one slower as he turned and began to look around. Checking to see who was there at this time. Even while his mind was debating having alcohol on hand for the next episode. So much for it being the last he watched, but it still allowed for him to feel like part of her.

Nov. 17th, 2013


Do not read. Lost girl S4 Spoilers BELOW.

Who: Kenzi and Dyson
What: unfolding reactions. Do not read lost girl spoilers !!!!!
When: Sunday afternoon?/night?
Where: Tower 2 Room 307. If you hear yelling...kenzi is yelling at the TV :D


Oct. 13th, 2013


Who: Anakin Skywalker and Open
What: Anakin feels the need for coffee.
When: Sunday, October 13th. Afternoon.
Where: The coffee shop.
Rating: G.
Status: In Progress/OPEN

... )

Sep. 17th, 2013


Who: Kenzi and Bo; open to Hale and Dyson
What: Bo's re-arrival in Storybrooke
Where: Outside Granny's
When: Afternoon, Tuesday September 17th
Rating: Let's go with high.
Status: Incomplete log, to be continued in comments
Hale and Dyson are free to jump in anytime!

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