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Aug. 14th, 2013


WHO: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson.
WHERE: Tower Two, Room #209.
WHEN: Sunday later in the morning.
WHAT: They talk about what happened and decide to try it out.
RATING: PG-13, more kissing and slight adult situations
STATUS: Complete.

Neither of us are apologizing )


WHO: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson.
WHERE: Tower Two, Room #209.
WHEN: Very very early Sunday the 10th.
WHAT: John has a nightmare about Sherlock’s death. Drama ensues.
RATING: PG-13, there’s some PTSD and kissing involved.
STATUS: Complete.

I have no idea what I’m doing )

Aug. 7th, 2013


WHO: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson.
WHERE: Tower Two, Room #209.
WHEN: August 1st, very early morning.
WHAT: Sherlock gets drunk, goes to dinner with Moriarty Irene, and ends up in John’s bed. Not necessarily in that order.
RATING: PG for language.
STATUS: Complete.

We were as likely to jump into bed as Mycroft is capable of wearing jeans. )

Jul. 30th, 2013


WHO: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson
WHERE: Their flat
WHEN: July 28th, early evening/late afternoon
WHAT: They’ve come back from the cramping trip, Sherlock’s making explosives.
RATING: The emotions in this log change so freaking fast. Between PG to PG-13 for reference to character death. And drama.
STATUS: log; complete.

You are not allowed to die on me again )

Jul. 11th, 2013


WHO: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson
WHERE: John’s flat
WHEN: July 11th
WHAT: Sherlock’s been leaving John clues he’s around and alive, but apparently that’s not obvious enough. Reunion.
RATING: PG-13, some reference to character death and violence
STATUS: log; complete.

It defeats the purpose of the assault if you perform a physical exam )