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September 3rd, 2014

Friends and Family

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[ooc: this includes Damon and Marcel along with the usual family and friends]

Well that was...different. And unpleasant. Is everyone okay? Please tell me you're okay. I might snap if any of you were harmed...

[Hal Yorke]

I wanted to let you know personally that I hold nothing against your friend. We all had to do things there that we aren't proud of and wouldn't normally do. Your friend is safe from me, and I'll ensure my family is also aware.

September 4th, 2014

Friends Filter

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Is everyone alright, like?

Did other people end up in dangerous places?  Because that place sucked.


Look, I'm sorry I killed you.  That place.  It messed with my head, you know.  And, all I could see was vampire.  Even if you weren't there, that's what you are.  And, I was brought up hating them, killing them.  Vampires killed my dad.  He spent his life being put into dog fights by them.

August 22nd, 2014

Panem Filter

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I was stung by some tracker jackers. Does anyone have any salve? I feel so weak

August 20th, 2014

Panem Filter

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Would those from Lawrence, Kansas please check in?

It seems being fictional once is not enough. Now I am in the pages of a book. I am weaker. Why? How??

We need to band together. We will not let them tear us down. There is a way to beat this, there always is. Now, where is everyone?

Filtered from Henrik

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My brother Henrik has spoken to me about a wish to attend school. But he is nowhere near ready in terms of academics.

Is there a chance someone could tutor him? They'd be paid of course. Get him ready to join perhaps next year? He's smart, very bright boy just not the specifcs for the curriculam here,

In fact he can't be the only one. Is there anything in place for those who have not had the specific schooling needed to attend mainstream schools. 

And Rose, he has asked if he can continue to attend things at the center. I assumed that was an unqualified yes.

August 16th, 2014

Private to Katherine

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Hades has a friend in the stall next to him.

Gift for Katherine Pierce )

August 15th, 2014

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Oh. I guess I went away and came back.

Hello! Eponine? Enjolras? You had better still be here! Are you married yet? Did I miss it?

KOL! Where are you?! I'm starving.

August 13th, 2014

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There are dinosaurs in New Orleans. They're robots and they move and roar and you can dig for bones too.

Plus vacation means you get to eat more ice cream than usual so I think I want to stay on vacation forever.

August 11th, 2014

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I'm pretty sure Henrik is an evil genius. If yesterday is any indication, I'm pretty sure he's diabolical worthy.

August 10th, 2014

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I would just like to say that our sandcastle is better than yours.

Cut for picture so it doesn't clog the comm )


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Should be back by midnight or so, I'm in Missouri now.

August 7th, 2014


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Will you go to the beach with me on Sunday?


Will you go to the beach with me on Sunday?


Will you go to the beach with me on Sunday?


Will you go to the beach with me on Sunday?

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Elijah Mikaelson you have (3) new messages!
Rebekah Salvatore you have (4) new messages!
Read more... )

August 4th, 2014

filtered from chilren 15 and under

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Sharknado 2 was awful. Thank God Kol had booze to help get me through that. He went through another Shark and survived. Chainsaws apparently are a sharks weakness. Tara Reid is still a terrible actress and the CGI sharks are more believable than she is.

She loses a hand and can only scream 'my hand, my hand!' and still has the energy to dress in an immaculate outfit, put on perfect makeup, commandeer a fire truck and then have her 15 year old nephew put a buzz saw on her hand so she can BUZZ SAW sharks. Just....what? Why?

Oh and then her husband finds the shark that took her hand a day earlier--he hasn't swallowed it, it's still in his mouth and intact. Just...WHY?!

HOW DID THIS MOVIE GET MADE!? Humanity is not this stupid!

And yet...before that movie even aired, Sharknado 3 was confirmed. Which means this time next year, Kol will drag me in front of the TV again and force me to watch it.

August 3rd, 2014

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Do carnivals happen more than once a year? Because I would like to be able to dunk Ms. Rose again. That was a lot of fun.

As was the pie.

I think I might like pie more than cookies. But not more than ice cream.

August 2nd, 2014

No Evil/Heaven/Lingering Loyalists

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[fwd dated to late Saturday night]

We have landed in Lawrence and should be home shortly. Regina, time to relinquish the pets.

August 2nd, 2014

No Apocalypse Starters!

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So tomorrow is the carnival and I KNOW we're prepared and ready but I'm still freaking out about everything ever. I have triple checked details and yet still in danger of chewing my nails and ruining my manicure.

Pretty ridiculous for an event that isn't even a public thing, really. Mentally I know this...

[Elijah (sent Saturday so I don't clog friends pages!)]

I won't say it to her. I'm sorry, I don't approve, I don't know that I ever will.

But I hope she makes you happy and if she ever hurts you again I will stake her myself.

No evil/Bad heaven

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[It is technically Saturday for me, and I'm impatient. Fwd-date to evening time!]

I think the picture speaks for itself...Read more... )

July 28th, 2014

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We have safely landed in Paris. The city is just as beautiful as I remember.
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