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November 30th, 2014

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Wow. The seal's being super active again, isn't it?

Hello new people. I'm Ariel. There's an explainy post here. I hope that works Although, I'd add Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest to Lois's list of places which are fictional.

Umm, if you have anymore questions, you could ask on the network, or here. And, I can try and answer them. But, I've only been here about 8 months, so I don't know everything. But, there are plenty of people who've been here longer.

November 23rd, 2014

Filtered to Bonnie, Ric, Stefan, Jemma, Grant, Ariel and Davina

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So I'm sure you all have plans for Thanksgiving already. But if you don't, I'm going to be drinking wine, wearing pyjamas and watching crap movies all day Thursday. You're welcome to join.

Filtered to Jenna )

November 21st, 2014

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[Filtered to Elijah and Katherine, Elena, Bonnie, Marcel, Josh, Davina, Hayley, Jesse and family, Kol, Grantaire, Lagertha, Rose Tyler, Lydia B., Peter P., Crowley, Anna, Lexi and Lee, Ariel, Cami, Alaric, Tahiri and Jacen, Vampire Academy people, Ginny, Erik (Phantom) and Ward*]

So Thanksgiving. I meant to send out invites last week but school is crazy so that didn't happen. But we're having dinner at 6pm next Thursday if you would like to join us.

The only rules are no drama and come with your appetite.

If you're going to bring someone just let me know so I can make them an appropriate place card. There will be enough food to feed an army.

[*ooc: I'm sure I missed someone if I did just let me know and I'll add them to the filter]

No Known Threats

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I think the seal took Anna and Elsa.

I haven't watched their movie. Does everything work out for them?

November 8th, 2014

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Belle, Belle! I got us Disney Princess mugs!

November 4th, 2014

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The party was absolutely wonderful. Ariel you made an amazing Disney me.

Thank you Marcel for being an amazing host. Though your decorations did confuse me at first!

October 22nd, 2014

No known threats

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I used to love Halloween. It was my favorite holiday. Now, I'm not so sure how I feel about it.

[Filtered to Bonnie Bennett]
Hey Bonnie, I have a question for you.

October 20th, 2014

No Evil And Mean People Who Want To End The World

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Okay, yesterday was a really great day. I got to spend the day with some of my favorite people. And, be pampered. Spa days really are a lot of fun.

Cut for pictures! )

October 19th, 2014

No Known Threats

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The problem with having a talkative and independent almost two year-old is that she definitely wants to celebrate 'How-een'. She wants to dress-up. Which is fine, it's adorable, it's potentially the cutest thing ever.

However, she's gone through five different costume ideas in the last three weeks. My toddler shouldn't even know what a cowgirl is, let alone want to be one. She also wanted to be a bumblebee, a ballet dancer, a puppy, and, go figure, a princess.

Moral of the story is, don't take a baby into Party City during Halloween.

October 16th, 2014

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All the talk of Halloween, anyone interested in Bonfire Night? Not just the British either. Not so much a party as, I don't know, marshmallows and hot drinks and such? Annie made us do it that one year.


There, I've been social. I don't know what you expect to happen.

No Evil And Mean People Who Want To End The World

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So, I had been thinking about going to college here. But, I think I need to learn more about this world and get to a point where I could understand what was going on better before I do.

So, I'm going to apply next year. But, is there anyone who can teach me some of the things I might need to know? Not that I know what those things would be...anyone know?

[Filtered to Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and Belle]

Okay, so I mentioned this idea to a couple of you, and you were up for it. And, Henry helped me google things.

So, I was thinking we could spend a day here. My treat, since two of you have just had birthdays. And, then go to Bed of Roses for drinks.

When works for you all? I was thinking Sunday, with you being at college during the week.

ETA: [Filtered to Lexi]

A few of use were going to come for drinks on Sunday. But, Elena's worried that Rebekah might be working. Is she?

October 15th, 2014

No Threats, Thanks!

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Can someone explain to me why witch costumes are so lame anymore? Granted, I may be biased because I am a witch, but still.

The classics in general seem to be getting lame, or is that just me?


So...Mrs. Salvatore, is it?

Have you caught enough hell for your Vegas wedding? I kind of want to give you some too
But I know a lot of people were flipping out at you


No evil of any kind

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So Klaus and I are back in town and we’ve got a really big announcement!


Also presents! I’ve got tons and like everyone is practically getting something so expect goodies whenever I see any of you.


I hope Henrik wasn't any trouble. Thanks so much for everything.

[ooc: I am not listing gifts cause lol no but if you’re friends/family with either of them (and yes this includes Rebekah and Stefan--its just from Caro only) then totes got a prezzie. That suited them. Yep. So you know have fun with that. AND I can't remember where I got the manip from so yeah, no credit]

October 12th, 2014

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This isn't right.

Filtered to friends of Elena and Damon

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[OOC: If you think you count as a friend, you probably do.]

So, you know Friends Season 5 Episode 24...?

October 5th, 2014

No evil

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Thanks everyone who came to laser tag today. I hope you had as much fun as I did and got to release some of that competitive energy.

But shopping! It's getting colder and colder means new clothes. Warmer clothes. And boots. And scarves. And cute hats. And gloves! And a whole bunch of other things. So who's in for a shopping trip? I know Ariel needs things. And Lydia of the Stiles' variety, Stiles says you need to come too.

I also need to buy kid clothes but I'll just go based on size for those instead of dragging along kidlet.

Who else is in? Nowhere fancy this time. I'm thinking just either here in Lawrence or we can always do the short drive to Kansas city. But no Milan.

And brunch was perfect. You so better be coming shopping too. And you can't use the excuse that Elena will be there because she's so out of town.

October 3rd, 2014

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I think I have a new favorite ice cream flavor!

Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup!

Also, how cold does it get here in winter? Am I going to need to go shopping for warmer clothes soon?

September 30th, 2014

No bad hell or evil heaven

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So my birthday is in about 2 weeks and we’re heading off to Paris for it because I’d rather not be here for the anniversary of the day I died!

But I need suggestions on places to go.

Like I already have the Eiffel tower obviously and the Louvre and the Museum d’Orsay and the Arc and forcing Klaus to endure me humming the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack when we’re in Notre Dame--to which I say at least I’m not wanting Disneyland Paris because we are so doing Disney World some day!!

And Jim Morrison’s grave because yeah.

I also wanted to do the love lock thing on the bridge because it seriously sounded adorable but apparently it’s like breaking the bridge so probably a no go.

So like what are some other must sees? Yes, I’ve got a great tour guide who’s been there IDEK how many times but I still want suggestions!

And if anyone wants anything brought back, let me know.

ALSO LASER TAG. Sunday. 4pm. Newbies welcomed. Oldbies--you're all coming. I'm not taking no for an answer this time.

September 29th, 2014

Filtered To Women Only

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[OOC: Thought this had gone through but apparently not. Backdated to noon!]

I have the need to buy two dresses today. Would anyone like to come shopping with me? I could definitely use the advice.

September 28th, 2014

Casa de Storybrooke

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Can I have a puppy?
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