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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 24th, 2012

Filtered to Future Kids

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My mom wants "family" time! Is this even legal when they're not even family yet??

Someone save me! Call me with an emergency. You're missing limbs. Your kitten is stuck in a tree. Your appendix just burst. I don't care, just SAVE ME! This is going to be SO. AWKWARD!

Edited: I've just been rickrolled. Oh my god.

February 23rd, 2012

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Are you okay? You said he attacked you with magic earlier? I didn't believe you. I thought something else must have...but if there were effects

Family filter (but not Loki, go away Loki)
Have you found him?

You were
Are you
Thank you
I can't

I don't know if you're aware, but your mom had her hands all over me last night.

February 22nd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil (Moirarty Family and Katherine Added)+Dawn and Jimmy

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Has anybody else had loved ones acting a little weird today?

[Needy and Thor]
Something is up with Loki, I don't think it's normal him.

He woke up this morning and freaked out on me He seemed to not think I could be me. And he used his magic and hurled me against a wall.

Stay away from your dad, okay? Something weird is going on and he's not himself.

February 21st, 2012

filtered against Evil, the Joker, and Moriarty

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I should be having tea right now. I really should be. It's wrong not to have tea.

February 19th, 2012

Filtered to Tessa

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If my mom or dad ask, we were in Tokyo seeing a Japanese horror flick that gets grabbed up by Hollywood a few years from now. There's one playing now called [insert random name here]. I don't know if it gets remade later, but it doesn't really matter.

Filtered Against Baddies, Katherine, and Moriarty

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So hey, anyone else think this week's in the running for one of the weirdest weeks ever?

Hey, kiddos. I'm Needy LESNICKI. Let me know if you need anything, alright? And because I know how some of the people around here are, I'll go ahead and tell you guys, too. No, I will not score drugs or booze for you. Or porn. Including you, Briankid. I expect all these things cause you look just like Nath Dear, god, that's terrifying.

February 18th, 2012

Filtered to teens!

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The renovations on my palace have reached a stage of near-completion, and since we seem to have quite a larger number of 'teens' in this city at the moment, it seems this would be a rather good time for a party.

The address is [address!]. It will begin tomorrow night at nightfall. There will be music (I have acquired a servant known as a 'DJ' who tells me he has the 'hottest beats dog' though I don't really know what beating dogs has to do with who will be operating the musical devices), various beverages, and a banquet prepared by my servants.

If anyone is 'grounded' and would like to come, I'm sure there are various 'teleporters' around who may be willing to help - does anyone volunteer to do so? If you need to give your guardians information about the event you may tell them it is 'chaperoned', if you wish - I have my guards standing by in case something should go wrong.

If you wish to invite someone that might not be on this filter, use caution. I do not expect this party to be 'crashed' by anyone looking to cause trouble, or attempting to ruin it. This is meant to be a fun evening, and I will be VERY displeased if anything goes wrong.

February 17th, 2012

filtered against evil and Moriarty

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Woah. Go out of town for a couple days and it's Kidsplosion 2012. None of you guys are mine right? Please say no

February 16th, 2012

Filtered to the children of the future.

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Enjoying our little visit, are we?

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I do hope you all understand that abducting me from Asgard will only result in your deaths.

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Why the hell is everyone filtering against my Dad? What's wrong with all of you, being such bastards?

February 15th, 2012

[Now filtered against all manner of baddie]

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Hell of a day to skip school for a Zipperhead show. Turns out the venue was a stoner hostel in 2012.

[Filtered to friends/family from the future]
Nobody break time. Everything we do here could unmake somebody we know. So please, please be careful with what you do and what you say.

[Filtered to Mel and Adam]
Let's get the awkward over with. Hi, mom and dad. I'm Patrick.

[Additional filter added later] [Filtered to Winchesterkids]
You guys maybe already figured it out, but just in case, Samantha and I were talking and we realized we're all probably Vessels. So if you start having any freakier-than-normal dreams, it's probably something you should speak up about, and we're going to need to be extra careful not to draw attention to ourselves.

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I did it, it was all me! Feel free to shower me with your compliments now.

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Before anyone asks: no, it wasn't me.
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