War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


March 7th, 2012

Mom and Dad (Rae too)

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I think we're gonna be sent back soon.

I can just kinda feel it, but I didn't wanna make a big deal about it or anything.

March 1st, 2012

noevil like devls annd babysteling bbeitchs

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iam NOT seeeeng anyhgng
i duno ifthats godoo or bad orr

i dunnoo

[ooc: Due to me crashing out last night without posting Chuck having a vision, I have decided that instead... he had no vision. And he is now sitting somewhere, staring very intently at nothing trying to have a vision because he is otherwise useless and usually comforts himself with the thought that, hey, at least he can see the future! But right now he can't. So he is trying. With booze. Whee.]

[Non-Filtered because Ragey!Jo is ragey]

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This morning, someone kidnapped my daughters. The infants.

Whoever did it is not going to live much longer.

To the person or people who took them: If you harm them even the tiniest bit, I will tear you apart with my bare hands.

February 25th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil + (Moirarty, Katherine, Loki)

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It's Friday.

[Text to Rae]
I'm bored. Lets fix this.

[Text to Chuck]
Hi dad. I think I might go out.

February 23rd, 2012

Filtered against all currently known flavors of bad NOW WITH ADDED LOKI

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tessa'shurtba Something happened to Tessa. She's on the steps. Mom's healing her, she'll be okay, but everybody should stay inside until we can get her in there. And because coming out unannounced would be really, really bad for my nerves and your health right now.

[Mrs. Lewis]
Hi. Um. We haven't talked much but I'm a friend of Tessa's and I think you should probably ignore the not come down part.

You should come down.

February 19th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty parents, Jimmy, Dawn

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That is the last time I listen to you Dick and try alcohol and loosening up

I apologize for my behavior last night. Certain people Dick Grayson have suggested I loosen up and try living life other than being my alter ego.. Attempting to learn drinking games on one's own is not adviseable. Though by some miracle I still stayed mostly coherent...

February 18th, 2012

Filtered to teens!

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The renovations on my palace have reached a stage of near-completion, and since we seem to have quite a larger number of 'teens' in this city at the moment, it seems this would be a rather good time for a party.

The address is [address!]. It will begin tomorrow night at nightfall. There will be music (I have acquired a servant known as a 'DJ' who tells me he has the 'hottest beats dog' though I don't really know what beating dogs has to do with who will be operating the musical devices), various beverages, and a banquet prepared by my servants.

If anyone is 'grounded' and would like to come, I'm sure there are various 'teleporters' around who may be willing to help - does anyone volunteer to do so? If you need to give your guardians information about the event you may tell them it is 'chaperoned', if you wish - I have my guards standing by in case something should go wrong.

If you wish to invite someone that might not be on this filter, use caution. I do not expect this party to be 'crashed' by anyone looking to cause trouble, or attempting to ruin it. This is meant to be a fun evening, and I will be VERY displeased if anything goes wrong.

February 17th, 2012

Rae & Ash

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Did either of you talk to Lucifer?

February 16th, 2012

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