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War Is Coming Communications.



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June 17th, 2011

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How the hell did I g
What the fuck is going on her

Kendra, I know you did this. Haven't you screwed me over enough already? Where the hell are you?

June 16th, 2011

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Raph, where da hell are yas? If dis is yer idea of a joke, knock it off hose brain. Better question, where da hell am I? This sure ain't New York City no more.

family filter

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Tahiri is gone. If she were anywhere in this city I would feel it. Which means what, she went back home? to all that? I can't even

[ooc: lalal, idek why it auto-sans cade, but no Cade is included!]

June 17th, 2011

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I do not recall being banished as well... and I seem to still be myself, just... here, rather than
This is most strange.

It is not often one manages to surprise me this way. Who is responsible? I think I should like to congratulate you on your rather stunning display of stupidity in abducting me.

Thor, are you h

June 13th, 2011

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People who would logically be notified about Dean stuff (...yeah laziest filter ever shhh) + Tenel Ka
Dean was brought home in some sort of device that looks like a playing card? last night. He had to be put there to keep him from making another deal with Michael. I'm sorry to involve everyone in this, my first impulse would be to keep it in the family, but I want to make sure he's safe, and it seems that for a little while at least that's going to involve keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't go back to Michael. If any of you would be willing to come by, even for a couple hours over the next few days, so that I'm not alone keeping an eye on him until Sam and Ruby come home I would appreciate it.

Tenel Ka
I hope it's all right that I included you in that filter? I had the Force myself for a while and I was recently rather unwilling subjected to all of the Star Wars movies by that Gabriel your sister-in-law seems to be dating, so I know the Force could come in handy here.

June 10th, 2011

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Mom and Dad
So, what I said to Mom during the truth water thing was, well, the truth obviously. I don't intend to give up my apartment or independence, but I also feel like a jerk when I make Mom upset now that I'm getting that she actually wants me around and doesn't just feel obligated hear what Mom's saying in terms of this being kind of the only chance we have to do the family thing. I mean, I had a family, Grandma and Grandpa are the best and I wouldn't trade growing up with them for anything, but you know what I mean if you are geniuses, because I don't even know what I mean. So if you two still have that spare room maybe Daisy and I could stay there part of the week? Like Monday through Wednesday and on earth holidays? With everything that's happened recently sometimes I feel better knowing you guys are around so...no. That is lame. I'm not a baby, I'm seventeen, I don't need... kriff. I mean, it's fine if that's not okay. I like the way things are, I'm fine with that. It's just an idea in case it ever sounds like a good idea.

Also Kon says he'd be fine with coming over for dinner sometime, so you guys can name the day. If you interrogate him or mention the clone thing I will have Daisy chew the legs off of all of your furniture. Also Dad is not allowed to be in a room alone with him. Also no glaring. Those are the rules.

So, here's where I start lying to you, great Hey, um, I'm sorry about the truth water thing. You know, what we talked about and how upset I got. You're...okay and everything right? I'm kind of feeling bad about not having been around as much since Jen went back when this was all apparently going on, it was just hard being at her place and knowing she and Rose were gone.

Hey, so, I need to get out to [address of country house where Ava-detoxing will go down] tomorrow afternoon. Do you think you could give me a lift and help me check the place out to make sure it won't be falling down any time in the next couple weeks? Um, I promise I'll explain on the way. You're probably not going to like this

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assorted Winchesters and those they are dating/married to
How would you all feel about a group dinner late this weekend or early next week? It reassures me to occasionally see you all in one place eating something that has not had any contact with a deep-fryer or vats of oil, especially after the seal throws something like this at us.

Tenel Ka
I hope you and your family made it through this latest round of seal-induced insanity in one piece. It was hard to know whether to take the opportunity so much truth gave or to try to respect everyone's privacy, especially my children's, by just staying off the computer.

Would you like to get lunch later this week? It's been nice having a friend who I don't have to mother or worry over

I haven't checked in with you since this all ended, how are you doing? No permanent honesty damage?

June 7th, 2011

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Its easier being Caedus. I kid myself and tell me its not but it is. And Tenel Ka and Allana are the only things preventing me waking up and slaughtering you all because you're weaker than I'm comfortable with. Not you Jaina. I still look at you and see my killer and I still know I could have taken you with me so easily, instead I have to watch you follow your heart into stupid decisions and ignore everything rational that says don't. Do you know that I look at the Winchesters and wish we were that close. But we can't be. Because you kill me someday.

June 5th, 2011

Filtered against Bad

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In an attempt to participate in activities that others are as well, I'm going to fill out the survey. It is partially procrastination on my part, but not all together useless, I believe. I know very few people here thus far, so perhaps putting myself out there is an idea worth indulging in.

Survey. )

From what I've gathered finding a date for the wedding is one of the most important things to do, followed very closely by choosing a location and securing it. This seems quite the task. Do you have a preference as to when you would like to have our wedding? Or any thoughts on where? After perusing through wedding magazines and some things online I'm convinced that simple seems to suit my tastes best thus far. I do not need anything complicated.

I'd like Allana to be in our wedding, though.

Filtered from Bad Guys (no she doesn't count Crowley right now, idek)

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So tell me, More to the point tell Gabriel Why do you all fight? Is it because you're here and have to? Or did it change? Why is humanity worth the saving to you all?

Its good to remind yourselves of why now and again


I mean it, about not talking to anyone about today. That is if you ever want it to happen again.

That said, it was...interesting, fun, blasphemous, wrong, I'm suprised I'm still... an experiance.

[Gabriel & Castiel]

If I ask for actual family time can we do that without argument?

May 31st, 2011

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[Text to Jacen]
Hello this is Tenel Ka.

Mary is going to bring me some reading material about weddings. We should, perhaps, talk at some point in the near future. From my understanding it takes time to plan these things.

[Wrong number text to Booth]
Hello, Allana. This is your mother. How are you?

May 30th, 2011

filtered against evil

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I think my dog is officially kind of in love with Clark. She's been looking for him all over my apartment since I took her home with me. I'm beginning to worry that she's in the market for a new owner after I left her at a kennel outside town back when we were warned about the killiks. I'd just picked her up before the whole tethering thing started, and I can tell she wasn't pleased about how much time she spent there. Dogs don't really listen when you try to explain about giant bugs and military blockades.

All of which reminds me, next time we get wind of something coming I can take anyone else's pets there along with Daisy. The place takes pretty much every kind of animal and it's out in a rural area a few miles south of Lawrence. I know a few other people have gotten pets since they arrived so I figured I'd offer a contingency plan for them in case the seal throws something at us that makes it hard to take care of them for a while.

How are things going with Cade? He's been pretty quiet again lately. Has he said why

Hey, so remember when we were going to hang out and go to the mall or something and then giant bugs invaded the city? What are you up to tomorrow?

Since I can now be more than ten feet away from your kind-of-guardian at any given time, do you want to come over tonight and make out watch a movie or something?

filtered against evil

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It seems like we can all leave our "partners" again? Not that I haven't had a pleasant stay, Tenel Ka, you and Jacen apart from when he and Simon were bickering were more than patient about the whole thing, but I think we'll all be happy for things to get back to what passes for normal here.

Also, Tenel Ka, I'll bring by some of those extra magazines I bought when Ruby was planning her wedding. I don't know what you and Jacen have in mind as far as a ceremony goes but you'll certainly get more use out of them than I will.

Can you and Sam be around each other in a group setting? I was thinking of having a family dinner but I don't want to rush you two.

Sam, Dean, Adam
I made some pies when I was cooped up at Tenel Ka and Jacen's. Let me know if you want a couple saved for yourselves before I put them down in the kitchen?

May 26th, 2011

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Sam's drunk. Hit the wrong thing on his phone.

Stop messing with him, I'm not in the mood to deal with it

May 25th, 2011


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i wnt ur boDy/

[ooc: See, when you get stuck in a house with your formerly horribly murdered ex-girlfriend, the only real solution to keep yourself from going insane from feeling awkward and guilty all at once is to crack open the tequila. As such, every single person on Sam's contact list received this text message, since he tried to text Ruby and accidentally selected his entire contact list in the process. If your character talks with Sam / has ever interacted with him for some kind of plot, I'm sure they're on there, so have at it!]

May 21st, 2011

Filtered Against Bad

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So, from what I gathered today was supposed to be a day of Rapture. This is quite peculiar.

I continue to discover new things about this place.

[Family (Solo, Skywalker, whatnot)]
I know that we are coming down from a rather emotional time, but I just want to let everyone know that should you need anything, I am here.

[Alanna (Jacen can read)]
How are you doing after all of this? And I believe you had a date as well?

May 12th, 2011

Filtered from kids!

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This is..

Kids. There all dead. Everything is just dead.This was there too in blood:
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

oh my god
this is why patrolling alone is bad, I should have listened this time
brb being sic

[ooc: hope this is okay, Kon was unlucky and found the orphanage. ]

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That's decided it.

It has to be me that fights him. He'd kill any other one of you without a thought. Of course he'd kill me if he could but I have a few powers he's never even heard of. One in particular.

[Jedi sans Cade]

Yes I know how awful that felt. Yes I understand. Just help me find him then back the kriff off.


(Vong) You will meet me. And this will be settled.

May 11th, 2011

filtered from baddies

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About this guy on the killing rampage? There's gotta be something more effective than hiding out in our various hidey-holes. I say we go out, patrol, and kill subdue the guy. Some of us have powers, too, you know. I think that we could really kick some ass.

Opinions? Volunteers?

May 8th, 2011

Allanas family +friends sans Allana

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Got Allana and Dawn back to the complex, and am gonna stay with Allana. She's fine besides the tired bit, even hating on Blinded by the Light.
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