War Is Coming Communications.

May 29th, 2014

May 29th, 2014

Rebekah & Caroline

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Is there anthing you want me to do to help out with the wedding or would it be better if I just stayed in my little corner over here out of the way?

What happened on that hunt with Hal? Why did you have to heal him?

[Lydia & Alex]
I think maybe you should be aware
Hal went on a hunt with Damon and
I can't

I know your family has issues with her, but...I talked to Ruby. She...kind of helped me see all of this is a little bit different light, I think.

Filtered against evil bitches.

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PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: if you don't think that THIS is the sexiest bag you've ever seen, you are D E A D T O M E. Wear it on your hip! SLAP THAT SMOLDERING HUNK OF FINELY CRAFTED LEATHER ON YOU LIKE A GUN HOLSTER! Gonna go classic? SURE, BITCHES, WHY NOT?

Want. Need. Must have immediately.


(Filtered to Bo Dennis)
Is there something you want to tell me?

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FYI Lawrence.

Dean Winchester and I are done professionally.

He hunted in a Haunted Cheese Factory.

Let me be clear.


And he went alone, stopped the haunting, and got him some cheese.

So I declare him a jerk. Unless he makes cheese grills happen

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I miss you.

I think I've figured out what I want to do.

I love you all but I also want to be with James. I don't think he'll hurt me. Not like Hans.

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Are we all so caught up in our own lives that we barely notice those of us in need of help.

Perhaps not as big and obvious as the end of the world, but there still so much we could be doing.

And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you've missed the point


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I know this may be a strange thing to wonder about, considering we've only spoken about it once, but did your otter ever return home? I was curious. And I swear, this has nothing to do with the fact you look and sound like Sherlock.

No Friends or Evil

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I'm assuming I'm not the only one who's arrived here and discovered that they're dead back home.

So, this fictional thing.  How do you all deal with it?


So, drinking myself into unconsciousness.  That can be a thing, right?

No evil/heaven

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So. There's a thing. It's a big thing. It's not just one civil war, it's two. There are two civil wars. One in Hell and one in Heaven. Why should you all care, I hear you ask? Well, I'm glad you did, because if the wrong people win, then we get to have Apocalypse: The Sequel. There are still a lot of demon loyalists who want to kill murder death me. And over in the Heaven side of things, we have the fourth of the archangels, Raphael. He's like a mini Michael and wants to free Michael and make that a thing again.

I have a plan. It is a flawless plan, and one I am willing to share with an angel of your choice. Who wants to help?


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I should be trying to help. I keep trying to enter a comment but I still can't. Wars. I should be able to do something shouldn't I?

Can we do something soon?
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