War Is Coming Communications.

May 10th, 2013

May 10th, 2013

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Gisborne just disappeared


Has anyone seen Robin?

[Text to Robin]
>>Where are you?

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This other version of you has quite the admirable reputation. I do wonder how similar the two of you are.


You have Sith training, do you not? You are darker than the two Jedi that are here.

[OOC: Aaaaaaand see Sith!Mara poke things with a stick. A very sharp, Sithy stick.]

medbay people

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I hear there's a girl in bad shape down there. I'm not sure if you were aware, but my blood has healing properties. I know it's unconventional treatment, but if it's needed you have a willing donor.

Filtered against evil, Lord Harry, and evil!Clark

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[ooc: pretend this was posted mid-morning...which for some of you it is so it works!]

I think Clark’s kidnapped someone magical. Are any magic people missing? I haven’t checked the boards since Kenzi got brought in and my phone battery is already tipping into the dangerously low section.

He says he’s going to get them to make it so he can permanently stay here. I don’t know what the hell he’ll do to them when they can’t make that happen...I doubt it’ll be pretty.

[Texts to Kon]
» Do NOT come to work.
» I’m going home.
» Just go home.
» He’s threatening to hurt you and I can’t

You have to know you’re not staying. You have maybe a week left, probably less, maybe a bit more, but this isn’t permanent.

Do you really want to go back to your world knowing I’m terrified of you and that you hurt me? Because that’s what you’re doing, Clark. Every time you threaten one of them you’re hurting me.

This isn’t how you protect people. This isn’t how you protect me. Quit being a giant ass and stop fucking hurting people. Let whoever the hell you have go now.

Filtered to Medbay sans Martha

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Who does the rotas for medbay cause seriously, you kinda fail at your job.

Martha's been on nightshift for months now, almost since she got here and its killing her. So change it, or I'm putting her on sabbatical. She'd never ask you herself, she's too focused on helping people. But I'm focused on helping her. So I don't care what lives you have, you're doctors, you can rota the nightshift, every other medical ward in the world does it.

I know there was another emergency. Its what pointed out to me just how hard this is for her.

Did you even notice?

Filtered from Evil

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Oh thank god.

Marian, are you here, are you back too, is the other... 

Rose? I assume you know what's gone on, whatever he...said. I am sorry.

Hood. I did what I could for her in that world, the other one, made it so she could get away when she returns. Its something, its hopefully enough

Peter V.

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This is ridiculo This is probably sort of weird but I sort of appreciate what talks we've had while you're here. Sort of miss talking to the other you. It's been a long while now. Hard to be someone's friend when they hate the very essence of what you are. Just...thanks. It's nice, even if you're not identical.

Filtered from Evil

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Oh gods.

Rumple where are you? I'm dressed like...like a harlot!!

I was in Storybrooke but no one knew who I was and kept calling me Lacey and Dr Whale kept...implying things and I really really wanted to kick him so I kicked him and he called me a tease and where are you!!


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You made me laugh. I suspect that was not your intent, but, regardless, I am feeling almost amicable.

Tell me, how many have been powerful enough to escape you?


Would it make you uncomfortable if I were to request your presence for dinner,.this evening?

No evil, or psychovamps

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Medbay needs to be prepped. I just found Kenzi in front of the complex. She's really banged up... I...did what I could, but she's lost a lot of blood.

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[Filtered to Simon]

Can you make a house call? Think I need to

No fucking evil or fucking vampires

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fuck fuck fuck shit piss bollocks fucking buggering FUCK

Getting really fucking sick of the motherfucking Seal pulling this FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Please tell me this is the right fucking world and I'm back in the right version of Lawrence.

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You know, I always figured if I was going to end up in America, it would be some place like Vegas. Mmmm, showgirls.

Now, has anyone seen Herrick around here and am I reading it right, there's an Old One here? Is he in his fun phase or the annoying phase, as Hettie likes to call it?

[ooc: Yes. The day after Lilu gets rescued, Mitchell gets swapped out. IDEK.]

gdi evil and "lord" harry and gdi mitchell too

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So clearly Mitchell isn't my Mitchell now. But he's not only a vicious and violent bastard when he's drinking, he also has Harry trying to direct him.

I'm not doing this right now. I CAN'T.
What's enough, Seal?
Can I at least get some time to

I'd say just hope they switch soon but he doesn't just kill. He massacres. I'll do it myself if I

Be careful. Carry a stake if you have to go out. There's some in the armory.

Filtered to Clark

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I'm Belle, You haven't met me, just someone that looks like me. Lacey.

Well I've read back a little since I came back from her world and I know you tried to help her when you thought she was in danger. I know she goaded you and played you and made you fight someone you couldn't win against but you were willing to do it because you thought she was innocent and wanted to protect her.

What that tells me is that you have good in you. And I know a little something about that, I'm rarely wrong.

So if you do have people, if you've taken them because you don't want to return to your world. Its not who you are. I truly believe that. And I also want you to know that if you let them go now we can try and find a way to help you.

The thing is, Magic, it always comes with a price. And if you try and force a way to stay it will cause trouble down the line. It will do more harm than good, it always does.

But maybe there's something we can do that even if you go back, it'll be different.

Please Clark. No one that was willing to defend a total stranger like that is truly capable of this. And if nothing else, think of Lois. Would you have this be her memory of you?

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William Darcy I'm on my way, just stay put
Gigi Darcy Just hurry

[Filtered against Evil and apparently UK based vampires.]

That was... something. Hi. Again. Um. Right. Gigi Darcy, back in Lawrence. The one who was here before and not... her.

You shouldn't have had to deal with
I'm so sorry you learned that
God, I don't know what to

I'm sorry

[OOC! The first bit, aka Domino, was visible for about ten-fifteen minutes before Gigi realized that she's back in Lawrence.]

No Evil & etc.

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Other-me needs to maybe consider her life choices a little better. If this is an apocalypse we're fighting, why doesn't she have any weapons?

Or, didn't - tell her I said "you're welcome". And that she is awesome, because I just found peach and cheesecake ice creams in her freezer, and it is probably the best combination ever.


Did you know she has you in her phone as "Dr. Pretty"? Because she does.

If you're not really a doctor, that's actually massively weird. Heads-up.

Also, any clue why there's only ice cream, chocolate, tea, half a loaf of stale bread, and like five bottles of wine, in this place? Like, literally. I mean, I'm not complaining about going out for takeout, god knows I haven't had it in years, but, seriously, I was gonna make something this morning and there's nothing to make, and that just seems... weird?

...unless she usually stays with you, or something. Which is a different kind of weird entirely but still pretty That could explain the lack of groceries? And also the waking up there. But it looks like she still lives here, stuff-wise, so I don't kn Sorry. Not trying to be nosy, or whatever. Just kind of trying to figure other-me out, a little, because right now it looks like I'm either addicted to take-out, or on a strict ice cream diet.

Filtered against evil, Lord Harry, and Mitchell

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Next time the Seal wants to pretend Quantum Leap wasn't shitty, it can leave me the fuck out of it. Bunch of prissy stuck-up fakevengers were so close to getting a face full of mace. They wouldn't even let me read the mission reports of other!guy's time with other!dad. Fucking bastards.

Filtered from evil, bad vampires, and Superman

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Well that was rather annoying. I really do not fancy being kidnapped.

Where's Lily? I haven't been able to see her yet.

no evil or evil vampires etc

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What the fuck?

My apartments trashed. My doors in the middle of the hallway.

Lois? I said you could make some changes but my door was fine? Lois? Seriously, answering like now would be awesome.

Yeah, Lois is officially missing. I was..damnit.

Filtered against Evil and doucherocket vampires

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One little change. One tiny thing and everything gets so different.

I'm kinda glad you never got another Lexi. I can imagine some horror stories let me tell you.

Anyone wanting to drink to forget, they're on us if you've been switcharooed.

Damon...you...you too. I promise Lee won't set this you on fire.

filtered against evil

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Please tell me I'm waking up from a very bad dream.
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