War Is Coming Communications.

November 18th, 2012

November 18th, 2012

Filtered against evil.

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I was walking to my house and like five unicorns fell out of a tree and hit me in the face. When does that happen to anyone? Does that ever even happen?

EDIT: Acorns. Thanks, auto correct.

Filtered against evil + anti-vampire filter

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Kurt, doll, you throw a mean party and that should definitely happen again sometime soon. And to top it off, your house is amazing. I don't think I've seen that kind of style in awhile.

[Peter V.]
Are we still on for lunch today?


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Fancy a trip to Italy on Monday afternoon? Venice, to be specific.

House filter

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Damon invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner if everyone is interested.

filtered to warehouse residents

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So, Thanksgiving... Are we doing anything for it? A dinner maybe that we could all enjoy? I'd be willing to help prepare things.

[to Spike]
Got anything planned for Thanksgiving?

Filtered to Bruce Banner

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Question for ya big guy. Given Thanksgiving is coming up, would you be okay with a big feast? I say big feast because I have no doubt Thor will be rather hungry.

I wanted to ask too because aside from all those in your warehouse I was figuring maybe we could invite Tony and his girl, Loki and Darcy, and other friends. Thinking this over last night I realized it could get rather large. And expensive

Text to Spike

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» So. Epiphany.
» Are you two like an item now?

Filtered Against Evil

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Seeing as it's been a very long time since it's been done, I think maybe it's time those of you leading classes here for the displaced spoke up and introduced yourselves. We keep mentioning that they happen but some of our new arrivals don't know what they're getting into until they go to their first ones.

So if you're running a class, introduce yourselves. Say what you teach and why it might help. Say where it's located. Or, if you're not running anti-Apocalypse classes but still have something important to contribute to the displaced (for example, those of us from the Seal eat and drink at the Roadhouse for free, THANKS JO!), let everyone know.

That being said, hi new people! Particularly new teenagers and pre-teens. I'm Rose Tyler and I run a youth center in the city. We offer various classes, including dance and martial arts, sports, homework assistance, and general after school activities like movie days, a skate park, video game marathons, and even a sort of mentoring program for those who just need someone to talk to. You don't need to come every day, you don't need to stay for any length of time. It's basically just a safe place to meet kids your age (displaced and non-Seal-spat) and have some fun.



The Kat Warbler Express isn't needed. We're going first class. Tuesday evening, be packed and ready by the time I get home, k?

Filtered to Friends

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I'm sure some of ya guys have plans, considering the late notice, but I'm bored and miss home so I'm cooking a giant Thanksgiving dinner if any of ya guys want to stop by. Yes you may bring friends if inclined...or strangers in need of a hot meal.

(This includes Damon, Scorpius, Connor, Cole, Peter V, Stefan, Kevin and pretty much anyone whom she hasn't had a fight with lately that have been on friendly terms)

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[Andrew, Charley, Amy, Ginger, Kurt, Marguerite, Tom S., Wesley, Faith, Rose, Lois, Jonathan, Andrea, Xander, Steph, Jack, Lexi, Epiphany, and Spike. I hope you appreciate this Andrew, because fuck.]

So Ginger and I were talking earlier and she pointed out that that ridiculous American holiday with all the food and not!football is this week. And insists this means we need to hang out and drink and eat things. Andrew agrees with her, so I guess you're all invited to me and Andrew's flat on Thursday for aforementioned hanging out and drinking and eating. and you can bring significant others and extra food and shit if you want.

Fuck, it is going to be so fucking cramped in there.
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