War Is Coming Communications.

April 20th, 2011

April 20th, 2011

Filtered against baddies.

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Got swarmed by too many at one time. Need back-up. I've been hit twice. Can't move far; they've trapped me inside and the building is surrounded.

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We have to build a giant magnifying glass, lift it into the sky, and aim it at the bugs.


Filtered to Brady

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So should we decide when and where I'm tearing your tragic little meatsuit apart or would you rather I was spontanious

filtered against evil

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I don't plan on fighting another war, already did my time, but a city full of bugs isn't going to give any of us time to figure out a way home so This doesn't seem like the best time for introductions and explanations so I'll keep this brief: my name is Jake Berenson and I got here through this "seal" last week. I've been reading up on what we're facing here and I think I have the basics down. What I don't have down is: who is your leader here? Or at least the person organizing the patrols? I'd like to volunteer to help but I can't figure out who, exactly, I'd talk to about that.

Also, if you see any non-native animals wandering around the complex or roof it's probably me so don't shoot. I shape-shift. I'm told that's not the weirdest thing people do around here though. And I'm pretty sure I saw superman a couple posts down so, um, I believe it

Filtered to the Cade house!

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...Right, not trying that cooking thing again. Just ignore the tiny explosion in the other room. I was trying to help and I think I just ruined the
aww damn it reeks

[Filtered to Clark added later]
You doing okay?

Filtered against baddies + kidlets!

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Since I'm pretty sure that the cat is more than out of the bag now, I thought I'd tell you all in a more straightforward manner for further clarification on the matter.

I'm addicted to demon blood. It's a bizarre thing to be addicted to, I know, but I'm not exactly normal myself either. No, I'm not a vampire. I'm something else. I'm human I think, but I've got parts of me on the inside that are screwed up. It's hard to explain.

My behavior last night was only a tiny reflection on how bad I could be in the future and how bad I definitely was in the past, back when I was still on it. I know it's weird and I'll understand if most of you don't want anything to do with me because it disgusts you, but there it is. I felt that, given my behavior earlier, you all deserved to hear it straight from my mouth, rather than simply being left with the bits and pieces of conversation you might have picked up on last night. I'm sorry if I offended or worried any of you and, if you tell me to, I promise I'll stay away if me and my addiction bother you. You won't ever have to talk to me again. I'll understand.

Furthermore, I apologize for blatantly posting something so distracting on the boards. Allana was right - we have a serious situation going on outside our doors right now and we really need to be focusing on that.

(Filtered to Ruby)
I was way out of line. I'm sorry.
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