War Is Coming Communications.

April 19th, 2011

April 19th, 2011

Filtered against baddies

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So, just as a general question, how much longer is it going to be before all these ugly faced bugs are going to be squashed? And this place is completely safe, right? No giant bugs are going to like, break through a window or anything?

to Leon and Sherry

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How are you both holding up? I've been so busy that I haven't checked in on you. If the bugs go away When the bugs go away we'll have to do something. Anything.

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delivered to Sam Winchester's door by the most dedicated UPS men in Lawrence )

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What I saw about two hours ago. )

I might never leave if I could. Turns out that there's this abandoned hotel nearby that's haunted.

Text to Dean!

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You're a real moron, you know that?

Filtered against baddies + BB's!

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Pretend there was a super powerful, but completely forbidden energy drink that you had to guzzle to kill a bad guy. This energy drink kinda screws with your head sometimes when you drink it, 'cause it's really strong and delicious and oh god I need it why can't I stuff, but you know that by drinking it you can do some good, so you figure you might well just go ahead and drink it anyway to take a few son of a bitches down.

Then there's Lucifer. He's a bigger target, obviously ten times more likely to be the guy you want to take outta the picture with your energy drink induced powers. Thing is, one drink isn't gonna cut it for someone so damn powerful. So, you think, maybe you'll just steal as many energy drinks as possible, make a night of it, then hunt the Devil down.

Theoretically, as this is purely me sitting here bored and trying not to give myself a concussion from all this headdesking I've been doing as to keep myself from running at the crate that Brady left me, even if the energy drink was technically a Very Bad Thing, would following through on it really be so horrible if you end up saving the world? And if, this time, you know that following through on it won't actually end the world like it did last time? Yes? Yeah, that's what I thought. Just checking.

Filtered to Ruby.

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I'd ask if you're doing all right but considering Sam's sudden case of dumbaasititus I'll just stick to assuming the answer here. He told me about the case of blood, how against it would you be if I came over and stole it and got rid of it?
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