War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


November 19th, 2010

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Who: John and OTA
When: Afternoon
Where: Camp Xander... or anywhere else
What: Keeping a lookout, searching, investigating, etc
Rating: TBD



November 12th, 2010

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Who: John Jones and OPEN (to anyone in camp)
When: Night
Where: Camp Xander
What: Arriving to help and possible questioning, tests likely?
Rating: TBD


This world was in far worse shape than he had ever imagined )

September 17th, 2010

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Who: John Jones and Clark Kent
Where: Streets
When: Evening of the 17th
What: Anti-demon confrontation, attempted exorcisms?
Rating: TBD


Patrols )

June 20th, 2010

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Who: John Jones and Open
When: January 18th [backdated]
Where: Complex laundry room
What: Cleaning
Rating: TBD


Washing and contemplation )

June 15th, 2010

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Who: John Jones and OPEN
When: Afternoon
Where: Eighth Floor (location of the new library)
What: Checking things out
Rating/Warnings: TBD. None, most likely to be low


Learning more every day. )

April 15th, 2010

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Who: Shay & John Jones
Where: Half-lit alley somewhere in town
When: After dark on the 15th
What: Almost-chance meeting
Warnings: Shay knocking some sense into a couple lowlifes

She was perched like a gargoyle on the corner of an office block )

April 1st, 2010

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Who: Glory/Ben and Team Wanna Stab them in their shared Face
What: The FIGHT
Where: Glory's very large very awesome back yard. There is sealey energy pplz
When: Hallow'een evening
Rating: PG 13. Stabbity.
Status: In progress, Hold on  a few for the subthreads to come - Subthreads, Minions/Victims vs Rescuers, victims switch sides when fixed, supers kick Glory in the face. - Witchey-Fu, and Glory/Ben/Buffy/Dawn

February 27th, 2010

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Who: John Jones [OPEN]
When: Afternoon
Where: Lobby
What: Going places
Rating: TBA (but probably PG now)
Warnings: None likely


There had to be other desserts besides cookies )

February 12th, 2010

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WHO: Chloe and John Jones
WHAT: Keeping John busy so he doesn't make any trouble.
WHEN: Late late late night, early early early morning. So around 3 or 4 AM I'd say. After this thread.
WHERE: John's car in one of the busy parking lots.

Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical. - Pascal )

January 20th, 2010

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Who: Danny Ketch and Open!
What: Venturing out of the apartment after a night of very calm panicking.
Where: Starbucks!
When: Early morning.
Rating: Probably not severe. PG? Will update if it changes.
Status: Incomplete

Boy was that not fun. )

January 2nd, 2010

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Who: Those involved in the rescue, and being rescued, Alastair, Demons
What: Rescuing Alastairs Captives
When: Night of the 30th/Morning of the 31st
Where: Warehouse Alastair has taken over
Rating: High, Fighting, mentions of torture
Status: In progress
NOTE: Sorry for the delay guys!! Life exploded on me, Am gonna put up subthreads using my charries, One is in each group so it works, and we can work from there?


December 29th, 2009

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WHO: Alastair & his victims.
WHAT: Torture times!
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: An abandoned warehouse.
RATING: High. Violence, blood, etc. It's torture, people!

Let's put a smile on that face. )

[OOC: Comment with your characters names in the subject of each subthread and Al will drop by and visit each accordingly. Also, if you aren't comfortable with threading out violent scenes feel free to give it the old skip and we'll assume your character was here playing with everyone else!]

December 23rd, 2009

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Who: Eddie (Venom, maybe) and OPEN!
What: New arrival being… new?
When: Evening, right before sundown.
Where: The streets of Lawrence.
Status: Open; incomplete
Rating: TBA

This was a walk in the park.  )

November 16th, 2009

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Who: John and Raven
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
When: Night
What: Patrols
Rating: PG
Status: Complete


Doing the hero thing )

August 4th, 2009

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WHO: All characters involved with the former thread!
WHAT: Demons attack!
WHEN: Evening; after the demons show up here.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas.
RATING: Definite violence. Language is also a given.
NOTES: Part two of the plot! All efforts at fending the demons off will go here. Each team should post in a subthread with a limit of SEVEN demons to take care of distributed between each group so that, eventually, there will be an end to the attack! Your characters can trap them, drive them off, and/or if they have the appropriate materials and company, even exorcise them. Have at it!

I think I saw a porno like this once. )

June 8th, 2009

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Who: John Jones and Kara
What: Arriving
When: Evening
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Take me too your leader. Okay now, enough with the Martian streotypes. )
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