War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



November 8th, 2010

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WHO: Lois & Clark
WHAT: ~Reunited and it feels so goood~ Except not really.
WHEN: The End: Day One, early morning
WHERE: A building right in the middle of Clark's Croat hot zone!
WARNINGS: Probable cursing and definite distrust.

Bam. New location. Again. Kinda like a year and a half earlier when she ended up in Lawrence. )

October 20th, 2010

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Who: Freddie and OTA
What: Angry Primadonna arrives
Where: Downtown Lawrence
When: Late at night 20th
Rating: TBD, Freddie'll curse
Status: In Progress

September 17th, 2010

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Who: John Jones and Clark Kent
Where: Streets
When: Evening of the 17th
What: Anti-demon confrontation, attempted exorcisms?
Rating: TBD


Patrols )

September 13th, 2010

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Who: Clark, Nightwing, Ron (and a few npc civilians!)
What: rescue.
When: 25 minutes after the post, just like Dick promised.
Where: not far away from Mcdonalds.
Warnings: TBA! demons, npc on npc violence? idk.

he would rather live with them for the rest of his life every night then face the end of the world as they knew it. )

August 17th, 2010

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WHO: Clark & Dick.
WHAT: Dick has something he wants to show Clark.
WHEN: Midnight.
WHERE: The complex roof.
RATING: PG to start.

Right on time. )

July 23rd, 2010

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Who: Everyone not currently raising Lucifer from hell or on their way to Illchester to try and stop it, possessed, fighters, everyone.
What: Apocolypse now-ish
Where: Riiiight outside the apartment
When: 23rd Feb 2010
Rating: Temp Character Death
Status: Ongoing

OOC: This, is giant post of fighty doom. Subthread away, feel free to have the demons have a couple more hellhounds, no more than about 6 among everyone though, maybe a Daeva or two Meg sent down, and generally go for it with exorcisms however people decide to do them. The dead as we said can be picked up by Cara but only those we decided on. You guys know the limits on how far the fights can go etc so just have fun with it and get the good guys back to good guys, ...or..in Jacen's case, sort of good, good ish. And YES of course logs can take place in and around the same time elsewhere, aka hunts, or if the Tam's wanted a showdown etc. This is just the main battle ground.

July 6th, 2010

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Who:Clark and Dick
What: Watching the sunrise. Dick realizes it might be one of the last ones he see's for a while.
When:Wednesday Morning
Where: Complex rooftop.
Warnings: TBA, probably none.

There weren't very many things certain about life, but the sunrise and sunset )

June 17th, 2010

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WHO: Lois & Clark
WHAT: The Master is everywhere!
WHEN: Right when people start changing.
WHERE: A restaurant.

Just so long as he didn't have to wear any tights. )

May 19th, 2010

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Who: Lois and Clark
What: Massages and whatnot.
When: Just after Lois's post.
Where: Lois's apartment.
Warnings: Probably nothing too crazy. Will be updated if need be.

I'm lazy right now.

May 7th, 2010

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Who: Cal & open (I think it was Clark to the rescue?)
Where: The basement
When: evening-ish
What: Ghostytimes & Cal learning he can lay an epic smackdown
Warnings: Eh, NPC ghost violence and probably some swearing

They looked like they'd fallen right out of a Work World catalog, circa 1956 )

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WHO: Clark Wayne and Tim Martin.
WHAT: Remember how he keeps telling people that causing things to burst into flame is a security risk? Whoops.
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Just outside of the security office.

It was better to look a fool than die as one. )

May 6th, 2010

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WHO: Lois & Clark.
WHAT: Chatting.
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Outside; smoking area.

Clark knew that he probably should have left it as it was. )

April 7th, 2010

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WHO: Clark & Andrew.
WHAT: Uh, it's Superman and Andrew. What do you think is gonna happen?
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: The apartment complex.

There was a hole that went straight through the screen that was the size of his fist. )

April 1st, 2010

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Who: Glory/Ben and Team Wanna Stab them in their shared Face
What: The FIGHT
Where: Glory's very large very awesome back yard. There is sealey energy pplz
When: Hallow'een evening
Rating: PG 13. Stabbity.
Status: In progress, Hold on  a few for the subthreads to come - Subthreads, Minions/Victims vs Rescuers, victims switch sides when fixed, supers kick Glory in the face. - Witchey-Fu, and Glory/Ben/Buffy/Dawn

March 28th, 2010

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WHO: Lois & Clark.
WHAT: Clark is taking care of his mentally unstable girlfriend. Well. More mentally unstable than usual.
WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHERE: The apartment complex.
RATING: PG to start.

He didn't want to see her this way. Clark wanted Lois. His Lois. )

March 24th, 2010

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So, in my dimension, this is an epic question. I know we've got at least one of each party here, but I'm gonna ask anyway.

Who would win, a Wizard or a Jedi?

Dawn brought up a good question. She was asking if Superman could take down Glory, and you know, I'm going to bring that up to him.

Just thought you should know.

Hey, quick question. Think you could take down a hell goddess?

[ooc: Shit. This is in the wrong comm. SORRY! MJ told me to just put a note down here...]

February 24th, 2010

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WHO: Clark Kent and Dean Winchester
WHERE: Community Kitchen
WHEN: Today, early afternoon.
WHAT: Dean is looking for the bottle opener and Clark comes in. AND THEY DO IT!
RATINS PG ... they don't do it. I lied.
Status: Closed/Incomplete

February 23rd, 2010

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Who: Clark and Tim
What: down time.
When: Monday evening.
Where: Tim's place.
Warnings: probably none, no more crazy for Tim. =D. yayz.

Age profiling Kryptonians wasn't his strong suit. Or Tamaranians for that matter. )

February 22nd, 2010

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WHAT: Kara's birthday party!
WHEN: Around four-ish, and onwards.
WHERE: Community kitchen.
Ratings: PG-13

February 12th, 2010

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WHO: Clark, Faith, and Pike(?).
WHAT: Someone found blue kryptonite!
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Their motel.

He wouldn't act a fool and go in blindly, but he was more than willing to give Faith the benefit of the doubt for now. )
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