War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



July 10th, 2011

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Who: Needy, Leia, Link, Dean, Anna, Sam, (I think this is it? If not come on in)
What: Taking down Horseman #2
Where: Famine's cafe HQ
When: Late Night Saturday
Rating: Reasonably high, famine is gross
Status: In Progress

OOC: Moved Needy's opener here out of the way of MJ's Famine Narrative and into its own post! Go to it team!

And then will come Famine, riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty. And great will be the Horseman's hunger for he is hunger. His hunger will seep out and poison the air. )

July 6th, 2011

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Who? Loki and Needy
What? Watching the movie he's 'from'.
Where? One of the few theaters still playing it!
When? Earlier tonight.
Rating? Harmless, aside from spoilers and gratuitous angst?
Note: Will contain spoilers from the movie (Thor [2011]), so if you still haven't seen it yet, be cautioned... and then go watch it, seriously.

His own scenes, however, were like that proverbial saying about pulling out teeth. )

June 21st, 2011

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Who: Ser Jaime Lannister & Yoooou!!
What: We sure ain't in Westros no more :p
Where: Massachusetts Street,
When: Afternoon
Rating: TBD but he does have a sword
Status: In Progress

June 11th, 2011

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WHO: Hit-Girl, a small group of thugs, and YOU?
WHAT: Some criminal douches need their asses kicked.
WHEN: Late in the evening.
WHERE: Downtown, Lawrence.
RATING: Mature: for blood, violence, and Hit-Girl's potty mouth.

She was already moving through the shadows once again, blood soaked knife and rope clutched tightly in her small hands with a smug air of accomplishment filling her up as the other thugs reached for their weapons and began to shoot. )

October 12th, 2010

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Who: Kennedy and Needy. (Kenneedy?)
What: Happy-go-lucky morning after!
When: Morning, May 13th.
Where: Needy's apartment.
Warnings: Text about girlslashyness.

The day-- and night-- before had been long, but in a good way )

June 18th, 2010

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Who: Kyle Peltier and Needy
What: Run into each other
When: Wednesday Night (backdated)
Where: The bar where Needy works
Rating: PGish the who swearing thing and all

June 13th, 2010

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Who: Cal & Open
Where: Park near the apartments
When: Early Wednesday, Jan 13th
Warnings: Possible, will update as necessary.

He'd made it to the park in ten minutes, a trip that even at a run usually took him at least fifteen )

May 27th, 2010

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Who: Needy Lesnicki and Kyle Peltier
What: Kyle has food. Needy is punching things.
When: Evening, December 27th.
Where: The gym of the complex.
Warnings: Needy curses sometimes. And there's only one shirt between the two of them.


May 22nd, 2010

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Who: Clarissa Morgenstern, Needy Lesnicki, Seeley Booth
What: Shenanigans in LA
When: Today, late morning
Where: Los Angeles, a bank. One that Needy just happened to rob before.
Rating: TB
Status: Incomplete
Notes: Yami, Anne, if this isn't okay, let me know.

be vawy vawy quiet, we're hunting shifters )

May 19th, 2010

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WHO: Puck and Needy.
WHAT: New arrival.
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas.

How was he going to get laid if he didn't have service on his phone? )

May 17th, 2010

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Who: Bobby Drake and OPEN
What: Arriving! In his boxers. At night. In December. And being unphased!
When: Night, December 17th.
Where: Random park is random!
Warnings: None. He’s a superhero, c’mon now.

Bobby groaned at the breeze on his face. )

April 7th, 2010

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Who: Needy Lesnicki and Colin Gray
What: Colin gets to the apartments. Needy is freaking out a little.
When: Backdated to just a little while after his comm post.
Where: The apartments. Starts in the lobby.
Warnings: Uh. There's Needy, who swears now and didn't when Colin knew her, and probable talks of past murders.

Colin's alive. And he's here. )

April 2nd, 2010

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Who: Needy Lesnicki and Cal Leandros
What: Catching up. They haven't seen each other in over a week after all. Imagine that!
When: After dark, November 1st.
Where: Cal's apartment.
Warnings: Language. I can't really think of anything else.

Needy was pretty glad that she had escaped the whole body-swapping fiasco. )

April 1st, 2010

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Who: Glory/Ben and Team Wanna Stab them in their shared Face
What: The FIGHT
Where: Glory's very large very awesome back yard. There is sealey energy pplz
When: Hallow'een evening
Rating: PG 13. Stabbity.
Status: In progress, Hold on  a few for the subthreads to come - Subthreads, Minions/Victims vs Rescuers, victims switch sides when fixed, supers kick Glory in the face. - Witchey-Fu, and Glory/Ben/Buffy/Dawn

March 30th, 2010

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Who: Glory & Spike and eventual rescuage, where there will be minions but no God :p
What: Well she had sooo much fun the first time round
Where: While Spike is on a Dru Hunt
When: 29th October, not long after Dark
Rating: Highish, mentions of torture
Status: In Progress

March 1st, 2010

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Who: Needy and Cal
What: Going out for chili cheese fries.
When: Evening, September 28th
Where: From the apartment lobby to a random restaurant.
Warnings: Uh. Probably language. I don't know what else there would be.

Chili cheese fries might not save the world, but they were tasty. )

February 16th, 2010

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Who: Needy Lesnicki and Ruby
What: Ruby snags her kryptonite necklace.
When: Monday night.
Where: Out and about in Lawrence.
Warning: There'll probably be some language. And some violence.

February 6th, 2010

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Who: Auphe!Cal, Red-K'd Needy & Phoebe
Where: San Fransisco (and perhaps parts beyond)
What: Shopping spree and other shenanigans
When: Directly after portalling away from here
Warnings: None yet, will update as necessary.

He knew that they were attracting attention and he simply didn't care )

January 18th, 2010

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Who: Needy and OPEN
What: Being somewhere aside from the apartments.
Where: Out for a walk.
When: Night time, a couple hours after her post.

The only thing Needy cared about as she walked down the street was being anywhere but the apartments. )

January 7th, 2010

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Who: Needy and Spike
What: Digging in the community kitchen.
When: Thursday evening.
Where: ...in the community kitchen. Duh.
Warnings: Possible cursing.

Needy was having a pretty good day. )
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