War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



September 27th, 2012

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WHO: Helena G. Wells and Andrea Rojas
WHEN: Tonight.
WHAT: Drinky stuff
STATUS: In Progress!
Ratings: TBD, but it has alcohol so likely PG-13!

cut tag )

September 23rd, 2012

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WHO: Andrea and Snake
WHEN: BACKDATED: When the ghosts arrive.
WHAT: A lot of thoughts and then talk with a dude who is supposed to be dead.
WHERE: Her apartment
Status: Long. Narrative. Completed.

Some things I hold too tightly. Some things I'll never touch )

August 13th, 2012

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Who: Andrea and Helena
What: Andrea is meeting H. G. Wells in the flesh.
When: This afternoon at tea time. Which, for those who don't know what time that is, is around 3 pm
Where: A quaint little tea cafe
Warnings: Excessive fangirling on Andrea's part, including, but not limited to, flailing and "silent" squealing. Should be fairly low, though.

H. G. Wells is actually a woman. I need some time to process this )

July 28th, 2012

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WHO: Andrea Rojas
WHAT: Her arrival.
WHEN: Around midnight/1 am.
WHERE Entrance to Lawrence
Status: Closed/Unless someone wants to run into her?
Ratings: PG

August 25th, 2010

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Who: Dick and Andrea
What: a random meeting
When: After the rooftop games.
Where: community kitchen.
Warnings: TBA but likely none.

He'd been pushing ever since he arrived in apocalyptic hell, Kansas.  )

July 21st, 2010

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Who: Virgil and Andrea
What: Being found. living
When: Day after the fight with Jania.
Where: Abandoned mostly destroyed warehouse.
Warnings: TBA.

If only the walls could talk. )

June 19th, 2010

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WHO: Rory Gilmore and Andrea Rojas
WHEN: Backdated to the 16th
WHERE: Apartment complex
WHAT: Getting ready to go to Haiti to help with the relief efforts.

It filled her with warmth to see Rory and Clark also volunteer. It had also filled her with warmth that people wanted her to be careful )

June 13th, 2010

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Who: Andrea and Jaz
What: Random crossing of paths.
When: Early evening, we'll go with.
Where: Walking around.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Jaz had been wishing to go home, but she was done. )

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WHO: Andrea Rojas; Narrative.
WHAT: Andrea turns on CNN and what she sees slightly blows her world.
WHEN: Tuesday, January 12th. Afternoon.
WHERE: Her apartment
Status: Closed/Complete

Because here watching these people suffer and they weren't even her people. Her heart was breaking. )

May 30th, 2010

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What: Rescuing Buffy, exorcising demon!Faith
When: Today!
Where: Building Buffy's being held in
Warnings: Violence undoubtedly

TAG POSTING ORDER FOR THE GETTING BUFFY THREAD: Anya, Castiel, Jo, Vi, Kendra (will be amended as others tag in)


It's a rescue mission! )

May 16th, 2010

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Who: Andrea and Vi
What: Female butt kickers hanging out?
When: Late afternoon
Where: Community kitchen. It's a happening place.
Rating: PGish. Probably.
Status: Incomplete

It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. )

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WHO: Andrea Rojas and Spike
WHERE: Streets of Lawrence.
WHEN: Early morning of the sixteenth
WHAT: Andrea is doing vigilante goodness and Spike is being morally uncool.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete
Ratings: TBD

here )

April 2nd, 2010

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WHO: Spike and Andrea Rojas [In Kate's body.]
WHAT: She's ... concerned. Oh, shut up.
WHERE: First her apartment and then his.
WHEN: [Slightly Backdated] Evening of November 1st.
Ratings: Likely no higher than PG-13
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

April 1st, 2010

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Who: Glory/Ben and Team Wanna Stab them in their shared Face
What: The FIGHT
Where: Glory's very large very awesome back yard. There is sealey energy pplz
When: Hallow'een evening
Rating: PG 13. Stabbity.
Status: In progress, Hold on  a few for the subthreads to come - Subthreads, Minions/Victims vs Rescuers, victims switch sides when fixed, supers kick Glory in the face. - Witchey-Fu, and Glory/Ben/Buffy/Dawn

March 30th, 2010

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Who: Glory & Spike and eventual rescuage, where there will be minions but no God :p
What: Well she had sooo much fun the first time round
Where: While Spike is on a Dru Hunt
When: 29th October, not long after Dark
Rating: Highish, mentions of torture
Status: In Progress

March 28th, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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It's Pike. Glory's after Pike.

Edit, because he was kinda shocked to see it was the person he actually knows: He's somewhere on [street]. He was heading north. Thank god I actually saw a sign this time.

March 27th, 2010

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Who: Riku and Andrea Rojas
What: Riku has come to town! Andrea has played Kingdom Hearts. Yeeeah.
When: Saturday morning.
Where: Random street! Only, not the same one as Stephanie and Xander.
Warnings: Well... Riku is probably one of the only KH characters to be aware of curse words.

Not this again. )

March 24th, 2010

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So, in my dimension, this is an epic question. I know we've got at least one of each party here, but I'm gonna ask anyway.

Who would win, a Wizard or a Jedi?

Dawn brought up a good question. She was asking if Superman could take down Glory, and you know, I'm going to bring that up to him.

Just thought you should know.

Hey, quick question. Think you could take down a hell goddess?

[ooc: Shit. This is in the wrong comm. SORRY! MJ told me to just put a note down here...]

March 19th, 2010

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WHO: Faith, Pike, and Andrea
WHAT: Visiting friends time!
WHEN: Today.
WHERE: Where Pike and Faith are staying
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete
Rating: PG-13. Faith has a mouth on her.

March 9th, 2010

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WHO: Andrea and Spike
WHAT: He bothers her. What you think the sex would change that? Pfft!
WHEN: Forward dated just a bit to after midnight, so, Oct 10, 2009.
WHERE: Her bed room. Mind out of the gutter!
Ratings: PG-13 -- R?
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

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