War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



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January 5th, 2010

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Who: Buffy and Romana
What: Hunting for possible vampires
When: Afternoon
Where: A town in Colorado
Status: Incomplete

Yay, vampire! )

January 2nd, 2010

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Who: Those involved in the rescue, and being rescued, Alastair, Demons
What: Rescuing Alastairs Captives
When: Night of the 30th/Morning of the 31st
Where: Warehouse Alastair has taken over
Rating: High, Fighting, mentions of torture
Status: In progress
NOTE: Sorry for the delay guys!! Life exploded on me, Am gonna put up subthreads using my charries, One is in each group so it works, and we can work from there?


December 30th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers and Paige Matthews
What: People hunting and Winchester bashing
When: Early morning/Late night
Where: Their section of the city
Rating: PG-13 maybe?
Status: Incomplete

creepy demon hunting )

December 29th, 2009

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WHO: Buffy Summers and Alastair.
WHAT: Smacking a bitch down!
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas.
STATUS: In progress.

Alastair knew much about perfection. )

December 28th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers and Open!
What: Extra training after one of her classes
When: Right after early morning class.
Where: The Training room
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

buffy vs. a punching bag )

December 13th, 2009

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Who: Buffy and Dean
What: Beer
When: Evening
Where: A bar not far from the apartments
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

bring on the beer )

November 24th, 2009

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WHO: Romana, Buffy Summers, Martha Jones, Raven, Paige, Ron Weasley, any others involved that I've forgotten I will add as needed.
WHAT: One last stand
WHERE: A closed off alley in Lawrence
WHEN: 24th June Evening
STATUS: In Progress.

November 19th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers, Open
What: Late night, shes got the munchies
When: Around 11pm
Where: Apartment Complex, Kitchens

lucky charms )

November 2nd, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers, and Open
What: Running away!
When: Early morning, around 2am
Where: In the city
Rating: PG 13, violence
Status: Incomplete, Open!

threat of the evil pepper shakers )

September 26th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers, and open
What: Moving into the apartment building
When: Early afternoon
Where: The apartment building set up for those who are stuck here
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

she was tired )

September 24th, 2009

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WHO: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Buffy Summers.
WHAT: Scary ghost making people paranoid and crazy? Yep, it's time to salt and burn.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Graveyard.

It was time to end this. )

September 3rd, 2009

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WHO: Spike, Andrew, open to anyone else who would be around.
WHAT: The ceiling fan is angry!
WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHERE: Their motel.

He'd be free of the blades of death. )

August 4th, 2009

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WHO: All characters involved with the former thread!
WHAT: Demons attack!
WHEN: Evening; after the demons show up here.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas.
RATING: Definite violence. Language is also a given.
NOTES: Part two of the plot! All efforts at fending the demons off will go here. Each team should post in a subthread with a limit of SEVEN demons to take care of distributed between each group so that, eventually, there will be an end to the attack! Your characters can trap them, drive them off, and/or if they have the appropriate materials and company, even exorcise them. Have at it!

I think I saw a porno like this once. )

August 3rd, 2009

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WHO: Any and all invited out to look at the apartment building.
WHAT: Touring the building, working on plans for setting it up and making it more safe for the future.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas.
NOTES: As part of the attack plot, this thread serves as the set up for it. Feel free to have your characters interact at will in subthreads - we'll be setting up the attack thread where the teams will be fighting back against the demons soon!

Wheel in the sky keeps on turning. )

August 2nd, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers and Fenrir Grayback
What: Slayer meets Werewolf Wizard
When: Late at night, around 11pm
Where: Streets of Lawrence
Rating: Likely high, R, Violence
Status: Incomplete

oh look! a bad guy )

July 16th, 2009

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Who is there to kill for fun around here?

[ooc: Pretend this was done at [info]wariscomingcom WHOOPS.]

July 12th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers and Ruby
What: Fries & Beer
When: Late evening
Where: The best place for fries and beer, according to Ruby
Rating: PGish? Possible language
Status: In progress

beer and fries )

July 4th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers, Spike, and a bit of Sam Winchester at first
What: Coming back from demon lessons, and then to the motel. (I'm going to say Buffy grabbed a room at the same motel Sam and Dean are at, if that's okay with you?)
When: Around 10:30pm
Where: Motel
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Explody feelings of confusion that she didn't know how to deal with )

June 30th, 2009

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Who: Buffy Summers & Open
What: Patrolling Exploring the city
When: Evening, shortly after sun set.
Where: Cemetery. Where else do slayers go?
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Still, there she was, walking between Elizabeth MacKenzie, 1923-1976 and Harold Gray, 1876-1945 )

June 27th, 2009

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WHO: Sam Winchester, Ruby, any and all who want to take part in the meeting.
WHAT: Demonology 101.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: A warehouse; downtown.
STATUS: In progress.

Devils traps and rock salt lines. )
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