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September 6th, 2009

[info]tristan_clapp in [info]viewing_globe

WHO: Tristan and Penny
WHAT: Tristan wants to hang out with Penny
WHEN: 8/31, 11:10 am
WHERE: Penny's place

Tristan glanced in the mirror, frowning at his image. Even with a long sleeved shirt on to cover the bruises on his arms, make-up on his face to disguise the marks on his face, and an eyepatch to hide his black eye, he still looked a bit of a mess. His cheek was swollen, his skin was scratched in a few places, and the make-up wasn't exactly put on perfectly. He'd picked it up that morning from a store in town. He'd gotten a few raised eyebrows over that, but he didn't care. Anything was better then looking like he just got a serious beating- which he had. Plus the eyepatch was just a little suspicious.

Ah well. He'd tell everyone he was starting a new fashion trend or something. They might even believe him. And with that he left his apartment and headed over to Penny's place. He hadn't hung out with her in a while, and hopefully Penny could cheer him up. He still felt horrid over the whole thing with Evie, but he knew it was better to let her cool off then try to apologize right now.

In no time at all he was in front of Penny's door and knocking on it. 'Bang bang-bang bang bang, BANG BANG.' "Penny! You in there?" he shouted through the door. Maybe he should have called to check that she was in. Not that it mattered, he was here now he supposed.

[info]will_weathers in [info]viewing_globe

Who:  Will and Open
What:  Rejoining the World/Visiting Hours
Where:  Med Bay
When:  1 pm, August 31st

The chart read as following:  Internal Bleeding, mended.  Three Broken Ribs, set.  Dislocated Shoulder, reset.  To Will though, he was yet to be aware that there was even a chart.  The room was quiet, for he was not in critical condition, and had stabilized the day before, but he had still been out of it.  It was a combination of the injuries, and the medicine that had kept his mind under throughout the last two days.  He had not awaken, but those who had stayed by his side swore at least at several points he did manage one word.  It was a name, Sarah, and nothing else.  He lay still on the bed, as it was propped up slightly so he could sleep comfortably.  His chest was bandaged up, and lay bare, while red pajama bottoms adorned his lower half, which was submerged beneath the blankets.  His breathing was steady by the rise and fall of his chest.

His eyes were the first to open, and immediately he sucked a good deal of oxygen into his lungs, making a very audible sound as he did.  His senses still didn’t’ kick as he stared straight ahead, just taking in what was in front of them for a second, but suddenly the lights kicked back on, and he turned his head from one side to the other, still not aware of any pain or his condition.  He tried to remember what had happened, though everything was a rush of flashes.  There was the ship, that had been cloaked and there for some unknown reason.  Then the rush of action as the defense turrets kicked on.  He remembered the way they had forced him back, and finally they had stopped.  The owner came out, and his powers were astonishing.  He remembered morphing, and then……