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Feb. 15th, 2019


WHO: Vivienne! Lufkins! Narrative!
WHAT: Lunch!
WHEN: Today?
NOTE: Written in a different way than usual? This is what happens at one in the morning

Her mother’s life was full of things, but awfully empty. )

Feb. 21st, 2017


in the morning post...


Aug. 12th, 2016


WHO: Vivienne Lufkin and Miles Lufkin
WHAT: Instead of tagging things Cristina talks to herself
WHERE: His and Mira's flat!

Have you been reading books of philosophy? )

Nov. 28th, 2015



Miles felt, he felt, he felt everything! He could not sleep last night, he left bed early this morning and spent it poolside with Sabine, breakfast was barely touched, he felt nervous, but ready! Excited, but wanting to make every moment last a millennium. Most of all, he felt very loved, and told Mira so as often as he could, thinking it would never be enough. The morning had whirled by, they were married under the Moroccan sun, in the middle of the vast Sahara Desert that showcased the enormity of this step, how very little they were when it came to the rest of the world, making him think that they needed to take advantage of every moment they could.

With his mind having been jumping everywhere all day, it was no wonder that Miles had already made his rounds about the room before the first course of dinner had been served. He'd lost Sabine to his sister, then their mother, and now it was time to find his wife and perhaps whisk her to the dance floor again? Or did she wish for cake? Or maybe to sneak away for a private moment because her dress made his hands twitch with anticipation of the evening---

"Mrs. Lufkin!" Miles let out, putting his hands up as if seeing Mira for the first time that day. He clasped his hands at his chest, and then bowed as if being graced by her presence (he was!). "May I have this dance?"

He lifted his head to waggle his eyebrows, his smile brighter than it had ever been before.

Nov. 15th, 2015



a very chirpy, bouncy owl delivers the message! )

Sep. 14th, 2015



There was nothing quite like being shoved into a freezing cold pool to wake up all your senses.

Hudson maintained his sinking like a stone routine for a few seconds, watching the blurry image of Arista stalk off down the edge of the pool that was the main centerpiece of her party. Their fight had gone beautifully, he believed that they should be up for Wizarding World Awards next year! His loud and rude words would certainly earn him a place on The Tattler's wall of shame, and it put a definitive end to their fake relationship. He was sad to see it go, because when he hadn't had a ridiculously busy schedule, the 'forced' extra tim with Arista was wonderful. Her real birthday surprise would hopefully make up for not being able to spend tonight with her, but it was early enough on in the party that she could have her moment away and come back ready to party however Arista wished to party.

Finding that he'd spent enough time submerged, Hudson pushed his feet off the floor of the pool and swam toward the end with the ladder. His face broke through into the cold cold air, and because it was a party full of Arista's friends, he was not greeted by a towel or anything of the such. No, no, he deserved it for being such a louse, and he clambered up the ladder and squished his way toward one of the nearest bathrooms, head hung low. Even if this was for the greater good, it was going to be a bit of a dull, perhaps even lonely night.

He wasn't a drinker, but perhaps he could start.

Aug. 16th, 2015


Who! Quidditch Bros.
What! Jeremiah has some big news.
Where! Miles' Flat
When! Ummm let's say before the weekend.

Where the hell was ‘Texas’? )

Aug. 10th, 2015


WHO: Mira Jasper and Miles Lufkin
WHAT: Wake up call!
WHERE: St. Mungo's! This hospital is busy tonight

Why wasn’t there anything good here? )

Jul. 27th, 2015



Peter had not understood his management's request to wear light colors, a white shirt if he could, until he entered the tented area on Wimbourne Field and was struck with a glob of what felt like paint. He stared down at the bright pink bulge on his chest for a few seconds before looking up to find the culprit, a tiny intern from the back offices who looked mortified that he had been the one to strike Peter. But, the week had been a good one for his team and for himself, so Peter just spread the paint across his shirt like a claw mark and continued on his way. If this was their theme, he was going to run with it.

Anyone who came into his path had a pink hand-print somewhere on their body, whether it be in an appropriate place or not. He was enjoying very much the attention that had been put on the Wasps, and with their latest addition milling about somewhere, the news fresh off a post-game announcement, Peter was feeling excellent about the rest of their season.

Perhaps he needed some yellow paint, with all this team spirit he was feeling. Peter made his way through to a table where the necessary supplies were at the ready, and dipped two fingers into the bowl of yellow paint. With keen expertise, he spread thick lines across his cheek bones, as if ready to go into battle.

His spirits high and the lights down low, this was certainly going to prove to be an excellent night.

ooc: Black Buzzers and the Brash Bees win! Caden Flint and Hugh Orpington are your MVPs!
Black light party! Paint! Wizard fun! Lots of dark corners to get into trouble!

Jul. 11th, 2015


Cresswell Barbecue!

Zora thought that this barbecue was one of the best ideas her husband had come up with in a very long time. Not to say that Dirk wasn't always full of great ideas, but the day had turned out better than she could have hoped. Many of their friends and family had arrived to see them, their children, and the new home they had been bragging about. It was so much bigger than their last home, which was something they needed since their family seemed to keep growing in size. Kris had only just turned 1 when she realized she was pregnant with their third child, but thankfully they had made things work like they always did. Their little girl was an unexpected blessing, and she kept rubbing her small belly affectionately as she sipped her non-alcoholic punch.

She had been flitting around their new backyard (there was so much space!), trying to say hello to all of their guests as they arrived. It was dinner time when she handed Kris to her brother Vladimir, who had come in with his wife from Bulgaria. Her youngest boy was hungry, and growing cranky now that it was becoming later in the day and he had missed his nap. He had been chasing his older brother around most of the day, and Zora had even taken the boys into the pool earlier so they could splash around and cool off. Her hair was still damp and clipped up, but she had changed out of her suit and back into her sundress. She made sure Dirk had everything he needed before she pressed a kiss to his cheek and scanned their backyard, looking for a particular face in the crowd.

She spotted Nell sitting by herself at one of the tables for the first time all day. With one hand on her belly and the other holding onto her punch cup, she took advantage of the opportunity and plopped down into empty seat beside her friend.

"So," she began, "are you going to make me pry it out of you, or are you going to tell me how you met this friend of yours?" She smiled broadly at Nell, taking another sip of her punch.

[OOC: This thread is open to anyone who knows the Cresswells, or might have been invited by an attending guest! HAVE FUN!]

Jul. 6th, 2015


WHO: Miles Lufkin and Adian Rosenberg!
WHAT: It is time to meet his sister's beau!
WHERE: Adian's flat! And then, off we go!
WHEN: Sometime this past weekend!

Are you mad?! )

Mar. 28th, 2015


Sunday Morning Owl to Vivienne Lufkin

his owl refuses to leave without a response! )

Mar. 9th, 2015



He had to hand it to Adian; when his friend said he was going to throw the biggest party ever, he certainly meant it. Louis was quite sure that he didn't know half of the people there, most of them one or two or perhaps six degrees of separation from him. He didn't mind it, he constantly had a drink in his hand, and nowadays it felt quite necessary. Louis could not deny that he enjoyed the attention, and his cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling too much for the camera. Maybe it was because he had not smiled too much in recent weeks, but it felt good to do so when so many times the thought that he'd never smile again had drifted through his mind.

Snatching a particularly pink and fizzy bottle off the table, Louis twisted and moved through the crowd on the tips of his toes. There was of course a very important person section of couches set up in the best corner of the flat, and only if you were deemed worthy were you allowed to pass through the shimmering wards. Those worthy of such titles included the birthday boy himself, the best friend of the birthday boy, the girlfriend of the birthday boy, and a few other handful like a sister, close friends, and a quidditch player that they owned the jersey of. It was a very elite group.

Passing through the wards sent a warm sensation through his body and he plopped down next to Penelope, presenting her with the fizzy pink drink.

"I heard it tastes like rainbows," he said with a smile, kicking his feet up. Louis put his own drink out for a cheers before putting it to his lips.

ooc: Biggest party ever!! Wear green or get donkey ears and speak in limericks all night THE GREATEST SHAME. Try to have some degree of separation to the boys, but every little connection counts lmao. Happy Early St. Patrick's Day!!!

Feb. 14th, 2015


St. Mungo's Gala! Open to Everyone!

ooc: Think Red carpet fancy~ for charity lmao think of the children!!

Feb. 1st, 2015


MAGPIES! Around the suspension announcement

Jeremiah had told him there was nothing going on. Jeremiah had told Adrian those 'silly' rumors started by the Tattler were just that, rumors, because of course he wasn't doing anything stupid, taking anything illegal. So why, why, had he been dragged into Montrose all the way from Portugal like an animal on a leash to be attacked by a wall of official robes, half Scottish and half Portuguese, accused of inadequately doing--- performing--- having little to no idea about---

Out of an inexplicable rage of being lied to, to his face, Adrian reached out and hurled an idle Magpies memorabilia on one of the many pedestals that lined the hallway from the offices to the locker room in the stadium. He wasn't sure what it was, he didn't care to check, but it made a significantly enough smash on the ground to quell anger in that moment. It did not stop him, however, from his stomping mission; he knew where he was going the moment Montrose Management had released him for the time being. Stick around for the rest of the day like everyone else, you'll be needed. Perhaps use this opportunity to get a better grip of his team and what he clearly was not doing right.

He--- a grip--- he had many grips--- how could he---- Adrian stopped cold, dead in his tracks when he heard voices, distinct voices coming from the other side of the locker room door. Those voices---- two of those voices were responsible for why he had been ripped from his beautiful dream with his Portugal wife so early to be brought here to get yelled at for--- all his thoughts came to a tumbling stop, and they collected on one person. A great breath filled his lungs, and feeling quite like his gut and limbs were going to explode if he did not act immediately, he moved forward.

Crashing into the room, Adrian swiftly whipped past Miles near the door, eyes locked for his intended target: Jeremiah Whitehorn.

"You!" Adrian thundered, pointing a solitary accusing finger at his keeper. Letting out a string of violent Portuguese swear words, he quickly, forcefully, jumped across the room to grab Jeremiah's collar. Before the other wizard could much react, Adrian swung his fisted hand back for a well-aimed punch at Jeremiah's face. Jeremiah was an idiot, a liar, and the very least Adrian knew he deserved what was coming next.

"You lied to me!" he bellowed, feeling betrayed, embarrassed, and above all, angry. With a quick glance, he glared over his shoulder at Miles, quite at ease with relaying the message that his fellow Beater wasn't one to be unscathed, simply next in line.

Jan. 25th, 2015


Who! Magpie Bros, Jeremiah and Miles
What! Jeremiah is having a bit of a panic attack
Where! Jeremiah's Flat
When! Nowish
Status! Finishing in comments!

They will not find anything, yes? )

Aug. 8th, 2014



Practice had been especially brutal today, and Miles had joked that perhaps it was Adrian who was experiencing the hormones of pregnancy, and not his wife. That had earned him a whack to the back of his head with a beater's glove and a few extra laps. By the time they were finished, Miles had no energy to change out of his clothes and had used what little he had to disapparate back home. They had not had a match since two weeks before the all-star break, so he blamed his captain's extra pressure on that. He probably would have been doing the same, but since he was no longer in a position to make these calls, he cursed Mattias all the way up the stairs to their flat.

"I am apologizing now for smelling of grass and dirt," Miles called out into the flat as he opened the door, knowing that his particular state was not going to be welcomed by Mira in the slightest. He kicked his shoes into the closet and hung his broomstick up with a little more care. Miles listened for sound in the flat as he unclasped his cloak, eyes narrowing at how quiet it was. He had believed Mira was going to be home at this time, but perhaps she had made other plans. Which would work for him, because he could get away with being drenched in sweat and covered in dirt (and maybe a little blood, but it was his own, he was pretty sure).

But--- "Mira, are you here, ma belle?"

Slinging his socks into a hamper to at least get those off of his body, Miles began to poke his head into every room. He let out a whistle, knowing that their fluffball of a dog, Babette, would at least come scurrying. When that didn't occur, Miles grew concerned. He stopped in the middle of the hallway, listening for any sign of the two. "Hello, Mira!"

Jul. 27th, 2014


All Star Party - Posted for Wednesday! Game on Thursday!

Charlie had not lost the pure joy that was making the all star team. The first time he'd been voted on he had been stunned into silence, which was a feat if you asked anyone who knew him. It was always a surprise, it was always an honor, and this year he had felt especially blessed because as the top vote getter he was named captain of a squad of absolutely amazing players. He was overwhelmed with joy and pride, it was simply---amazing.

Not amazing! He was the captain of the Dangerous Dragons, not the Amazing--however you said it.

He wasn't feeling dangerous, though, as he made his way back from an impromptu photo shoot with Wendy Midgen that ended up with the pink-haired woman nearly clambering over his shoulders in a fake duel. Still grinning, Charlie's smile widened even further at the sight of Liddie, who looked marvelous, fantastic, and simply stunning. It was not lost on him or the press that this was their first public outing, and even though they had not been a secret for a few months now, it was an exhilarating feeling.

"I almost got swept up by a pink tornado!" Charlie exclaimed, enjoying his play on words. He dropped into a seat quickly and leaned in for a quick, but not-so-quick, kiss. "But I made it out, barely alive."

OOC: All-Stars, Players, Press, Family, & Friends who were insistent they attend!