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Nov. 23rd, 2014



Veronica couldn’t remember the last time she had a cigarette. It had been years, at least, and usually after a bad breakup. With her dating track record, she had dropped and picked up the habit several times, but her reason for pinching one between her fingers that night had nothing to do with her fiancé. It did, however, have something to do with a certain ex-boyfriend who had turned up at her apartment that morning.

She was quickly beginning to remember why it had been so easy for her to stop smoking as she pulled her coat tight around her, curled up in a chair on the balcony of her apartment. There was a nearly empty glass of wine on the table beside her, the bottle showing that this was not the first (or second) she had poured for herself that night. Her hair was still damp from a shower she had taken earlier, though now she was beginning to wonder if she should have waited to bathe since the smell of tobacco and nicotine were sure to stick to her clothes, hair and skin. The last time she had checked the clock, it was still early. Rich was at practice, and wasn’t supposed to be over until—

The sound of her front door closing, followed by her fiancé’s booming voice calling out her name made her shut her eyes tightly. Had that much time really passed by since she had come outside after her shower? Letting out a defeated sigh, she made her location known, reaching out for her glass of wine to take a sip of it before he appeared. She greeted him a guilty smile, wine in one hand, the cigarette still burning in the other.

“It’s been a very long day,” she explained, before he had a chance to ask. “How was practice?”