July 2023




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Aug. 17th, 2018


open to guests! BLOOD MOON WEDDING

table arrangements )

Feb. 12th, 2018


valentine's party post ♥ owls, threads, gifts, and more!

Feb. 14th, 2017


valentine's party post! gifts and threads and owls, oh my!

OOC hybrid post! post anything you like 😊 ❤️ Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sep. 1st, 2016


Open to Guests! Saturday!

Mar. 15th, 2016


WHERE: paris! quidditch stadium!
WHEN: today! right before the ireland v. scotland match

What are you doing here?! )

Feb. 26th, 2016


For Sunday! Open for All!

ooc: Have a character shipping off to Paris on Sunday that wants to say some good-byes? Post here!
Ideas: Team England Party @ Grail's bar | Last minute packing | Portkey Terminal | etc.!
...maybe it doesn't have to be quidditch related? dun dunn who's taking off as well?

Feb. 13th, 2016


Valentine's Gift Posts! February 14th!

Spread & Share the ♥!
OOC: Cards/Gifts from your characters to their loved ones can be posted here!! Have fun!

Dec. 22nd, 2015



The realtor witch left under the declaration of giving her clients a moment to themselves, but Liddie found herself needing a little bit more than one moment. This was very big, a very very expensive purchase (right before Christmas, too!), and while she was sure it was the right move to make, she was also…. not so sure about it at all. Looking up at the beautifully molded ceilings, thinking she had originally liked the gold against the white walls, Liddie took in a breath.

Her business needed a new place to operate from, that, she knew. Liddie also knew her and Charlie’s house in Kenmare couldn’t contain it any longer. People coming in and out of the house at all times of day and night, designs and materials taking over more and more rooms; it wasn’t fair to Charlie, or the dogs, and she had been thinking that an official headquarters in the center of London with business hours away from their home was the next logical step for a while now. Clients and buyers would like this house, it would represent a good image for the brand. Her assistants could have desks, working stations, there would be a whole room for that… the entire bottom floor could be for her fashion house. And the upstairs could be for her and Charlie, the dogs, when the children were here to live in…

Brow furrowing at the thought of children, Liddie dropped her shoulders and redirected her gaze at her husband. The past couple weeks back from Cuba had been a whirlwind, and she had never been so thankful for Charlie Spinnet in her life. He felt just as intimidated by this rather adult purchase, didn’t he? Liddie quietly closed the gap between her and her husband.

“It’s so big,” she marveled, reaching for Charlie’s hand as her voice echoed against the high ceilings. “Are you sure you like it?”

Nov. 28th, 2015



Miles felt, he felt, he felt everything! He could not sleep last night, he left bed early this morning and spent it poolside with Sabine, breakfast was barely touched, he felt nervous, but ready! Excited, but wanting to make every moment last a millennium. Most of all, he felt very loved, and told Mira so as often as he could, thinking it would never be enough. The morning had whirled by, they were married under the Moroccan sun, in the middle of the vast Sahara Desert that showcased the enormity of this step, how very little they were when it came to the rest of the world, making him think that they needed to take advantage of every moment they could.

With his mind having been jumping everywhere all day, it was no wonder that Miles had already made his rounds about the room before the first course of dinner had been served. He'd lost Sabine to his sister, then their mother, and now it was time to find his wife and perhaps whisk her to the dance floor again? Or did she wish for cake? Or maybe to sneak away for a private moment because her dress made his hands twitch with anticipation of the evening---

"Mrs. Lufkin!" Miles let out, putting his hands up as if seeing Mira for the first time that day. He clasped his hands at his chest, and then bowed as if being graced by her presence (he was!). "May I have this dance?"

He lifted his head to waggle his eyebrows, his smile brighter than it had ever been before.

Oct. 25th, 2015


WHO: Liddie & Charlie Spinnet
WHAT: Late night talks
WHERE: Their home!
WHEN: Tonight!

He had visited Darren’s parents today. )

Oct. 10th, 2015


WHO: Charlie Spinnet and Delilah Spinnet
WHAT: Front porch musings
WHERE: Charlie and Liddie's house
WHEN: Today!

You've gone and grown up on me. )

Oct. 4th, 2015



The first wave of victims of the Caerphilly Catastrophe have flooded into St. Mungo's Hospital. The Daily Prophet can confirm that there are fatalities on both the wizard and muggle sides, though names have not been released at this time. If you are searching for a family member, the St. Mungo's staff asks you to remain calm as updating lists will be posted in the main lobby.

Minister Bagnold has issued a short statement:

"What occurred in Caerphilly is the product of the mistreatment of one of our nation's most beloved pastimes. My heart and the Ministry's goes out to the families that were affected, just as they have these past few weeks of chaos. Remain vigilante; we will get down to the bottom of these disasters by any means necessary."

OOC: HYBRID COMMENTS THREAD! Here, your characters can thread out hospital visits from Friday night and on, depending on how you want your story to play out, or your character can react in comment form to the news. Updates will be made accordingly!

If you're threading, putting a title in the first comment will help keep track.

Oct. 3rd, 2015



This had been a very weird night.

Charlie had noticed the helicopter first, and had immediately slipped back to sit in the middle hoop to watch it land in awe. This was the weirdest, weirdest thing he had ever seen! Quidditch was--it was such a magical institution that any thought of the muggle world was stripped from his mind, so to see...it was almost like a dragon had decided to make Caerphilly Stadium its new nest. The Kestrels had watched in shock as the two pilots jumped out and onto the pitch, looking frantic and confused. Hell, wouldn't you be if you were flying over an usually empty moor, and saw a stadium full of hundreds of people?

Axe had instantly commanded them down to the ground once the authorities made it onto the pitch (and the bloody choppers stopped spinning), and the Kestrels ducked down the tunnel that led to the opposing team's locker room. Charlie checked over his shoulder to try and get a glimpse of what was going on, and frowned at the sight of Griffiths seemingly having a panic attack. He made to head back, but Odette had surprisingly swooped in.

What a weird night.

Charlie couldn't get out any words as they moved to the lockers, and he was the first to push through the door, thinking it was going to be a long time before any of them got out of there. He turned around to walk backwards toward his locker and face the rest of his team, but was grabbed around the neck by a figure in the darkness. Charlie's hands went up, back and knees bent, and he let a strangled sound.

"What the fuck is going on?!" the muggle shouted, twisting one of Charlie's arms behind his back. Charlie winced before he shut his eyes at the feel of something cold and metal pressing against his temple, and it emitted a loud click that bounced off the walls of the locker room.

Jul. 28th, 2015


WHO: Charlie Spinnet and Delilah Spinnet!
WHAT: Twin talk!
WHERE: A restaurant!
WHEN: Before the All-Star game!
STATUS: Maybe finishing in comments, but it feels complete

Stop thinking you have to scrape at the bottom of the fucking barrel to find happiness! )

Jul. 27th, 2015



Peter had not understood his management's request to wear light colors, a white shirt if he could, until he entered the tented area on Wimbourne Field and was struck with a glob of what felt like paint. He stared down at the bright pink bulge on his chest for a few seconds before looking up to find the culprit, a tiny intern from the back offices who looked mortified that he had been the one to strike Peter. But, the week had been a good one for his team and for himself, so Peter just spread the paint across his shirt like a claw mark and continued on his way. If this was their theme, he was going to run with it.

Anyone who came into his path had a pink hand-print somewhere on their body, whether it be in an appropriate place or not. He was enjoying very much the attention that had been put on the Wasps, and with their latest addition milling about somewhere, the news fresh off a post-game announcement, Peter was feeling excellent about the rest of their season.

Perhaps he needed some yellow paint, with all this team spirit he was feeling. Peter made his way through to a table where the necessary supplies were at the ready, and dipped two fingers into the bowl of yellow paint. With keen expertise, he spread thick lines across his cheek bones, as if ready to go into battle.

His spirits high and the lights down low, this was certainly going to prove to be an excellent night.

ooc: Black Buzzers and the Brash Bees win! Caden Flint and Hugh Orpington are your MVPs!
Black light party! Paint! Wizard fun! Lots of dark corners to get into trouble!

Mar. 20th, 2015


Peakes-Sinistra Wedding!

How did a pretty white dress make being married feel official?

Nora had never been very feminine, but it had taken her less than a second to accept Liddie's offer to help with the perfect wedding dress. She and Orion didn't need to have a party, but it was such a wonderful feeling to have friends and family that wanted to share in the joy of their love. Oh, she felt so silly for thinking and saying the things she had today, but she was a newlywed, wasn't she allowed to spew poetry and all that lovey-dovey nonsense?

If anyone told her otherwise, they'd be sure to earn themselves a black eye or two.

She slumped against Orion's chest in exhausted pleasure, her arms hanging around his neck as they slowly danced. The sun was beginning to set so the guests were either mingling at the tables or heading toward the castle. Dumbledore had been so pleased to have a reason to throw a party on the grounds, and had insisted on dancing to each and every song. It was a riot to see the headmaster and Professor McGonagall cut a rug, and Nora almost felt like a student again, with how tickled she was by the sight.

"I am very proud of us," she said, having practically clung to her husband all night. What reason was there to let go of him? "Two months without seeing each other. I don't know how I lasted."

ooc: Open to guests! Let me know if I missed anyone! Dumbledore is opening the doors of Hogwarts for the weekend because the students are allowed on spring break! So have fun!

Dec. 30th, 2014


Happy New Year! 1986!

ooc: We're doing things a little differently this year! New Years threads will all be posted under this one thread, branching off to whatever your characters wish! There's the Champion Catapults New Year's Gala (GO 'PULTS!) in Caerphilly, Hogsmeade is having fireworks and ice skating, Diagon Alley's got parties going on, and whatever else you can think of! After starting the game in the summer of 1976, we're heading into 1986, isn't that crazy?!

Dec. 6th, 2014



"What happened?" Liddie asked curiously, perhaps with a bit of a smirk as she settled herself suddenly on Charlie's lap. He had been half way through drying his damp hair, dress robes haphazardly tossed back on, but that was no matter to her. No, instead she tilted her head, rested her arms on his shoulders, and wondered idly how long they would have until someone came looking for the either them. Thirty minutes, at least? That was certainly enough for a proper story time.

Forty minutes, perhaps. This was a large castle, and the door to their private room was unmarked.

When Charlie made a strained face, Liddie laughed. For even now, after the wedding was over and the reception about to begin, he seemed guiltier than ever over his late arrival this afternoon. Charlie had been... well, she should say, Charlie and Michal had been---

Charlie had been just a little bit late to the ceremony, arriving about half past four. But that had been no surprise, because even before that, Ewan promptly announced that both Charlie and a certain final Lynch brother were no where to be found. After a bit of silent breathing and proper thinking, Liddie realized she knew exactly what was going on and had no problem waiting patiently for what was undoubtably going to be a very good story for the future.

When Charlie swept into her dressing room disheveled, a manic look in his eye, and tasting like rotten fish, Liddie felt quite pleased (and relieved, if she must admit) with herself. She would only be content with torturing him about this a little bit for the rest of their lives. Picking at the ends of his mouth to turn them upwards into a smile, she smiled too.

"You smell much better now than you did before," she teased, nodding seriously. Distracted only for a moment, she looked down at the fine intricate work of her white dress; it looked so beautiful against the dark tone of his robes.

Nov. 30th, 2014


Who! Spinnet Twinsies
What! Cake! oh and somewhat important chats
Where! Delilah's Flat
When! Err Nowish? Yesterday?
Status! Finishing in comments!

Even as much as she loved cake, tasting samples was really not something she wished to do. )

Oct. 1st, 2014



The chairs in the waiting room of the Department of Transportation were terribly uncomfortable. Charlie was slouched as low as he could without slipping off his seat and to the floor, face in his hand as he battled sleep. He had been here since his brother Daniel had burst into the fireplace with the news of Delilah's disappearance, and it had been a full day with still no word. Nearing midnight, he'd sent his parents home to sleep with the promise that he would stand guard and alert them as soon as they got some news. Daniel had protested, but Charlie insisted; his brother had a wife, a daughter, and one on the way--he had to get home. Delilah was his twin, he would remain posted at the Ministry.

How did a portkey just vanish? Charlie had no idea how anyone made one of the blasted things work, but portkeys got set off all the time! How was there a malfunction? A person---people don't just disappear! Even with magic! It didn't make any sense to Charlie and no matter how the officials explained it, he couldn't wrap his head around it. Delilah couldn't just be---gone.

The clicking of heels snapped his mind away from the terrible situations his sister could be in. Charlie peered through his fingers and laid his eyes on Liddie, who had returned from a venture out for much needed comfort supplies.

"It's getting late," he said, shifting to sit up as she joined him. Charlie stated this fact to let Liddie know that she should go home and sleep, but he didn't actually want her to leave.

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