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Aug. 17th, 2018


open to guests! BLOOD MOON WEDDING

table arrangements )

Feb. 12th, 2018


valentine's party post ♥ owls, threads, gifts, and more!

May. 8th, 2017


The 1988 Wizarding Awards!

presenters & winners!
Free-for-all! Think your character would've been nominated? Go for it! Open for everyone!

Apr. 2nd, 2017


the sunday prophet

placeholder that you should pretend was posted on 3/26!!

Feb. 21st, 2017


in the morning post...


Feb. 14th, 2017


valentine's party post! gifts and threads and owls, oh my!

OOC hybrid post! post anything you like 😊 ❤️ Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sep. 1st, 2016


WHO: Julian Fawley & Nicola Montgomery
WHAT: #friendship
WHERE: Bewitching offices!

A self-serving smile slid onto his lips. )

Jul. 16th, 2016



It was one of her favorite traditions; every year, four times a year, she, Vivienne, Reid, and Julian specifically got together to celebrate the designated's birthday. Times and lives may change, but their loyalty to each other was ever constant. And the thought brought Nicola great pride, their little group had made it through quite a lot over the years (and some particularly bad birthday celebrations, mostly thanks to Julian’s unconventional tastes). Was it always on the day? No, not in this case, but it appeared that Vivienne hadn’t minded the belatedness of it all.

Nicola smiled across the table at her friend, minding the brief quiet moment as Julian finalized the check of their meal. When the waiter bowed away, she leaned over to whisper in his ear. The side of his mouth hooked into a smile.

“Darling, yet again a lovely restaurant choice,” Nicola announced after she pulled away, tossing her hair back with a shake of her head. Under the table, her hand brushed along Reid’s knee before she stood up. “Reid and I must head back to the office, but you’ll owl me about spa holiday plans?”

She blew two quick kisses at Vivienne before turning away, causing Julian to watch both her and Reid with interest before they walked out of sight. He blinked, and then turned his head to blink at Vivienne before suggesting that they, since the night was so nice, should walk a bit of the way home before parting and disapparating. It sounded quite nice, but as Julian said it, he intentionally left little option for Vivienne to deny him.

Once outside and on the street, Julian smoothly hooked his arm around Vivienne's so they walked side by side. He waited a cool moment before speaking.

“Almost an entire year of living with that Gryffindor muggle-born, Vivienne.” Julian sighed as he tutted, directing his gaze up toward the sky. “When are you going to give up the act?”

Jul. 4th, 2016



Kalista couldn't say there had been many upsides to catching a highly contagious, repulsive virus back in April. It had been most difficult, not being able to see her daughter, but was grateful that Astrid's perfect complexion hadn't been marred by grotesque purple blotches, and she hadn't fallen ill like her mother. Her time spent in Mungo's had not been pleasant, but there was one wizard in particular who had prevented a bad experience from being completely miserable - Julain Fawley.

Prior to the Spattergroit outbreak, she hadn't seen Julian in quite some time. The circumstances hadn't been ideal, but being trapped in Mungo's together had reminded her of how much she enjoyed his company. When they had both been cleared of their illness and sent back out into the world, she had kept in contact with him, and had even asked if he would like to join her and Astrid on holiday in Fiji at the end of May.

It had surprised her, to be honest, how easily the invitation had been extended over a casual lunch. She had mentioned that she was planning a vacation for the two of them, and the next thing she knew they were talking destinations, and she was including him in their plans. She was glad that she had, because Julian knew how to have fun, and...well, Kalista needed some fun in her life, after the hell she had been through. They parted ways by mid-June, but Kalista and Astrid didn't return home right away. They continued their travels, finally returning back to England in July, the many gifts they had bought abroad in tow.

One in particular was dangling off of one of her well manicured fingers, meant for the wizard who had been her traveling companion for a while. If anyone asked, she would deny the fact that she had spent an excessively long amount of time in front of the mirror before leaving her house, flatting out the front of one of the new dresses she had bought in Paris. She wondered why she was so concerned about her appearance around him, seeing how he had already seen her at her absolute worst, but...she felt a strange sense of anxiousness at the prospect of seeing him again, and maybe even excitement.

She removed and folded up her sunglasses as she entered Julian's building, and took the lift up to his flat. Stopping in front of his door, she adjusted the bag she was holding and knocked on his door. Her hands folded in front of her, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she waited for him to answer the door. When he did, her mouth did something that had been foreign to her up until this year - she smiled. It was small, but it was there, and she lifted up the bag that was still hooked on her index finger.

"I come bearing gifts."

Mar. 28th, 2016



This post is fluid time, meaning it is not set for a specific date - please state the time/date/location in the subject of your thread's first comment. There were a lot of thread ideas for the spattergroit breakout, so to help the friends list here's a group thread.

Be creative, this can be the first early symptoms of Spattergroit, it can be a few days in, or toward the end of the disease. Perhaps something else entirely, but it should have something to do with the outbreak.