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Feb. 21st, 2017


in the morning post...


Oct. 8th, 2016




May. 5th, 2016


The 1987 Wizarding World Awards!


Mar. 28th, 2016



This post is fluid time, meaning it is not set for a specific date - please state the time/date/location in the subject of your thread's first comment. There were a lot of thread ideas for the spattergroit breakout, so to help the friends list here's a group thread.

Be creative, this can be the first early symptoms of Spattergroit, it can be a few days in, or toward the end of the disease. Perhaps something else entirely, but it should have something to do with the outbreak.


Dec. 20th, 2015


WHO: Dylan Duke and Hudson Duke
WHAT: Dinner talks!
WHERE: Dylan's house
WHEN: This weekend!

I don’t have an ulterior motive here )

Sep. 14th, 2015



There was nothing quite like being shoved into a freezing cold pool to wake up all your senses.

Hudson maintained his sinking like a stone routine for a few seconds, watching the blurry image of Arista stalk off down the edge of the pool that was the main centerpiece of her party. Their fight had gone beautifully, he believed that they should be up for Wizarding World Awards next year! His loud and rude words would certainly earn him a place on The Tattler's wall of shame, and it put a definitive end to their fake relationship. He was sad to see it go, because when he hadn't had a ridiculously busy schedule, the 'forced' extra tim with Arista was wonderful. Her real birthday surprise would hopefully make up for not being able to spend tonight with her, but it was early enough on in the party that she could have her moment away and come back ready to party however Arista wished to party.

Finding that he'd spent enough time submerged, Hudson pushed his feet off the floor of the pool and swam toward the end with the ladder. His face broke through into the cold cold air, and because it was a party full of Arista's friends, he was not greeted by a towel or anything of the such. No, no, he deserved it for being such a louse, and he clambered up the ladder and squished his way toward one of the nearest bathrooms, head hung low. Even if this was for the greater good, it was going to be a bit of a dull, perhaps even lonely night.

He wasn't a drinker, but perhaps he could start.

Sep. 13th, 2015


WHO: Hudson Duke and Arista Sykes
WHAT: Trouble in paradise!
WHERE: Swank brunch place obvi
WHEN: Today?

Is it so much trouble to even pretend that you care? )

Jul. 11th, 2015



“I hope I didn’t bore you to terribly much,” Lottie said as they walked out of the pitch. She tried, honestly tried to tone down her enthusiasm because she was fully aware that Quidditch was not Hudson’s thing. It was different when she was on his radio show, there were plenty of other things that distracted her from talking too much. At the game though? Well, she had tried. Perhaps inviting him to a game hadn’t been the best of ideas.

She tried to talk about Arista at first because she was Hudson’s friend and Lottie honestly thought she was a fantastic player, so she started by pointing out things that Hudson might notice. That bled into her voicing her curiosity as to why nearly half the Pride had moved to the Magpies and asking if Hudson would mind introducing her to Arista. All in all, she realized she had talked much more than she had intended. She had fun though, Lottie enjoyed explaining things about the game. She loved talking about it. Lottie just hoped that he had fun as well.

She stopped walking once they were far enough to not block the exit. “Thanks for waiting while I got a few quick quotes.” Lottie rocked on her heels, clasping her hands behind her back. When she asked him to come with her, she had hoped that it could be something more, or at least perhaps a step anyways. Except she wasn’t sure if that had come across, or what should she should do next.

“It’s not too late yet, want to go get a drink? I promise we can talk about something other than quidditch.”

May. 31st, 2015


Mungo's Spring Charity Fair! Open to All! June 1st - 3rd!

So, she didn't think that refereeing could be as much fun as actually participating, but since she got to do it with her face painted like a pretty fairy and a bottle full of red and delicious alcohol, Siena was having herself a ball.

"RED TEAM WINS!" she hollered, pulling up the front of her broom to come to a screeching, perfect stop at the finish line. The gaggle of eight-year-olds jumped, shrieked, and cheered, while the Blue Team held back tears. If their parents weren't five feet away, Siena would've told them to buck up and cut it out, but she cooed and bent down to give out commiserating hugs.

After the tears were dried, her assistant made an announcement about the next relay race starting in forty-five minutes, giving Siena a good amount of time to explore the rest of the fair grounds. With so much to do, she was glad there were three days worth of time, but part of her just wanted to go and get another one of these amazing concoctions. The Three Broomsticks had really outdone itself, it was a wonder that she'd never known how good of a bar they really had.

With her broom sitting on her shoulder, Siena made her way through the crowd, sipping her drink happily through a twisty straw. She neared what looked like a petting zoo, what smelled like a petting zoo, and spotted a familiar flop of hair. Expertly, she flipped her broom around and jabbed Octavius Pepper in the back with the handle, grinning with her teeth still clenched on the straw.

Apr. 8th, 2015


Wizarding World Awards! Open to All! For Sunday!


Let the party begin!! )

Feb. 14th, 2015


St. Mungo's Gala! Open to Everyone!

ooc: Think Red carpet fancy~ for charity lmao think of the children!!