Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jan. 13th, 2013|03:53 pm]

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[OOC: In which Joy is very, very late to the UTR babies phenomenon.]

What just happened to me defies all laws of physics. No, scratch that. It defies all laws of everything ever. Which means I'll be right at home here!

What's up, place? Maria Stark checking in for duty. Abbot's Boobies aren't extinct here, are they? That would be a bummer. I was just about to raise Booby awareness and all of that work would be right out the window.

James, if you're here and you're laughing at that statement shame on you.
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[Sep. 14th, 2012|08:35 pm]
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Jimmy )
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[Aug. 28th, 2012|07:40 pm]
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The Future Kids, including the millions who just got here apparently. )
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[Aug. 27th, 2012|05:36 pm]
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So the date on the paper says 2012. That's weird pretty damn normal. Yeah. It is.

Uh. I'm Andrew. Some of you might know that? Maybe? I'm really bad at this

So. Hey.
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[Aug. 18th, 2012|03:30 pm]
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Future Kids & Significant Others )
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[Aug. 13th, 2012|03:32 pm]

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Hope )
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[Aug. 11th, 2012|11:41 pm]
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This is just a quick note to let you all know that I, Tony Stark, knocked up my wife.

Good news, Jimmy. You totally exist.
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[Jul. 26th, 2012|06:58 am]
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It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
"How do I know he's mine?"
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[Jul. 8th, 2012|08:27 am]
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My flat, 6pm tonight.
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[May. 15th, 2012|08:10 pm]

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Future kids and their significant others )
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[May. 12th, 2012|12:28 pm]

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Hope. There's a gift that should be delivered to your door any moment now.
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[May. 4th, 2012|10:08 pm]

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Who else is bored?
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[Apr. 29th, 2012|01:25 pm]

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Everybody okay?
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[Apr. 20th, 2012|09:46 am]

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Hope )
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[Apr. 16th, 2012|05:01 pm]

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..Uh. Why can't I stop singing?

...At least it's a catchy song...
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[Apr. 15th, 2012|09:30 am]
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Well this is ... tiresome.

I don't suppose anyone as a Disney princess dress I could borrow, I might as well look the part.
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[Mar. 9th, 2012|07:51 pm]

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Hope. Have dinner with me.
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[Feb. 29th, 2012|07:12 am]
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[Filtered to Attractive Mostly-Single Guys Between the Ages 17-25 who are not members of the press, law enforcement, or otherwise liable to tattle to the Queen of England]
Since there's precedent for this

There's going to be a party this Friday, and you are hereby invited. There's going to be drinks, good music, and snacks. You should come!
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[Feb. 21st, 2012|05:07 pm]
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Future Kids & Everyone They're Dating )
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[Feb. 11th, 2012|08:24 pm]

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It's almost my second favorite holiday. (In case you're wondering what the first is, it's Easter.)

If you want a Valentine's baby, let me know. If not, really let me know, I tend to lose track.
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[Feb. 7th, 2012|06:06 pm]
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Future Kids & George Only )
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[Feb. 7th, 2012|04:21 pm]
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So, I figure since there's a bunch of single people around here, instead of us all moping around, we could all go to a movie together or something! I thought it would be fun. Let me know if you want to go, we can vote on the movie.
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[Feb. 2nd, 2012|06:40 am]
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[posted after this]

Jake? That really isn't funny. That's what you call a note? No destination, no telling what time you'll come back, or why. Just one word. Aloha. Really? If you wanted a tropical vacation, just ask!! But we both know why you're going. You should have told me. I could have helped, gone with you. You are SO grounded when you get back. No Skyrim, no TV. Come back right now! Or I'll be coming to you.

Anybody know him in the future? Gaius.. maybe Hope? Anyone else that knows him in the future, or from when he's older. Does he have a habit of doing this a lot, just going off somewhere else and not telling anyone what he's doing? Probably shouldn't be too worried, he's pretty good at handling himself, and he has powers to help in case he runs into any.. muggers or other stuff. But he's still my son and I'm still worried.
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[Jan. 24th, 2012|10:18 pm]

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augh ffffffuckingoddaaaaaamn

Wing tears hurt like the sun crashing into your balls, seriously, going to curl up and die now.
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[Jan. 23rd, 2012|01:25 pm]
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Right, so my dads mentioned this earlier, but they're actually pretty well rubbish at actually planning things, so I've taken that over.

You adults who suddenly have children from the future? How would you like to have a get-together? Sort of a reverse play-date. Sometime soon would be good, but it doesn't have to be right now.

I'm thinking finger-foods and time to talk, share what you have in common besides surprise children. Would any of you be interested?
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[Jan. 9th, 2012|01:10 am]
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So, I know there's a metric fuckton of kids from the future around. As your guidance counselor if you go to Taunton, hit me up with any questions or ranting about how your parents are really small or talking about your junk and how to use it or whatever. I'm here.
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[Jan. 4th, 2012|08:40 pm]
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Bleh, I might have accidentally made it snow in the middle of the grocery store. Stupid powers.

Private: Stupid being lonely all the damn time.
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[Jan. 4th, 2012|11:25 am]
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Future Kids )

EDIT: Jenny )
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[Dec. 28th, 2011|12:04 am]

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Someone needs to tell Mr. Vortex that it is extremely rude to swoop someone up in the middle of a hangover.

I don't need the damn website, someone just tell me what year it is.
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[Dec. 20th, 2011|07:04 pm]
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Under the tree, for Qing Bu )
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Locked against Qing Bu [Dec. 18th, 2011|09:25 pm]
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This probably sounds a little odd, though I've a feeling there are going to be more postings of this nature soon: Does anyone know a Qing Bu?
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[Nov. 14th, 2011|07:01 pm]
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I just got a ransom demand. For my daughter.

Jim, I hope to God you showed up with a phaser.
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[Nov. 13th, 2011|10:15 pm]
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Mom? Dad? Flock? Zellie never came back last night from visiting Mr. Kirk. I'm going to go flying and look for her.
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|05:55 pm]

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How is it that I manage to drop meteors on zombies and still light my hair on fire? (If you've met my mom, Lulu, she's possibly the most graceful person in the entire world - my half-sister BB is a ridiculously good dancer and so are the rest of my siblings. Yet somehow, walking's hard for me.) Seriously, making cereal should not be a life or death situation. I suck. :(
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|02:32 pm]
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Hope )
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[Nov. 5th, 2011|05:29 pm]
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Man, I'm sure that was the worst Halloween we've had in years. They really didn't want to stop coming, did they?

So, for those of you who hadn't heard, we have a plan: beach party. There will be a bonfire, more hot dogs and roast marshmallows and whatever than we can stand, absolutely no smiting things, and generally taking it easy for a day. Who's in? Last one to comment gets buried in the sand, I say. Where's warm this time of year?
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[Nov. 1st, 2011|12:19 am]

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Owww, my frakkin' head.

And uh. Wow, I'm lost, which is sad, since I was walking home from the library. Help?
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[Oct. 30th, 2011|05:36 pm]
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Right. Sound off again, guys. Melora, I take it you've got your hands full where you are. Thomas, I assume you're still missing damn it, if you've gotten injured I'll kick your ass myself so, uh, please don't be.

Stefan, Gaius, Hope, Jack, Riley, John, everyone, anyone. You hanging in there? We're at McGee's Miscellaney [here] if you need shelter or food or just about anything you can imagine really, good defenses here but watch out for the flying monkeys. They have wicked aim.

Leandra )
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[Oct. 28th, 2011|11:44 am]
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You know, my plan was to be carving pumpkins, not whatever-these-things-are.

Sound off. Who's where and does anyone need help? Melora's off to see to her beau, I know. And Thomas is missing, shit. What about the rest of you? We should all gather in one place if we can, there's too many of them to chase down. Hope, I don't think your flat is secure enough, we shouldn't stay here.

Miranda, keep close by.

Leandra, remember how when we were kids we'd play at being shrieks? We didn't have the scream anything like shrill enough.
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[Oct. 26th, 2011|03:30 pm]
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Pumpkins I have = many
Days until Halloween = not many

Carving party, my place [London flat address] now until we're done!
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