[May. 18th, 2010|10:02 pm] |
What's all this, then? Did I misfire? Haven't done that in ages. |
[May. 10th, 2010|07:25 pm] |
( ooc )
Good lord. Not only do we have a gloriously bollocksed general election, but now we've got the possibility of the schools secretary becoming the new PM.
His name happens to be Edward Balls.
I can hear the Americans laughing now. Namely because my husband will likely be one of them. |
[Feb. 2nd, 2010|09:49 am] |
Didn't I fucking say something was due. Didn't I! |
[Jan. 24th, 2010|02:14 pm] |
Th'problem with alcohol. Exaggerates the best in e'eryone else, an' the worst in yourself. 'The fuck we have that much gin around for, anyhow?
'Least nothin' was lit on fire.
( Zee ) |
[Jan. 24th, 2010|02:39 am] |
I do not share faces. So here's a new one.
I'm back for now, but if you come to me with your trivialness, or some stupid comment, I will skin you alive and bury you where no one will ever find you. That especially goes for you, Lucy. |
[Dec. 4th, 2009|11:43 pm] |
Like the bird said, we're back. Should've lit the place to blazes while I could, but at least it served its purpose again.
I take it the world's managed to survive th'two of us gettin' together- what kind of tape're you lot using on this place now? Ain't had a good bout've mayhem since All Hallow's.
( Zee ) |
[Nov. 15th, 2009|09:13 pm] |
Oi. Who turned the Wrath dial up to eleven, then? Agitatin' the fuck out of everyone, you lot are. M'not in the mood to play cleanup.
Hey, Zee. Mind if I crash with you a while? Things're gettin' a bit mad 'round here. |
[Oct. 31st, 2009|06:19 pm] |
Tonight is going to be fun.
[Oct. 31st, 2009|01:17 am] |
F'anybody needs me today...
Jus' don't, aye? 364 bloody days a year I deal with this shite. You lot can take your turn once. Nine billion of you, a hair short of a billion of them. S'fair odds, that, isn't it?
Who'm I kiddin'? I'll get the thermite.
( Zee )
( 'Friends' (Bela, Robbie, and anyone else John's sworn at) )
Fair warnin', first zombie I see's gettin' the business end of a new fire bomb I cooked up watchin' bad history channel shite on the telly. Real or no. |
[Oct. 13th, 2009|10:47 pm] |
Oi. What'sit I hear 'bout some bird claimin' she's me? Zee, 're you havin' a laugh? Ain't never seen nobody crazy enough want to be me, anyhow. 'Not exactly Mick Jagger, am I?
Got much better fashion sense, for one. |
[Aug. 24th, 2009|11:56 pm] |
Ah, gaol. Nothin' quite like a couple months of thinkin' 'bout betterin' meself to make th'urge to blow somethin' up all th'stronger, eh?
Anybody lookin' for a bit'a trouble? Certifiableied mystic, magic man, an' all around expert on 'weird shite', lookin' for a gig. Don't do kiddie parties- got a mate with some wicked fishnets I can point y'to, f'you're lookin' for that.
Me desperation is showing, squires. Please, do th'world a favor, an' put ol' John out of his misery. |
[Aug. 24th, 2009|11:24 pm] |
( Soren )
I feel a yen for adult conversation, though I'd likely have to bring the baby if I went out somewhere. Lulu? Navi? Anyone feel like going to a teashop and having conversations involving words of more than one syllable? |
[Jun. 26th, 2009|12:05 am] |
I know this may sound strange, but could someone keep me company while Mum has... well, me? I'm worried about her, even though I'm pretty sure it will all turn out all right, given that I have surprise younger sisters. (Who are actually quite nice, and not as pesky as I'd feared.)
But the fact remains that I'm acting like Dad and pacing a hole into the living room floor. Someone, please distract me. |
[Jun. 13th, 2009|01:42 am] |
'Weren't my fault, neither.
Just puttin' that out there.
Anyone 'round London's needin' a bit of flash t'keep the corpses off, just give a shout. Uncle John's got it covered. |
[May. 30th, 2009|11:47 pm] |
Today, music review site Pitchfork was hacked and an article was placed there by Robert Winchester. The article reads as follows:
"Few demos reach our ears that have anything new to offer. But a tape was given to us yesterday - yes, a humble tape! - that may literally change how you hear music. Tremendously Carousal, their name alone evoking rebellion and anarchic incident, slams into your frontal lobe with a hammer and refuses to stop until you turn the stereo off. Trust us, that's a good thing. The lead singer and guitarist - known only as The Littlest Wartooth - has a voice that is immediately raw and fragile. The drums, played by the cryptic Earl, are at the same time reminiscent of primal war beats and something we've never heard before. When they play a show, stab your mother, your best friend, and knock over your grandmother to be touched by the experience."
A link to a "song" for download is included in the review. Over the next week, similar reviews will follow in other online blogs.
So, how'd I do? |
[Mar. 28th, 2009|12:01 am] |
Could someone please explain to me how I just managed to put my fist through a brick wall without breaking a knuckle? |
[Mar. 27th, 2009|10:29 pm] |
I am totally mint flavored.
It was weird. Alex and I were getting cuddly while we were watching a movie, and then we were kissing and not watching the movie. Suddenly he kind of pulls back and gives me this weird look.
After a bit of prodding (and a couple more kisses), he announced that I tasted like mint. Which I thought was weird, 'cause I don't taste any mint.
But, after further exploration, apparently I am, for the moment, mint flavored.
Which is totally awesome. |
[Mar. 27th, 2009|11:35 pm] |
♪What is this feeling, so sudden and new I felt the moment I woke up (at 2)? My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling. My face is flushing- what is this feeling? Fervent as a flame, does it have a name?
Yes.... yes-
Loathing. Unadulterated loathing....♪
( OOC ) |
[Mar. 26th, 2009|07:45 pm] |
Well, that was fun.
Any of you kind folk got th'secret t'getting henna to stop itchin'? S'shite's gettin' on me last damn nerve.
M'fine, by the by, thanks f'askin. An' you, Zee? An' Arabella, was it? Don't tell me I gotta go shoppin' f'new birds t'bother. |
[Mar. 23rd, 2009|12:55 pm] |
So as I look around a bit, reading a little on here myself, I notice many people speaking of some "fanatics" whom are hunting down ah...those who aren't human? In my days I have come across the inhuman, usually some kind of twisted evolution, alien, or scientific experiment. Though I have encountered some here who claim to do magic. Really. Magic? I find all of this to be highly dubious. Fortunately, I don't believe any of this is real and that I'm either part of someone's sick experiment, or this is a dream. Either way, I'll just have to make the best of it. I personally don't have much care for what appears to be going on though...but I wonder...if I were to take a side, which would benefit me the most? |
[Mar. 19th, 2009|03:44 am] |
So I've taken a patient into my home who was having a rather bad lot. I wonder if this goes against the normal rules of being a psychiatrist?
(Private to: Self) I used the gas on Merope while she slept, inducing a horrendous nightmare upon her about her father. When she came back from it, she clung to me and was so..emotional with me. We kissed. Why did I do this? Why did I allow this to happen? This is...not cost-effective towards my goals.(/Private)
My mind has been elsewhere lately. I'm afraid its getting in the way of my work. |
[Mar. 8th, 2009|07:25 pm] |
A hypothetical;
Say a roomful of your shite from y'old life up and makes its way halfway 'round the world, in almost th'exact same order it was in your point 'A'. No explanation, no reason- just a key showin' up on your table,
S'it one've those things, or should I be worried?
Also, to th'bird what's offerin' to translate texts an' whatnot (or anyone else for that matter)- could definately use the help.
( Zee ) |
[Mar. 6th, 2009|12:56 pm] |
The afterlife is surprisingly reminiscent of New York. I didn't expect this. Don't know what I expected really. God, if he exists, doesn't care what we do, so why should there be anything after?
I doubt the good doctor had a change of heart, and even if he did, there would be carnage and rubble. I don't know what this is. |
[Feb. 24th, 2009|11:42 pm] |
These fuckin' books is a trip, ain't they? Make me look like a right nutter. Then again, writin' about a guy what runs cons to pay his rent wouldn't be as interestin, now would it?
Thanks again for the loan, Robbie. Dunno how far I'll make it, but it's better than th'bloody dreams. (No offense, Lord Shaper, but a subsctiption would've saved us both a bit of grief, eh?)
Oi. Whazit. Arabella? Ain't gonna stop and give a how's-your-father to uncle John? You're mum's said so little about you. |
[Feb. 19th, 2009|12:51 am] |
What's all this shite about someone making a film on me, then? And who's the sod in th-
I don't want to watch this, do I? |
[Feb. 13th, 2009|10:01 pm] |
The next bloody person that asks me- Mr. McGee, that is- to contact their long lost loves? Is going to get their wish. Believe you me, this is not something you really want. Think they nagged you in life? S'worse in death. Tenfold.
Sod it all for a lark. I'm off down the pub- assuming I can find one in this bastard place not contaminated with pink glitter and roses. Happy bloody Valentine's, indeed.
( Zatanna )
( Edit: 'Harry Potter kids' )
( Edit: Stephen, Sorcerer Surpreme, was it? ) |
[Feb. 13th, 2009|05:24 pm] |
This holiday used to be prime time for me. It's making me nostalgic. All those foppish businessmen buying things for their wives. Being lax around their wallets and their money. Ah, memories. Any of you do-gooder sorts, though, never fear. Having a husband with more money than God tends to negate any reason to pilfer. Though I do miss the con.
( Dean ) |
[Feb. 12th, 2009|10:02 pm] |
Because nobody should spend a holiday feeling unloved - or a day at all - I'm making cookies for people without valentines. The point of the holiday is about love, and I think we all have plenty of that.
So, if you find yourself feeling down, let me know. I've got hugs and sugar. |
[Feb. 7th, 2009|05:44 pm] |
[Locked from Veronica] Any voodoo witch doctors in the house? I've a problem I need some help with. |
[Feb. 5th, 2009|09:55 pm] |
Oh, come off it. You don't have to play this place's bloody games, do you? Who you become and all that bollocks. Because this actually managed to make my list. I would've been better off replacin' a dead man, m'self.
( Angel, was it? ) |
[Feb. 4th, 2009|05:55 pm] |
I have been in this time for a few days now, and while many things have changed, even more have stayed the same. Beauty is still coveted - I can feel eyes moving over me now, as they never have. What a thing, to be prized! Nobody has ever looked at me this way, save one (though he prized me for reasons other than my looks). And it's strangely comforting to see that mankind's capacity for cruelty is still intact. And oh my! - what lovely inventions! Such fantastic inventions for hurting each other! In my day, we had knives and swords and whips and heated metal. I should like to shake the hand of the man who invented the electric chair, the bomb.
And for the record, I quite like smog. It reminds me a little of home. |
[Feb. 1st, 2009|03:08 am] |
That was exciting!
Now where am I? |
[Jan. 31st, 2009|11:35 pm] |
( Lord Morpheus )
( Zatanna )
And who thinks something is so drastically important they have to phone at two in the morni-?
An agent. Why the Hell do I got an agent? |
[Jan. 30th, 2009|10:15 pm] |
Right, then.
Dare I ask?
Unless I'm mistaken, an' you boys decided to redecorate, the Jersey shore wasn't actually part of Hell.
I knew those damn herbs were foul... bastard owes me ten pounds. |