The Wild Hunt
Eerie Harbor was just an average, midsized town on the island of Clio when a Portal opened up on one of the farms just outside town. Now Strangers are coming through, and while the local government has offered assistance to keep them off the streets and help them integrate with the local community, things are suddenly a little more exciting around town...

June 2021



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Posts Tagged: 'perry+van+shrike'

Jan. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

omg calm down Riley! I can't believe I'm doing this... Hello! I'm Riley Xu! I'm a senior at Eerie Point Highschool, I think I've met some of you guys at school before. But for those of you who I haven't, it's nice to meet you! I'm new to this Network... I hope you're all getting my message...

Jan. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Ya know it's a shame dat da Boardwalk's carousel ain't got a band organ. Y'all missin' out on some fun tunes. It's all dem mixed tunes now, or whatevah dat electronic music is. 'ate ta 'ang round da boardwalk cause of it. Da lights are da only fun thang now, tho dey different too. Anyone else got dis problem? Or is it just cause I'm old as shit? I know some of y'all from way back when so I can't be da only sucka.

Jan. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

My wish came true... I got Mojito!

Picture under cut )



[No Subject]

Heeeeeyyyyyyy network. That was a GREAT interview process, huh? I sure do LOVE being questioned for three weeks by government officials. Definitely my idea of fun. Speaking of the government- you guys really trust them?! Ha! That’s hilarious! It took me long enough to trust the Princess Alliance- I’m not just going to believe everything people tell me. People can LIE y’know. These people are definitely hiding something...I don’t trust them.

Dec. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Um. Okay. Um. So you know how some people here have like superpowers and stuff? and usually seems like people get that whole arc in movies where they do like training montage, and they learn to do whatever they can do and it goes fore maybe a few minutes and then at the end they've got the teacher guy or whatever and they're like "you're ready", and you always feel like, great! awesome! They're ready! You ever wonder what they did in between the montage bits where it's like chin-ups, and running, and bad target practice, and then better target practice? Like, what about the bits where they learn how to actually, you know, intentionally do the thing? Thoughts?

Dec. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Now that I'm finally out of jail...where's the best bar in town? Bonus if they serve real food. I'm starving.

Dec. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Filtered to Adult Friends - Aqueous, Mossie, Catcher, Perry, Alphonse

I... do you see this shit? Do you see what I'm trying to deal with here? I don't... What the fuck am I supposed to do in this situation?

Picture behind the cut )



[No Subject]

This snow is so cold! It's going right through my chiton! How do you fite this?! I cant feel my wings!

Dec. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

It's snowing. In case you weren't aware... The sharp in temperature was extremely fast.

Rin.. can you come help me I'm stuck to the sidewalk. Because of course it started snowing. I may or may not have ice all over me at this point. I didn't prepare for snow... I should have.

Dec. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

Let's play a game! Anyone up for a round of Kiss, Marry, Kill?

Dec. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

What you say, Eerie Harbor? Y'all can call me Levi Hale. Mais la, y'all got a lot of excitement around here de past few months, non? Had to come check out what all de fuss be about.

Where y'at, canvassing trainees? I'm gonna be joining y'all, me. We gonna pass a good time out roderin', yeah.



[No Subject]

Private to Kyrie, Alphonse )

Dec. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey! I'm back! Which is surprise but not bad! I even managed to get my old room back again! Not the same phone though sadly...

Hello again everyone! Is everyone still here? Princess? Catcher?

Nov. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

DOes anyone want a giant tramploine?

Nov. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Does anyone smell smoke?

Nov. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

This stakeout is terrible and I'm freezing my ass off. What's everyone up to tonight? Come keep me company!

Hey. How're you holding up? How's Catcher?

Nov. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! I'm back from my vacation. I'll be returning to work on Monday. I had a great time.

Also... please don't patronize Lawless. He gets really mad.

Oh! And I'll be taking any applications for those teams when I go back to work so please get them in before tomorrow if possible!

Nov. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I've never really been one for introductions, however, having moved here it is necessary. Hello, my name is Nessa Gallyway, but you may call me Ness. I'm staying in Maple 103 for the time being. Soon I will be opening my bathhouse in Eerie Harbor, I hope you all will visit once. I can assure it can be quite magical. Besides that, it is a pleasure to meet you all. If you have any questions for me do not hesitate to ask.

Oh and to my neighbors, I apologize for the moving trucks, they were quite disruptive this morning.

Nov. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey! Hi! I'm Pit! You all are the ones ho fougt the forses of the underworld rite? So cool! Have any more showed up?

Nov. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Filtered Against Alphonse Elric]
Riddle me this: network, where is the best place to hide a cellphone?
Princess Adelina )