The Wild Hunt
Eerie Harbor was just an average, midsized town on the island of Clio when a Portal opened up on one of the farms just outside town. Now Strangers are coming through, and while the local government has offered assistance to keep them off the streets and help them integrate with the local community, things are suddenly a little more exciting around town...

June 2021

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September 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hi I would talk to Alphonse but I think Alphonse is little
If anyone is good at magic I think maybe I know what made everyone tiny. Bob helped and now bob is really small. I think we need to clean out the drain i think instead of using time to reset magic it used time to reset people

if anyone can hlep ill give them the recipe
no more brewing



[No Subject]

okay! since boss isnt here that means the gang isnt here so im gonna make a new gang! its gonna be called tantalus 2 and i am recruiting rookies!

vivi you can join, but im the boss, kay?

kuja you can join too your white magic would be really handy! but its just like for vivi, its my gang that im starting so im the boss!



[No Subject]

So, do you guys ever like...feeling that calling that you might be in the wrong job? Like, don't get me wrong! I totally love search and rescue because what's better then helping people? But I've been doing that for most of my adult life! Hell, it's what I went to school for! Kinda? But now that I'm here (seemingly on a permanent basis), I wonder if this is like...a second chance. What if I didn't have to be a superhero? What if I could do something I've always loved but always took second priority?

My lovely ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to say I have just purchased a small shop in the Old Town District! Van Dyne's will be open for business right around Halloween! Which will be even more exciting to decorate and have a fun theme for the window! Now! I have a few contractors lined up for interviews, but does anyone have any knowledge of building repairs? I just wanna make sure I'm getting the most bang for my buck! I can repay your generosity of advice with pizza!

The Future Van Dyne's! )

Other than that, if anyone needs a baby-sitter, I'm great! I can teach them hand-to-hand combat and how to defend themselves!