The Wild Hunt
Eerie Harbor was just an average, midsized town on the island of Clio when a Portal opened up on one of the farms just outside town. Now Strangers are coming through, and while the local government has offered assistance to keep them off the streets and help them integrate with the local community, things are suddenly a little more exciting around town...

June 2021

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September 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Filtered to friends- Peter, Mossie, Catcher, Rin]
He broke my fucking cane! My cane. My fucking cane. My fucking eyes. My means of transportation! In half. half Rin Okumura I swear to Fate I'm going to strangle you!

I know why he did it. I was small. But still. He broke my fucking cane and I'm colder than the fucking core of a blizzard!

[Visible to Everyone]
I've heard some of you can make magical adjustments or fixes to objects. Is there anyone I can commission for a favor? I am willing to pay.



[No Subject]

kjsd,nhvksn, dxkvjmns b.ld,m vska,mg



[No Subject]

Why the hell do I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of Crocid's hammer.... For the love of the gods.... Also where the hell is Koal? And uh.... where do you go if you're locked out of your apartment? I woke up in some motel. Without a shirt?

Also can anyone tell me what the fuck happened...? Did I black out?



[No Subject]

vivi says we cant get to lindblum cuz theres no airships an no mist an its a diffrent world is that true



[No Subject]

my names moscanda maffick
my mama and papa arent here and my new baby brother coals papa isnt here we are very lost and need someone to help us with things
could someone please help us reach the box of cookies in the cupboard were in 107
thank you very much



[No Subject]

[Private to Lazuli]
er hello mister fairy wizard. right um so maybe you aren't rattling mad.

Im sorry for throwing things at you i guess.